Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1688: Isn't it fake?

After some fine-tuning of Nangong Ling, Zhang Wanlin hugged her even more tightly, letting her beautiful body struggle in her arms as much as possible.

He whispered: "Since you don\'t go, there is only one way."

Nangong Ling instinctively realized that it was wrong, and said vigilantly: "What are you going to do again?"

Zhang Wanlin smiled slightly and did not speak. The next moment, Nangong Ling lost consciousness and their bodies merged with each other.

Opening his eyes again, Nangong Ling\'s beautiful eyes flowed with red light, and his exquisite face was meaningful. It had both the domineering emperor and the nobleness of a fairy, a true ninth-five-year-old.

Gu Xunshuang waited outside the house and knew what was going on inside.

As usual, it is impossible for anyone to dare to break in when the palace lord is angry.

Zhang Wanlin was the first and probably the last.

All kinds of pictures of Zhang Wanlin being beaten appeared in her mind, and that was the real relief.

However, it is estimated that the palace lord will not beat him, how to say he is also the owner of the palace lord, there is no reason for a servant to beat the owner.

The host on the other side asked, "What is the relationship between that Zhang Wanlin and the sorceress?"

All she knows so far is that Zhang Wanlin is the ghost of the palace lord, but judging from the various performances of Zhang Wanlin who are comparable to gangsters, what the **** is this, it is the God of Wealth who invites you to go home.

What she is curious about is why Zhang Wanlin breaks ground on Tai Sui\'s head and can always get along well.

It seems that only he has this privilege.

Of course Gu Xunshuang would not tell her the real information, that would have lost the face of the palace lord.

He said: "I don\'t know this too well, maybe they have a better relationship."

The host rigorously said: "I think Zhang Wanlin must have the identity and attitude of a ghost as a ghost! You can\'t always commit a crime, it\'s always so unruly."

"But, this ghost, the bad thing is in this respect, usually lazy and doing things so-so. Apart from eating and drinking, it really compares with the useless people in society."

Gu Xunshuang was also very helpless, but when she recalled being with Zhang Wanlin, she always wanted to laugh.

What is going on here?

"I think you are too conniving to cause this situation.

If he were to be an ordinary person, such a ghost would have been changed a long time ago. "

As the two of them were talking, the door of the room suddenly opened, and Nangong Ling walked out leisurely, looking leisurely.

The corners of her mouth were elegantly curved, and she smiled slightly and looked at the host: "Listen to what you just said, you seem to be dissatisfied with Zhang Wanlin next to me?"

"Sorcerer, I really don\'t think that Yugui is worthy of your identity.

If this ghost is still useful and can help you defend against the enemy, I won\'t say anything.

However, he couldn\'t help at all. "

The host said, "So I think for the sake of your safety, you should contract another ghost."

Nangong Ling approached, his eyes rolled mischievously, and then raised his hand to touch the old woman\'s head: "In the future, don\'t say this again.

Zhang Wanlin is very important to me. He is the idol in my mind, understand? "

These words made the host and Gu Xunshuang a little dumbfounded.

Very important?


Can these words be uttered from a lofty Nangong Lingkou?

This is too unusual.

"Yes, I will never talk about it again in the future."

The host hurriedly lowered his head and said.

She always felt that today\'s Nangong Spirit was very different, like a different person.

But it can\'t be said.

This kind of carefreeness, this kind of leisurely sentiment, invisibly revealing the nobility of the emperor, all signs tell Gu Xunshuang that the palace owner is no longer the original palace owner, but another more powerful palace owner.

Nearly 7:55, the people waiting in the temple lobby were already impatient.

Seeing that it was only a minute away from the start of the broadcast, and the main people had not yet come over, Zhang Jing couldn\'t help but secretly anxious, and said to the priestess next to him: "You don\'t want to check it anymore. It\'s almost eight o\'clock, but your gods Haven\'t come here yet."

"Well, I will go now."

