Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1696: Some remarks

Nangong Ling looked at Zhang Wanlin with a always serious look: "Don\'t you have anything you want to tell me?"

"What did I tell you?"

Zhang Wanlin sat next to her curiously.

"About the previous kiss."

"...I thought you should have forgotten."

Zhang Wanlin really thought so.

Usually every time she goes up to her body, she forgets everything that happened during this time.

But why did you forget this time?

"You want me to forget so that you can take advantage of me as it should be?"

Nangong Ling\'s expression became cold.

This is a sign of anger.

"That\'s not true."

Zhang Wanlin explained: "I couldn\'t help but kissed at the moment, but it tasted good."

Nangong Ling pressed the anger in his heart, thinking that since he was the other\'s servant, it was even more helpless.

She said: "This time let you stay, just to ask you a question."

"Then please."

Zhang Wanlin simply slept directly on the legs of Nangong Ling sitting cross-legged, looking like he enjoyed it very much.

If an outsider saw it, he would be surprised and speechless.

This is a superb sorceress, she was the empress whom everyone admired before.

Is there a man who can be so unscrupulous in front of her?

But Nangong Ling just glanced at it and said, "Every time I lose consciousness, you seem to be by my side.

You should know more or less some secrets, right? "

It turned out to be asking this.

Zhang Wanlin smiled: "Yes, of course I do."

"what is that?"

Nangong Ling\'s tone was obviously a little excited.

"At that time, you always look at me squintingly, and then want to take me as your own, thinking that as a kid, I am also a virgin, how can I be violated so easily, so I just... ..." Zhang Wanlin was teasing her on purpose. Nangong Ling is always serious and lacks joy. It is not funny to tease her like this.

"All right!"

Nangong Ling stopped loudly.

"Don\'t think I don\'t know you are talking nonsense.

I know, this should have a lot to do with you.

Because you are a ghost, even though you are a little ghost, you should also have the ability to possess. "

"so what?"

Zhang Wanlin laughed: "So you think that I am attached to you, borrowing your body, and destroying those people?"

If you really think so, it\'s really true.

But Nangong Ling seemed hesitant, after all, the strength of Zhang Wanlin in front of him really made people dare not think about it.

She just said: "This is also a possibility, no matter what, it should have a lot to do with you."

At this time, Gu Xunshuang knocked on the door and walked in, "Palace Master, someone is looking for you outside."

But seeing the closeness of the two, they could not help but stand in place.

She originally thought that Zhang Wanlin would be taught by the palace owner for this silly look, but she didn\'t think he would sleep on the palace owner\'s lap.

God, how could the palace owner allow him to do this?

"Who wants to see me?"

Nangong Ling asked.

"Two monks."

Nangong Ling recalled: "They said there was something to discuss, so please see them by all means.

If the palace lord is missing, I will let them leave. "


Want to discuss something?

In Nangong Ling\'s eyes, the monks are all righteous people, and they are just the opposite to her, which can be described as two extremes that are indescribable.

What did these monks find?

What are the important things to discuss with her?

"I\'d better meet them."

Nangong Ling took care of himself and got up, which made Zhang Wanlin sleepless and knocked his head on the bed.

Several people came to the temple lobby, and the two monks and the host had been waiting for a long time.

"Presumably this is the sacred witch who has recently been known as a god. When I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation."

An older monk said.

"I think you should be monks from Lingyin Temple. What are you looking for in this book today?"

Nangong Ling sat on the main seat of the lobby, showing a kind of kingly air.

"It seems that you are really extraordinary. You can tell from the first glance that we are from Lingyin Temple."

The monk sighed.

Now that the name of Lingyin Temple is mentioned, few people know it.

But if it is placed in the past, it is bound to be thunderous.

The temple believes in the nine gods and Buddhas and possesses the supreme power of the Great Dao.

After the last war of weird recovery, his vitality was severely injured, and he completely retired. This revelation lasted hundreds of years.

Even if they come out now, when others see the robe, they will only be regarded as ordinary monks.

This sorceress could see it at a glance, of course his vision was extraordinary.

The elder monk introduced: "I am Dao Wu, he is Dao Kong. This time I descended from the mountain, at the request of the ancestors, to help you through the current disaster."


Both Gu Xunshuang and the host were puzzled.

Only Zhang Wanlin seemed to know what to smile without saying a word.

Nangong Ling was curious: "What disaster will I have?"

"Shen Witch, although you have divine power to protect you, but after all, it is limited, unable to perceive more advanced strength, we are here for this.

The ancestors calculated that there must be a catastrophe in the world many years ago, and it is not another catastrophe, it is the ghost catastrophe. "

"Every time a ghost robbery, it will inevitably be overwhelmed and countless souls are wronged.

The ghost calamity this time was even more unusual. It came into being in a weird recovery, so it was extremely difficult to deal with. "

"Our ancestors have already counted it. When the ghost robbery comes, she must kill one person first, and this person is you.

If I remember correctly, besides the name of the witch, you also have a name called Nangong Ling. "

"You are the key point of this ghost calamity. If you die, the ghost calamity will cover the world, and no one can break it.

And if you are alive, the ghost will destroy itself. "

Tao Wu said slowly.

The remarks shocked everyone present.

Gui Jie, this is not a new term, the host has the honor to experience it once and will never forget it.

It does not appear regularly, but has a certain degree of randomness, either for decades, or for hundreds or thousands of years.

This time, there was a weird resurrection.

But the host couldn\'t figure out a little bit, how could such a disaster come directly at the sorceress?

Nangong Ling didn\'t change his face, and said indifferently: "Since your ancestors were so powerful, can you still live in this seat?"

"This..." Dao Wu hesitated, "The problem is here.

It\'s not that the ancestors haven\'t counted it, it\'s because of it that I feel even more weird.

He couldn\'t calculate the variables behind that. "

"There is such a thing?"

Nangong Ling said, "Then what can\'t be calculated is the ghost robbery or me?

Or..." Her gaze wandered, and finally hovered over Zhang Wanlin\'s body: "Is it him? "

Zhang Wanlin thought, it seems that this servant has finally begun to doubt himself.

After thinking about it, Dao Wu said: "This ancestor doesn\'t know, so I don\'t even know it.

We come here to help you and help you escape this disaster. "

"Well, I got it.

Host, you first take them to the guest room to rest, as guests, you must treat them well. "


The host took the two monks down, leaving only Nangong Ling and others in the lobby.