Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1695: Vicissitudes of time

It\'s really the vicissitudes of time.

She was originally a princess of an ancient country.

However, the good times didn\'t last long. In the year-on-year battles with other countries, the country was defeated and retreated in a row.

In order to protect the security of his country, the emperor had to order the beautiful princess to marry the other prince in order to survive.

The other party generously agreed.

However, just when the married team came to this important place, the other party launched a fierce attack and took this place in one fell swoop, and the princess became a dead soul under the sword.

It turned out that they didn\'t agree from the beginning, they just used tricks to let them be careless and slack, and then proceeded to carry out an all-round attack.

Since then, this country has also completely fallen, the people of the whole country have been massacred, and the resentful spirits linger in the sky, staining the sunset red.

The **** scenes are still vivid.

The violent slashing of sharp knives, blood splashing and splashing, and the flying of the arms and heads...everything has become bones. Under this land, the grievances and creatures that have been caused are all in one body, Shangguan Ye himself Body.

It would be great if there was no violence, no killing, and no deception in this world, but there is! An inexplicable resentment rose from her heart, like a volcano that had been dull for a thousand years suddenly erupted. At this moment, she was extremely beautiful and vicious, vowing to kill everything in the world.

Boom! The resentment soared to the sky, so muffled thunder billowed, and violent thunder and lightning thundered in the sky.

"Damn, there was a thunder at this moment.

I said I shouldn\'t have come. "

"Didn\'t the weather forecast say that it will be fine today, and it\'s weird that this thunder will come as soon as you say it."

"Anyway, let\'s do it first.

I heard people say that there is an ancient tomb, as long as we find it, then we will make a fortune. "

A group of three people came from a distance, carrying all kinds of tomb-robbing tools.

This is a group of professional tomb robbers. They have robbed a lot of cemeteries before, but they often didn\'t make much profit.

The reason for this is entirely because these tombs are not valuable.

Just a few days ago, they finally heard the good news: Regardless of the mass grave here, there is actually a large tomb hidden. Historically speaking, it has a long time span, at least ten thousand years.

What is the concept of Wannian?

The antiquities unearthed inside can easily buy millions, which is still a conservative estimate.

When these tomb robbers thought about it, there might be a big tomb here, and the mass graves could just conceal the scale of their tombs.

It can be seen that the designers had ulterior motives.

As a result, they even wanted to take a look at the reality, and that night, they came to inquire about it.

"Boss, do you think there is a woman in front of you?"

The thin man who suddenly walked in the front said, pointing to a vague figure in front of him.

Everyone shined with flashlights, didn\'t they?

This figure stood in front, the golden figure fused with the forest of tombstones, it looked slender and extremely weird. It\'s weird that it\'s not scary at this night.

"This night, on the mass grave again, is it a man or a ghost?"

"The clothes I wear seem to be from the previous dynasty. Wouldn\'t someone come here wearing an ancient costume?"

The tomb thief discussed this.

As the boss of the tomb thief, he has always been sneaky and unbelief in those evil ways.

Someone must be pretending to be a fool.

He shouted at the woman in front of him: "Hey! Are you a human or a ghost?"

Shangguan Ye looked back slightly and glanced at them with arrogance.

This time looking back, it showed the exquisite side face, and under a strand of black hair, it looked different and moving.

The three of them almost looked stupid.

This is too beautiful.

How can there be such a beautiful woman in the world?

"Boss, look at this wilderness, there are no other people, how about we deal with her?"

"This person is born beautiful again. He is one in a million. He is more energetic than those big stars. It must be very enjoyable to play."

The boss also has an inexplicable desire, lost his reason, and only wants to possess.

This woman really took his heart away.

"Well, we will take care of her now.

Beauty, don’t men have money for women? "

He said.

The three of them approached sneakily, their weapons squeezed in their hands.

The reason why they are lustful is not only because of the beauty of the other party, but also the grievances of the other party.

After the grievance reaches a certain height, it will transform into another trait.

This trait differs from ghost to ghost. From the perspective of the official leaf, it is its own unique charm.

When she was alive, she was the most beautiful princess in the country, and no one fell in love with her.

Every time I went out of the city and traveled with my father, the surrounding people would gather together, just for the sake of one\'s appearance, it was regarded as a real airport for thousands of people.

Someone once gave her such a reputation: seeing the princess, Sansheng was fortunate.

It used to be so beautiful, but now under the blessing of resentment and powerful ghost power, this kind of beauty is displayed more wildly, unscrupulously plundering everyone\'s souls.

"Sister, how dangerous these three shifts are in the middle of the night, do you want my brothers to send you back?"

"Don\'t worry, how could we harm you?

Will definitely protect you. "

The three tomb robbers had already arrived behind Shangguan Ye, and they had already developed endless associations with her back, and after smelling the scents, they were even more intoxicated.

"A mere mortal dare to talk to the princess like this, and he is not too courageous."

Shangguan Ye\'s heart moved, and the three people behind were immediately lifted up by a force of force.

On the mass grave, there are three struggling men floating behind a woman. The style of painting can be as weird as it is weird.

The three of them are horrified, and it is only now that they know that each other is not easy.

But they could not escape, and even the right to speak was deprived.

The strength on their necks is getting stronger and stronger, oppressing their blood vessels, nerves, and respiratory tracts. In the end, even their bones are crushed under unbearable pressure.

"Die, alive is just a sin."

Shangguan Ye didn\'t even look at them with interest, and walked forward.

With a click, the three corpses landed at the same time and died on this mass grave. The soul flew out, melted into Shangguan Ye\'s body, and became part of her power.

Now Shangguan Ye only wanted to tear the world apart and bring about the so-called thorough purification. Without anyone, there would definitely be no sin at all.

And a name appeared in her mind: Nangong Ling.

This is like giving her the first position to be confused, tearing up the world, starting with this person first.

Gu Xunshuang finally dragged Zhang Wanlin to Nangong Ling\'s room. At this time, Nangong Ling was practicing kung fu, but the Blood Fiend Dafa still made no progress.

Just when she was practicing the exercises, she seemed to feel some bad sign, but after thinking about it, the sign disappeared again.

"Palace Master, this ghost is brought to you, you can\'t believe what he is doing, he is playing a game!"

Gu Xunshuang complained to his parents.

"What\'s wrong with playing games, I will teach you next time."

Zhang Wanlin put one hand on Gu Xunshuang\'s shoulder, chatting like an old friend.

"Xunshuang, you go down first."

Nangong Ling said lightly.


Gu Xun doubled the door and stepped back.