The priestess immediately left for the inner courtyard of the temple.

"Reporter, haven\'t I said it all, I guess this sorceress has a guilty conscience, I\'m afraid he won\'t come."

Zhang Daosan said, "Of course, I will always cooperate with the live broadcast.

You might as well live broadcast me alone tonight.

Poor skills are still there. "

He had already thought about it before, and if the sorceress didn\'t come, he would just use this opportunity to beat his reputation out.

I\'m not afraid that I won\'t be able to catch any ghosts. My two apprentices act as ghosts, but I\'m afraid that I won\'t be able to catch them.

Zhang Dao\'s three apprentices also helped: "Reporter, I think this idea is good, so I will broadcast my master exclusively.

Do you see the witches in this temple? They are too rude to us.

We haven\'t come out here to receive the reception. It\'s almost a point now, and we haven\'t come out yet. Isn\'t it just that we haven\'t looked at us at all. "

In fact, the biggest gimmick of this live broadcast is the witch of the Baidi Temple. She is beautiful and young, and she has the ability to do fortune-telling, exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts. Came with her.

No one can come, but she is absolutely not the case.

To put it bluntly, this Taoist is nothing more than a foil.

Of course, this cannot be said publicly, Zhang Jing only said: "Since it is a competition, then both parties must come over.

How else can it be counted as a competition? "

The photographer reminded: "Zhang Jing, it\'s eight o\'clock, and the TV station is ready to start broadcasting."


Zhang Jing pressed the anxiety in her heart, picked up the microphone, and faced the camera.

Jiangcheng TV Station’s live broadcast of Ghost Catch was officially launched.

"Welcome everyone to watch the most special program of this issue, live broadcast to catch ghosts."

Zhang Jing said to the camera: "Just today, a scary corpse appeared in Jiangcheng.

The corpse\'s mouth was severely split, cracking to the base of the ears, showing a weird smile.

And before he died, he was particularly frightened and painful, as if he had been tortured.

This coincides with the corpses that appeared in other cities before.

According to relevant police disclosures, there should be another strange incident. "

"In order to uncover the weird mystery and make Jiangcheng safer, we specially held a live broadcast to reveal the secrets, bringing you a different weird experience."

"This is Zhang Daochang who participated in the live broadcast. His full name is Zhang Daosan.

He is from Maoshan, holds the post of instructor, possesses a strong Taoism, and is proficient in mountain medicine and fate divination.

Tonight, he will fight the gods and witches, and compare who can destroy the ghost faster. "

"As for the other one, you must be familiar with it, that is the contemporary witch of the Baidi Temple! I believe that everyone has seen her photos, and they will be deeply impressed by the temperament she exudes.

Will such a beautiful woman have real abilities? Whether she is worthy of the name of a witch will be broadcast live tonight and wait and see. "

"The sorceress hasn\'t come here yet, please wait for the audience in front of the TV."

Everyone is full of curiosity and longing for the **** witch who is about to appear.

Everyone has seen her circulated photos on the Internet, and because they have seen the photos, they are even more looking forward to what a fairy like this would look like in front of the camera at home.


Keep waiting.

Zhang Jing is waiting to better complete her work.

The TV station is waiting for better ratings.

The audience in front of the TV was waiting to get a glimpse of the peculiar appearance of the gods and witches.

It seems that the whole world is waiting for this goddess to stand on the stage.

One minute passed, two minutes passed, three minutes, four minutes, five minutes... The number of people in the live broadcast room has broken from one million to ten million, and it is still rising, but the protagonist in the live broadcast has not appeared for a long time.

Netizens can\'t always watch this monotonous picture, and they all send out barrages impatiently.

"When will this be waiting? It\'s eight ten ten o\'clock, okay."

"The shelf is really big! So many of us are waiting for her! Can\'t come out yet!"

"Isn\'t it just escaped.

It seems that the name of the witch is indeed false. "