Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1686: What should I do if the fish die and the net breaks?

Zhang Daosan didn\'t expect things to go so smoothly, and even the effect was much better than expected.

"Tomorrow we will find more people, make up more painful experiences, and let this temple be completely stepped down!"

He said to the people sitting around, "It\'s best to expose it to the Internet and attract the attention of netizens.

It would be better if we were able to win our name again. "

In addition to his apprentice, the people in the room also had a few temporary hires, with a good name: actors.

These actors are the victims who cry in front of reporters during the day.

"Master, isn\'t it too absolute for us to do this?"

The big apprentice asked.

"I also feel that if they are forced into a hurry and they die with us, what can we do?"

The two apprentices also spoke.

Zhang Daosan snorted coldly: "I think they are very high-minded. I don\'t suppress them. I don\'t know who they are.

Remember, tomorrow will do as today. "

The hotel is in a residential area not far from the temple.

It is neither prosperous nor backward. It is mostly filled with people from the middle and lower classes.

At this time, late at night, there were no people in sight, and there was no sound.

But in a small alley, there was a loud scream.

"Am I...beautiful?"

The long-haired woman asked a young man.


The man was almost frightened, his legs trembling.

That night, he worked overtime as usual before returning home late.

Usually nothing happens, but today I suddenly ran into a woman.

This evening, the woman was lightly dressed and barefoot. Driven by curiosity, he stepped forward and asked, how could he know what the other person looked like.

"Is it really beautiful?"

The woman took out the rusty scissors.

"Really beautiful."

The man\'s eyes widened, and he swallowed hard.

I hope my answer will satisfy this perverted woman.

The woman seemed satisfied, her "smiling" face smiled even brighter.

I saw her suddenly approaching, her eyes widened to twice the size of the original, and the scissors rattled crazily, "Then you must also want to be as beautiful as me, right?"

Help-the last scream sounded in the alley, terribly harsh, but was soon buried by darkness.

When the woman walked out again, the scissors were dripping with thick blood, and she looked up at the distance and was near.

Nangong Ling is not far away.

On the second day, the police received a report and found a shocking body in a small alley on the outskirts of Jiangcheng.

The corpse\'s mouth was completely cut open, showing a **** smile, combined with his eyes widened from fear, the picture was as weird as it was weird.

In fact, this is not a new type of case.

There have been several similar cases before, all victims of this type of mouth being cut.

People died in residential areas, and people were panicked for a while.

"That person died so terribly, I haven\'t gotten over it yet."

"Did you hear a scream last night? I suspect it was from this person."

"This must be another weird incident!"

"Then what to do?"

"Don\'t we have a Baidi temple here? If this temple is really as powerful as they said, and if it is weird, then it can be solved naturally."

"This temple is not reliable at all, but the most recent Taoist leader is very reliable, it is better to invite him."

The news also carried out special reports on the case and called on citizens to be cautious when going out at night.

Zhang Daosan continued to lead people to spread rumors about the temple, while he set up a table and a number of magical instruments on the side to tell people fortune-telling and eliminate disasters.

"Everyone, I am Zhang Daosan as the head teacher of Maoshan. I am proficient in divination of mountain doctors and fate. Welcome everyone to come and take a look."

Many people lined up in front of his stall.

With the arrangement of his apprentices and a group of actors, he has been known to be extraordinary.

"This Daoist master is very powerful, and no one can match his divination skills. The temple\'s can\'t compare to him at all."

"The medical skills are so good, I heard that you can bring the dead back to life."

"Is it really that powerful?"

"Of course so powerful. As the head of Maoshan, do you treat him as a general?"

A middle-aged man came to Zhang Daosan and asked: "Dao Master, I have something to ask."

"Please say."

"Recently, the surrounding area has not been peaceful, and there have been cracked corpses. We suspect that these have been harmed by ghosts, so we implore the Taoist master to help solve them.

Of course, we have crowdfunded a lot of money, and we will certainly not let the Taoist down. "

Zhang Daosan had also heard of such cases before. To be honest, he was not sure whether it was man-made or ghost. Anyway, doing their business, it is best to go around this kind of thing.

"This friend, you may be disappointed.

It\'s not that I don\'t help, you see, so many people need me to help, how can I help?

So look for someone else. "

"In that case, you don\'t seem to have any real skills."

A young man walked over and said, followed by a woman with a high ponytail.

It is Zhang Wanlin and Gu Xunshuang.

Zhang Dao\'s three major disciples scolded, "How can it be reasonable, the teacher speaks, how can you interrupt!?"

Zhang Wanlin said, "We are from the Baidi Temple. Hearing that a very powerful Taoist leader came outside, we came here to pay a visit, and the sorceress wanted to have a try with you."

"How to compare?"

Zhang Daosan frowned.

He has also heard of the witches of the Baidi Temple, but he doesn\'t know how powerful they are, and they are usually treated as a vase.

But I didn\'t know that he would end up in person to compete with him.

"As he said, there is an incredible ghost near here.

We will see who can solve this evil spirit tonight. "

Zhang Wanlin returned.

Zhang Daosan really has a feeling of riding a tiger.

In front of so many people, people from the temple came to compete, which clearly embarrassed him.

If he doesn\'t agree, obviously the prestige built up with great difficulty will immediately collapse.

But if he agrees... he has no abilities, and second, if it is really a ghost, then... But after another thought, does this magical witch have real abilities?

At this point, the fight is nothing more than who is bold.

He immediately stood up: "This Dao promises you! Try it with your gods and witches.

If you lose, then you have to admit that your temples are fictional, and they are simply cheated.

If I lose, I admit that your temple is not worthless, and I apologize face to face and give you all the money I earn to repair the temple.

how? "

"Well, this is good."

Zhang Wanlin smiled and said, "The beauty reporter, have you heard that too? This Taoist leader has already agreed.

I have to bother you to give a live interview tonight to prove the innocence of our temple. "

The reporter is the beautiful reporter who came here before. She nodded and said, "Don\'t worry, I will follow this big hot spot if you don\'t say it.

If it is live broadcast, I have to apply to the station. "

Zhang Daosan was stunned. He didn\'t expect that there would be a reporter. This is not easy to handle. What should I do tonight?

After they left, Zhang Daosan called his apprentice to his side and asked, "What should I do now?

If there is no live broadcast, it\'s okay. Now there is a live broadcast following, and there must be many people watching it. "

In his words, either he became famous once, or he was completely defeated.

The big apprentice said, "You don\'t have to worry about Master, because you will definitely encounter ghosts if you go.

Moreover, if we deliberately pretend to be ghosts, are defeated by you, and seen by so many people, won\'t we be famous? "

Zhang Daosan patted his forehead, "Yes, you really got the true teaching of being a teacher.

Then do that tonight! "