Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1689: Am I beautiful?

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently, a female priest walked up and said, "The witch is here."

I saw a group of female priests coming from the inner courtyard, orderly, all dressed in white and dragging long skirts, floating like immortals, stunningly beautiful.

Just looking at the beauty of these female priests is enough to match today\'s first-line Internet celebrities, and coming in this way is a feast for the eyes.

The people present couldn\'t help watching them intently, and the subtitles in the live broadcast room were even more intense.

"These are priestesses. Almost all the characters have extraordinary temperaments. They are indeed temples. They are different from the people outside."

"And all of them are very young, their skin is like snow, it\'s not too beautiful."

"Ah, I really want to go to this place and see with my own eyes."

"They are all so beautiful, isn\'t the sorceress even more beautiful?"

Behind the female sacrifices are the host and Gu Xunshuang.

Although the priestess is old, her charm still exists, and the frost-dyed hair is a close reflection of the vicissitudes of the years.

This is also a kind of beauty, so beautiful.

In contrast, Gu Xunshuang looked young and energetic.

The figure is tall and feminine, under the black tunic, the figure is even more exquisite, convex and curled.

The stern expression is even more amazing, seemingly arrogant but stern.

In any case, this young and old has an indescribable beauty that makes people fascinated, and the beauty among them is naturally beyond words to describe.

Is that immortal?

Is that a demon?

Yingying Qiushui\'s eyes, slim figure, chic in noble and elegant.

What makes people even more concerned is that the faintly revealed emperor\'s air is enough to make the entire mortal look up to her.

She is the contemporary witch of Baidi Temple-Nangong Ling.

Almost everyone\'s eyes were on Nangong Ling\'s body, even if the barrage stopped.

Time seems to have pressed the pause button because of the beauty of Nangong Ling.

All of them had seen a photo of Nangong Ling, and they were shocked at the time, but they didn\'t expect to see the real person, it would be even more shocking to their souls.

Worthy of being a sorceress, he seemed to wear a dazzling crown as soon as he appeared on the stage.

In the live broadcast room, many people sighed.

"This sorceress is too beautiful."

"The average girl can\'t be compared at all. No one can surpass this kind of temperament."

"It would be great if I could ask someone like this to be a wife."

When they sighed, they had forgotten how impatient they were waiting, it seemed that everything was worth it.

It\'s worth it.

Through the live broadcast, Qin Feixue saw this sister who had not seen each other for many years.

The close-up between her eyebrows seems to have brought her back to the previous era, still so beautiful and arrogant.

No matter how long a person lives, his temperament remains the same.

Like Nangong Linglun\'s reincarnation for more than a decade, its temperament remained the same, but Qin Feixue clearly felt that the temperament was different.

She was originally an emperor, but now it seems that she has the demeanor of an emperor. Moreover, this kind of covering heaven and earth is the ruler of all things.

What is going on here?

Are you confused?

Qin Feixue thought so.

Nangong Ling walked in front of Zhang Jing and others, "It seems that I am late?"

Zhang Jing hurriedly said: "No, no, you are a noble witch, so you should wait for you."

"What are you waiting for, isn\'t it catching ghosts?

Let\'s go." Zhang Daosan was quite dissatisfied with the attention of so many people.

Nangong Ling nodded: "Let\'s go then."

She didn\'t need to deliberately perceive it, she could feel a ghost existed around her directly by her breath, and deliberately aimed at herself.

I am afraid that the goal is to come here all the way.

Moreover, this ghost is not ordinary. Judging from the ghost power exuded from her body, it should have the strength above the ghost and the general under the ghost.

Reluctantly reached the level of opening the ghost domain.

The live broadcast of ghost hunting officially started, and the audience will wait and see.

In order to better catch ghosts, the entire live broadcast is only equipped with a small number of personnel.

The witch and Zhang Daochang can only bring one person each, and the reporter and videographer are on the side of the program group.

Two more police officers will be assigned.

If you encounter a ghost, these two police officers are of no use.

The total number of people is eight.

It was close to 9 o\'clock, and the night was dark, with only dim moonlight shining on the earth.

Zhang Daosan\'s apprentice Zhang Cheng is making meticulous preparations for ghosts.

I usually watched a lot of ghost movies, and today they are of great use.

He changed his clothes temporarily in a small alley.

This little alley is the only way for Zhang Daosan and the others. As long as he changes his clothes and waits here, he can pretend to be a ghost and go out as scheduled, so as to stage a battle between humans and ghosts.

This time, Master will definitely make a name for himself, at least better than the gods and witches.

I have to dress up the ghost better.

Zhang Cheng thought so.

He put on white clothes, and then sprinkled some red paint on the clothes to act as blood.

Finally put on makeup for yourself.

Looking in the mirror, it was really the same at night.

Just as he was looking at himself in the mirror seriously, he suddenly saw a white figure walking from far to near in the mirror.

Or this should not be described as walking, but as floating.

This one is also wearing white clothes, with disheveled hair.

That aura is obviously more like a ghost than him.

Zhang Cheng wondered, did the master call someone over again to pretend to be a ghost?

But it\'s really a bit like.

He hurriedly walked over, "Brother, are you also sent by Master?

Master is really planning ahead. It\'s not enough to send me one. He also sent you. "

"what\'s your name?

Happy cooperation later. "

But the woman did not speak for a long time, and looked at Zhang Cheng with dead fish-like eyes motionless.

Zhang Cheng\'s inexplicable horror was not very clear under the dark moonlight.

"You seem to be a woman."

Zhang Cheng was puzzled, "But this works better."

"Am I beautiful?"

The woman spoke slowly.

"Are you asking if you are so beautiful now?

Do not make jokes.

What does it have to do with beauty or not? "

Zhang Cheng laughed.

"Am I beautiful?"

The woman continued to ask, and her head came close mechanically so that Zhang Cheng could see the texture details of her face.

It was a pale and bloodless face, with a dark bruise color, especially those eyes, damn, these eyes had no eyeballs, they were all white.

Zhang Cheng was almost frightened, but then he thought that he was just an actor playing a ghost.

I have to admire the professionalism of the actors and look at this many details.

He patted his heart and wiped a cold sweat: "You scared me to death.

I thought it was really the hell.

In other words, how do you make the effect of your eyes?

So realistic. "

"Am I beautiful!?"

The woman almost leaned on Zhang Cheng\'s face and stared at him fiercely.

The smell of blood immediately hit his face, making Zhang Chengji nauseous.

"You...this is terrifying..." Zhang Cheng appeared flustered.

He suddenly remembered that this area was the place where the accident happened recently. This is a woman who came out for no reason, and this dress is not really... the woman laughed gloomily, and then her hand tore off the mask. , Showing his true face.

A big blood-red mouth that split to an extreme exaggeration appeared in front of Zhang Cheng.

"What about this?

Isn\'t it much more beautiful? "

The woman said hoarsely.

Zhang Cheng was so scared that he almost fell to the ground. Isn\'t this horrible image exactly the same as the cracked corpse on the news today?

Is she what people call weird! ?