Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1684: Accompany

Zhang Wanlin and Gu Xunshuang went out together.

"Let me see who made our rumor!"

Gu Xunshuang looked indignant.

"Don\'t forget, your lord of the palace can specially order, no excuses, no trouble.

It can only be seen at most. "

Zhang Wanlin reminded me.

Many people have been surrounded by the barriers outside the temple, and they are very excited and extremely angry.

"The temple is a big liar! To deceive people with money!"

"You don\'t know how to catch ghosts, it\'s a crooked way!"

"We must resolutely resist!"

On the other side, a middle-aged man dressed as a Taoist chief said to the new traveler: "I am the head teacher of Maoshan. Coming here this time is to tell you not to be deceived.

Especially at this time, it is easy to be deceived. "

The traveler asked: "We just came here after reading the information on the Internet. I heard that the fortune-telling here is very accurate. In the past, Mr. Jiang used to give pointers."

"Don\'t believe this.

If the temple can make the instructor get rich, why is it that only Mr. Jiang gets up.

What about the other people?

This shows just by accident. "

"The century-old witch in the temple..." "Do you believe this too?"

Dressing like that is nothing more than attracting attention.

Besides, would you believe that a person over a hundred years old is so young?

This is a typical deception based on the idea that men generally like beauty. "

Seeing this eight-character Hu Dao leader talk nonsense, Gu Xun had to go forward and theorize if he didn\'t fight his anger.

Zhang Wanlin pulled aside: "Did you forget what I told you just now?

Even if you go out to explain now, you will get more and more confused. "

Gu Xun snorted coldly, "I just can\'t see it!"

"This is also a good thing, you think, as long as he smashes the reputation of the temple, there will be fewer people coming in the future, so that you can better repair it?"

Gu Xunshuang turned his head, looked at Zhang Wanlin carefully, and then said: "You are the spy sent by the other party, you can tell such a perverted idea."

A reporter from Jiangcheng News TV Station came here, and the reporter said to the camera: "Recently, we all know that there is a very hot spot in Jiangcheng, and that is the Baidi Temple here.

Then why the fire?

I believe you will know it when you read the posts on the Internet. "

"Of course, some people don\'t know.

Let me summarize a few words here.

First, this is the temple recommended by Mr. Jiang, and the divination is very good.

I heard that he made a fortune for this reason.

Who is Mr. Jiang?

Believe me, there is no need to elaborate.

Second, there is this photo. "

The reporter took out a photo and faced the camera: "This photo was taken by a cameraman unintentionally. The woman in the photo is young and beautiful, full of ancient charm and at the same time showing the smell of non-human fireworks.

Maybe everyone here was stunned by the beauty of this woman, then you must ask who it is, she is the sorceress of the Baidi Temple! It is said to be over a hundred years old. "

"It\'s hard to imagine, isn\'t it? Today we came here deliberately to interview this sorceress."

With remembering to move forward, the filming team quickly came to the guardrail, and many people were blocked outside.

The reporter was puzzled, and stepped forward and asked a person: "Hello, gentleman, you seem to be dissatisfied with the temple."

Manly said: "Of course I am dissatisfied! This temple is cheating money! They scammed everywhere in the name of catching ghosts. I came here today to seek justice."

The reporter was surprised. She had a good impression of the temple, but now it does not seem to be the case.

Today I came to interview the gods and witches of the temple, but I dug up this good news.

It is conceivable that once it is sent out, it will definitely explode.

She hurriedly asked: "If you say that, I believe you are also one of the victims. Can you tell me about your experience of victimization?"

"I\'m a resident of the Baidi Temple. When I heard that fortune-telling is very good here, especially in terms of catching ghosts, I asked to catch ghosts.

But no one knows that after the other party received the money, he just wandered around and slopped around.

There are still signs of ghosts in me now.

What does this show?

They simply did not do it! "

Gu Xunshuang was spitting blood while listening.

Under the order of the palace lord, people in the temple will not go out of the temple to do things for others.

Moreover, the temple only accepts divination and fortune-telling. All this is done by the presiding officer, let alone catching ghosts.

"Obviously, this is clearly someone who has a bad intention to us!"

Gu Xun was very angry.

"There are too many people with bad intentions.

You don\'t want to think about it, why didn\'t the Lingzhi Bureau come over and ask for trouble? "

Zhang Wanlin said.

This made Gu Xun both stunned, yes, since I came here, the headquarters of Lingtiao Bureau\'s eyelids have been lowered. It stands to reason that the news about the temple is raging, and it is impossible for the guys in Lingtiao Bureau to see it.

That being the case, why didn\'t anyone come over?

Did you let them go?

Gu Xunshuang, who was still angry, is now full of doubts.

The reporter continued to ask questions, and more and more victims were blocked in front of the camera and talked about their experiences.

Looking at this scene, the traveler on one side obviously did not expect such a dark history in the temple.

Zhang Daosan reminded them: "You see, this is the end of believing lightly."

Travelers expressed regret one after another.

"I knew that, I really shouldn\'t have come here.

Sure enough, the more exaggerated, the more rumors. "

"I came here all the way, just to hope that the temple can help me solve the ghost problem.

It looks like it\'s gone. "

"Then what to do?

I still hope fortune-telling here. "

These years, there are weird incidents everywhere, and people are in panic. Under such circumstances, there are still people who are punishable in the name of catching ghosts.

Zhang Daosan said without losing the opportunity: "Since the temple can\'t help you, it\'s okay to be poor.

I am Zhang Daosan, the current head teacher of Maoshan, and I can naturally slay demons and exorcise demons for you. "

Those people\'s eyes lit up, "How much do you need to get rid of ghosts?"

"It depends on what the ghost is."

"What about fortune telling?"

"It depends on the fate."

With this, Zhang Daosan started his own business in the outer part of the temple, and the flow of people attracted by the temple just happened to complete his business.

Coming here not only discredited the temple, but also strengthened his reputation, which is indeed a fame and fortune.

In the evening, Jiangcheng TV quickly published today\'s interview materials.

In front of the camera, several victims were crying about the process of being deceived and the consequences. The audience in front of the TV was angry with each other, and their liking for the Baidi Temple plummeted.

"I didn\'t expect this temple to be of this type! I thought it would be the pride of our locals. It doesn\'t seem to be, it\'s really shameful."

"Damn it.

Whether these people have a conscience, the world has become like this, and they still want to cheat money! Do you really think the audience is a fool? "

"Swagger and pretend to be so lofty! This temple is really enough.

It is estimated that Mr. Jiang was deceived miserably! "