Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1685: Back to the villa

Old Jiang returned to the villa, and it is rare to see his son come over today.

Since he stepped down as the chairman of Deep Sea, he has given full authority to the group to take care of his son, and he has been very busy all day long.

Jiang Wen took Mr. Jiang and sat in the living room, and said, "Dad, this time I come here to remind you of something."

"what\'s up?"

Old Jiang was puzzled.

"The Baidi Temple you joined is not reliable!"

Jiang Wen bluntly said: "Now there is a lot of hype about this matter on the Internet, and they all talk about how the Baidi Temple was abused, and how you were deceived."

Old Jiang was trembling with anger: "Who said that! If you dare to spread the rumors like this, immediately stop these institutions for me!"

"Dad, I think you need to calm down on this matter."

Jiang Wendao: "Drunk people will always say that they are not drunk. By the same token, people who have been deceived will never know that they are being deceived. Dad, I think it is better to go to the temple less in the future."

"Naughty! This matter is up to you?"

"Dad, I care about you. After all, your reputation is also related to the group.

In addition, I also stopped repairing the temple. "

From Jiang Wen\'s perspective.

The temple is undoubtedly controlling Mr. Jiang and using Mr. Jiang to obtain the assets of the group. This 2 billion sky-high repair cost is the best example.

Although he is in power at the moment, he is also Jiang\'s son after all, and he has to listen to some things.

So he started to be strong first, taking precautions before it happened.

Old Jiang almost fainted with anger. He never thought that his son would one day oppose him. It was really unreasonable.

In addition, he also thought that even his own son was believed by the online rumors, not to mention the unknowing masses.

These are hidden dangers.

Thinking about it now, everything is his fault.

If he weren\'t thinking about promoting the temple at the time, it would not have been the result.

It is said that a tree attracts the wind, and it is easy to attract the extreme jealousy of others. This is the best example.

The inner hall of Baidi Temple.

The host met with Zhang Daosan.

Zhang Daosan twisted his eight-character Hu and said with a smile: "It is estimated that the host also knows the current situation. The temple repair project has stagnated, the masses outside are excited, and there are more than tens of thousands of people on the Internet to denounce.

If this continues, the consequences may be disastrous. "

The host looked at him calmly: "Did you use so many tricks to tell me this?"

Zhang Daosan was stunned. He hadn\'t revealed that he was the pusher behind all this, and how the other party guessed it.

But immediately relieved, what if you know?

"Sure enough, the host is expected to be like a god, exactly the same as the rumors outside.

In fact, I came here this time just to make a deal. "

"What deal?"

"It is said that the repair project is a sky-high price project, reaching 2 billion yuan, I think you can\'t use up that much.

Since I can\'t use it up, how about giving me half?

If I only need 1 billion, then I can settle this storm for you immediately. "

"You have such a big appetite."

"No, no, of course my appetite is not as good as yours. You are not as powerful as you, it was 2 billion."

"Then what if I don\'t give it to you?"

"If you don\'t give it, I\'m afraid I will make you restless.

Maybe you haven\'t tried the end of a disturbance every few days, right? "

"You bastard!"

Gu Xunshuang really couldn\'t listen anymore, and rushed out, "Everything about you is bloody, you are still blackmailing, believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

Zhang Wanlin followed behind Gu Xunshuang, he was much calmer by comparison, but the gaze that swept from Zhang Daosan seemed to see through his soul.

He couldn\'t help feeling a cold sweat on his back.

Zhang Daosan pretended to be calm and said, "Kill me?

What\'s the use of killing me? There are many people out there.

And once I die, won\'t it be more practical, isn\'t your temple barbaric and useless? "

Gu Xunshuang had something else to say, and presided over: "Okay, stop talking."

He said to Zhang Daosan: "This 2 billion is not ours, and we have no right to use it.

In addition, even if it can be used, it will not agree.

Please go back. "

Zhang Daosan stood up, "Then let\'s wait and see."

After he left, Gu Xunshuang and others came to Nangong Ling\'s training room and told Nangong Ling about the incident.

"Palace Master, this is obviously blackmail! Dare to knock us on the head clearly is to find death!"

Gu Xun said angrily.

"I think it\'s best not to go to war, so that we will attract more attention."

Presided over.

Nangong Ling pondered for a while, "This matter is actually simple, it\'s nothing more than a good word.

If he really wants to do this, we can move the temple to another place and keep it anonymous. "

Everyone was stunned, and Zhang Wanlin smiled and said, "Isn\'t he slandered by doing this?

Are you willing to leave? "

As far as Nangong Ling was concerned, she had become a mortal from a female emperor, and she had to bear the humiliation and had long since cultivated an ability that ordinary people could not bear.

As far as Gu Xunshuang is concerned, she is still young and vigorous, easily impulsive, how can she just give up so easily?

"Palace Master, if you want to leave, then I will at least give that person a lesson!"

Gu Xun\'s teeth tickled with anger.

Leaving this place is a big deal for the host. You must know that this is a great treasure that the ancestors have finally found. It gathers all kinds of Fengshui and travels like a dragon. Everyone wants this place, but it\'s a pity that they are one step late. .

From another point of view, she has lived in this place almost since she was a child. For more than 100 years, she has been feeling emotional.

It is said that Luo Ye is back to her roots, and she is very old, so how can she just leave?

Conveniently said: "Sorcerer, I don\'t think it\'s time to leave yet.

No matter how loud the noise is outside, what can we do regardless of it? "

"This is indeed a good place to help practice."

Nangong Ling also agreed with the host\'s words, "If it is not necessary, of course it is better not to leave."

In fact, there is still another worry in her heart, that is, Ling Tune.

From the current point of view, the Lingzhi Bureau cannot be just a pure government agency, and there must be people of the same kind as her behind it.

If they are in trouble, it is really trouble.

After everyone discussed it, there was nothing to do.

It is impossible to have both ends without hurting the other party and trying to calm the matter.

Zhang Wanlin said: "I have a way not only to improve reputation, but also to punish that person."

"any solution?"

Gu Xunshuang immediately looked forward to it.

Nangong Ling and the host also looked at them one by one.

Zhang Wanlin said, "That Taoist claims to be the head teacher of Maoshan, can\'t we just go and compete with each other to test the law?

Such as catching ghosts.

If he really has that kind of ability, he can definitely catch ghosts.

If not, the rumors are self-defeating. "


Why didn\'t I think of it! "

Gu Xunshuang became excited, "Just let him catch ghosts! I don\'t think he looks like he has any kind of deeds."

This matter is so settled.