Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1687: Nobody

Zhang Jing returned to Jiangcheng TV Station to apply for a live report.

Applying for live broadcast will mean that it will take up a lot of time for other programs, and it will also take up a lot of advertising time. In a word, it is a very costly practice. If it is not done well, the gains outweigh the losses.

"Minister, since the rise of the Internet, our Jiangcheng TV station\'s ratings have been declining year after year. This is the best opportunity.

You think, you can\'t see it on the Internet, but you can see it in front of the TV.

In addition, this is not another boring show, but a live broadcast of ghost hunting. "

"Nowadays, the world is chaotic and weird in various places one after another. The people have long been panicked and have always been very sensitive to such things. What we do is to lift the veil of mystery.

And the live broadcast target is not ordinary, it is the Baidi Temple, which is the first echelon of current traffic, or the sorceress among them. "

"Many critics on the Internet are polarized as to whether she has the power to catch ghosts. I believe that once this news is published, it will definitely attract a large audience."

Zhang Jing cited many facts to prove the effectiveness of the live broadcast. After careful consideration, the Minister felt that there was indeed much to be done.

If it\'s done, maybe Jiangcheng TV will be able to stand up again in the future.

"Well, yes.

This live broadcast will be prepared for you.

Be well prepared! This is a lot of money on the stage. "

The minister ordered.

"Don\'t worry, I will promise to complete the task."

The minister also arranged corresponding planning and promotion to carry out various advertisements for tonight\'s live broadcast.

Soon, the following articles were published on major social media such as forums, post bars, and communities: live broadcasts are weird, witches and Taoists fight to catch ghosts.

The content of the article briefly stated: In Jiangcheng, a major weird news broke recently. A man died tragically on the street and his mouth was severely cut.

This is not the first brutal murder. As early as in other cities, the same victims appeared one after another.

Obviously, this is a weird incident.

What is behind the weirdness?

The murderer or the evil spirits?

Tonight, the gods and witches of the Baidi Temple and Maoshan Zhangjiao will take us closer to the truth.

The live broadcast will be on Jiangcheng TV station at 8 o\'clock tonight.

Under the current weirdness, combined with the recent popularity of the Baidi Temple, once the article was published, it immediately caused a large number of online games to forward it, and it was forwarded hundreds of millions of times on one of the platforms.

All netizens are very interested in this.

"It\'s really a good way to understand the most real weirdness through live broadcast.

However, the program team must ensure the safety of live broadcast personnel. "

"I have always believed that the Baidi Temple is not the deception that some people say, so I just show them this live broadcast!"

"I heard that a Maoshan headteacher came out recently, and he looks pretty good. I don\'t know who they will be more capable of catching ghosts live."

Since his defeat, Lu Zihua has been staying at the headquarters of the Lingtiao Bureau to do some ordinary cases, and he has never forgotten the scene of the previous battle in his heart.

Failure is a shame, but she is sure that even if she fights again, she will not be able to beat others.

That opponent is not of the same magnitude as her at all.

After she finished her work that day, she saw a piece of news on her mobile phone: The live broadcast is weird, and the Baidi Temple and the Taoist priest live broadcast to catch ghosts.

Looking at the content, there is even a witch club participating.

She was not like the kind of person who would take the initiative to expose herself to the public.

Could it be hype?

But watching this TV station, which is also an official TV station, is unlikely to operate.

Then go to see what is going on tonight.

If it is really catching ghosts, she also wants to learn about the other party\'s ability in this respect.

On the other side, in the director\'s office, Qin Feixue apparently noticed the news and looked very interested.

It\'s been a long time since I saw this sister, what will it look like after reincarnation?

Really curious.

In addition, who is behind her helping her?

All kinds of problems, or they can be solved by live broadcast in front of you.

In the villa, Mr. Jiang was having trouble with his son because of the rebuilding. This was the first time their relationship broke down.

He sincerely wants to be a believer in the temple and help rebuild the temple.

The son thought it was his father\'s delusion and bewitched by others.

When he heard that Jiangcheng TV was going to live broadcast, Jiang Lao said: "Since you don\'t believe it, you might as well watch the live broadcast. I believe you will see that the witch is not a liar, but has real power."

Jiang Wen looked disdainful, but in order to prevent the old man from getting angry: "Well, I will watch it with you.

As for the divine power, I think this is a fantasy. "

At 7:30 in the evening, there is still half an hour to start broadcasting. To the surprise of all the employees of Jiangcheng TV Station, through the background, the number of people waiting online has exceeded 10 million.

In normal times, this is really unimaginable data.

In the Baidi Temple, the corresponding personnel are already in place: Zhang Jing and the photographer who followed him; Zhang Daosan and his big apprentice.

In addition, in order to maintain safety, the local government specially assigned two police officers for the live broadcast.

After all, this is an avant-garde live broadcast of trans-epochal significance: live broadcast to catch ghosts.

The rest of the audience was approved to come in.

The only one who was absent was Nangong Ling, a witch from the Baidi Temple.

"Why don\'t your gods and witches appear yet?

It\'s going to be broadcast live now. "

Zhang Jing hurriedly asked the priestess who was entertaining them.

The female priest replied: "We don\'t know about this, please wait a moment."

This is not an ordinary TV show. The gimmicks have already been released. Tens of millions of viewers have been in front of the TV. If something happens in the middle, you can imagine the loss.

? Zhang Jing is excusable for being so anxious.

Zhang Daosan sat aside very leisurely. He felt that this so-called witch would not appear, so that he could lie down and win, and he would not participate in the following cumbersome ghost catching procedures.

"I see, it\'s time to catch ghosts and witness the truth, of course I\'m guilty."

He said to his big apprentice.

The big apprentice catered to: "Yes, if anyone knows that the dignified witch is an ordinary person, I can imagine how many people will be disappointed."

Cultivation room in the temple.

"Why must it be me?

! "

Nangong Ling said, "Why didn\'t you ask me when you discussed it?"

"Of course it must be you.

Because only you can be effective.

If you ask an ordinary female priest out, I am afraid you will worry about her safety. "

Zhang Wanlin said.

Now Nangong Ling is furious about this matter, the host and Gu Xunshuang can\'t speak, but Zhang Wanlin can negotiate with Nangong Ling under such circumstances.

"The Baidi Temple was originally a place for clean repairs. If this is the case, no matter what the effect is, it will make this place lose its original meaning."

Think about it, after the Baidi Temple fires, people will come to visit every day. How annoying?

Zhang Wanlin didn\'t think so: "Gong Ling, why don\'t you think about it. If you get a lot of attention after you beat your fame, those so-called Lingtiao bureaus will not openly move you."

This statement really makes sense.

I used to be unknown, I was a pawn, and if others wanted to move you, there was almost no cost.

But once you become famous, it will be widely involved. As long as you dare to move, it will immediately bring a lot of repercussions.

But Nangong Ling did not pay attention to this, but how Zhang Wanlin called himself.

"What is your name?"

"Gong Ling, what\'s wrong, there is a problem?"

"That name is something you can call?

! "


Nangong Ling suddenly became so hot, how could she be called such a magnificent empress?

! She stood up, raised a hand and was about to smoke Zhang Wanlin.

Zhang Wanlin grasped her wrist and tightened her waist with the other hand, so that this person fits together romantically.