Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1690: Actively lead the way

Zhang Daosan has been leading the way.

He said that he had found the trail of the evil spirit a long time ago, and he only needs to follow him to find the ghost and solve the evil spirit.

Of course, all of this was discussed in private with his apprentice, and even these routes were planned in advance.

The reason why it has been around for so long is to create its authenticity.

Imagine that you encounter a ghost as soon as you go out. Isn’t that suspicious?

The audience in the live broadcast room rarely exceeded hundreds of millions, which directly pushed Jiangcheng TV’s ratings to the top.

If you can see the situation of various TV stations, you will definitely pay attention to such a grand scene. The ratings of other TV stations are terribly low, while the ratings of Jiangcheng TV Station are ridiculously high.

This is a person of hundreds of millions, so he has to play up his mind.

For the live broadcast effect, Zhang Jing deliberately aimed most of the camera at Nangong Ling, which almost became a solo show of Nangong Ling.

From time to time, she also asks some fans\' questions, which adds to the stickiness of the show.

It can be said that even if you don\'t encounter ghosts, there is nothing wrong. Just let Nangong Ling do a question and answer program here and the effect will be full.

This is the advantage of human beauty.

Zhang Daosan has always been unable to see this. In any case, he can be regarded as a Taoist leader or a head teacher. These people are all around Nangong spirit group, which is too shameful.

Psychologically, I want to take revenge.

After he has cleaned up the evil spirits, it will not be too late to criticize this so-called witch.

He quickly led the crowd to a small alley, where he agreed with the two apprentices.

Here is the place to meet ghosts.

"Attention, I already feel the breath of ghosts!"

Zhang Daosan said suddenly and vigilantly, taking out the talisman in his hand for some unknown time, and looking ahead seriously.

Everyone immediately became nervous, and the program team turned the camera to the front.

The sudden silence directly affected the live broadcast, and the atmosphere was weird.

"I\'ll go, I won\'t really encounter ghosts anymore."

"I feel so scary across the screen."

"This place is so spooky."

"What does the ghost who cut the corpse\'s mouth look like?"

Basically, netizens have never seen ghosts, but only know the strange events formed by ghosts.

It\'s about to be revealed now, both curiosity and horror.

In the villa lobby, Jiang Wen and Jiang Lao focused on live broadcast on Jiangcheng TV.

Jiang Wen didn\'t believe in the ability of gods and witches to catch ghosts, and he believed in that person better than gods and witches.

No, it was he who discovered the ghost first.

Old Jiang said to his son: "You will see the sorceress appearing soon. At that time, I want you to resume the temple repair project."

Jiang Wen didn\'t take it seriously: "Dad, if she really shows up, of course I will recover.

If not, it just means that you are bewitched by her appearance. "

Both sides obviously hold their own opinions.

At the headquarters of the Lingtiao Bureau, Lu Zihua has been watching the live broadcast intently.

How will Nangong Ling act this time?

With her extraordinary and saintly ability, dealing with a ghost should be simpler.

On the other side, Qin Feixue, who is the chief, is more concerned. After this strange recovery breaks the seal, what kind of ghost will be accomplished, and how much power it has.

...Gu Xun double instinctively stood in front of Nangong Ling, but Nangong Ling looked indifferently in front of him. This ghost is really as the Taoist said, it is in this place.

Zhang Daosan couldn\'t help but feel complacent when he saw the reaction of the crowd, which showed that they were in a good state.

"Ghost! I have found you, hurry up and tell the poor! Otherwise, don\'t blame me for letting you go!"

He yelled, but the dim alleys only responded to him with silence, as quiet as death.

Waited for a minute, two minutes, three minutes...The ghost hasn\'t come out yet, only Zhang Daosan is standing there like a stunned green, let alone how embarrassing it is.

This is not according to the script.

Zhang Daosan had an inexplicable cold sweat in his heart.

The two apprentices had less success than failure, but where did the bones go?

! He recruited a big apprentice and whispered: "Hurry up and call him Zhang Cheng!"

The big apprentice said: "Master, I have called, but no one answers."

"Then fight again! If he doesn\'t come out, how can I catch ghosts?"


The big apprentice called again.

Nangong Ling walked out at this moment and said, "Everyone, have you heard it? There seems to be a sound."

Everyone listened carefully, and Zhang Jing took the lead in reacting, "It seems to be the ringtone of a mobile phone, right in front."

How come there are cell phone ringtones in the middle of the night?

Everyone is a little scared.

It seems weird is coming.

With keen hearing, Zhang Jing led everyone to a remote corner in front, where there was dim light.

When I got closer, I saw a cell phone lying quietly in a pool of blood.

"Why is there a cell phone here?"

"And there is still a lot of blood."

"There are still pieces of meat here."

Everyone looked horrified.

Only Zhang Daosan and his big apprentice knew what was going on.

This phone belongs to the second apprentice! Is this blood also his?

They finally understood why the two apprentices didn\'t answer the phone.

"Master, this...may be true, what should we do?"

The big apprentice shivered visibly.

Zhang Daosan also wiped a cold sweat nervously, thinking about where he would meet a real guy when he was acting.

"Isn\'t there a sorceress, can she get it?"

At this time, Nangong Ling was facing another direction and said, "Dao Zhang, that ghost is here, you must deal with her properly."

The ghost is coming.

Everyone looked in the direction that Nangong Ling was looking at. Sure enough, a woman in white was walking slowly, her movements very stiff.

Through the lens, hundreds of millions of viewers have seen this weird scene, and they are unavoidably panicked.

"My Cao... is this really a ghost?"

! very scary. "

"This clothes, this hair, it\'s impossible for a normal person to wear it like this."

"No, no, have you seen it, her scissors have blood!"

Zhang Daosan saw this female ghost, there was no reason to catch ghosts, and almost lost her soul. He stammered: "This...Pan Dao is better to let the **** witch take action first, and then it will not be too late for Pang Dao to take action... .." Before the words were finished, Zhang Jing said: "Dao Zhang, didn\'t you say it was good before, let you take the action first, and then let the **** witch take the action."

The two police officers who followed also quickly said, "Yes, Daochang Zhang, now is not the time to compete, life is at stake.

You are the most professional in this regard! "

"Zhang Daochang now is the time to let us see your abilities."

Nangong Ling smiled slightly: "Zhang Daochang, please."

In Zhang Daosan\'s heart, ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past.