Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1681: Black wind

A black wind passed over Nangong Ling\'s body, and Zhang Wanlin returned to his original position.

He slapped Hatche, and he didn\'t care about the group of people surrounding Nangong Ling. He was a plain and often lazy character.

Nangong Ling regained consciousness just like last time, looked around in surprise, full of puzzlement.

What happened just now, she only knew that she had been strongly attacked by Lu Zihua and was at stake.

That power must have appeared.

The host didn’t know that Nangong Ling had recovered, and said, “Sorcerer, please allow me to express my deep apologies to you. I shouldn’t make a fortune on you without my own strength. That would be a blasphemy against you.”

Speaking very respectfully.

"Host, I want to instruct what\'s going on now."

Nangong Ling said coldly.

The host was stunned, and then realized that Nangong Ling should recover at this time.

The two came to the ancestral hall of the temple, and the host respectfully said: "Sorcerer, I have tried my best, and I can\'t calculate at all. The power in you has exceeded the reach of human beings."

She took out the tortoise shell that had been damaged in her eyes, "This is the end, if it weren\'t for it to help me survive, I\'m afraid I am no longer alive."

Nangong Ling had taken the tortoise shell. This tortoise shell had been seen in the hands of the Great Sacrifice before. It has a history of thousands of years, and the divine power contained in it is already a priceless treasure, a treasure that countless people are vying for.

Nature is so hard that it is impossible to destroy it by ordinary forces, but it is really rare to destroy it to such an extent.

Nangong Ling was even more in awe of his own inexplicable power.

The host said: "Sorcerer, you can tell from this power that you are worthy of being a contemporary emperor. Even if you lose your identity, you still have the power to protect you.

I don\'t think there is any need for us to pursue further investigations, just let the flow go. "

Nangong Ling also felt that it should be the case, it was too dangerous from the tortoise shell.

But if she doesn\'t track it down, how can she figure out that kind of power and how can she control it?

We must know that weird recovery, crisis and troubled times, every day is more like the last day than the previous day.

Since seeing the magic of the temple\'s witches, Jiang Lao has become the most loyal believer.

Standing on the periphery of the ruins, Old Jiang said to the host: "In any case, you all saved my life. Today I also saw the power of the sorceress.

So I want to do my best to repair the temple for you. What do you think? "

"How can this bother you?"

The host feels wrong, after all, this is their own business. What is the matter if you trouble an outsider?

"Host, didn\'t you forget about the calculation for me years ago?

If it weren\'t for you, I\'m afraid there wouldn\'t be my present.

How can I make a fortune?

I must take this to thank you. "

Elder Jiang said piously: "If you feel wrong, you can take it into the temple and become your loyal believer."

In fact, Mr. Jiang planned to enter the temple a long time ago, but he is usually very busy and lacks the ability to do so.

Now that he has seen the gods and witches show off his skills, he even wants to join him. No matter how busy the outside affairs are, he can never shake his determination.

The host thought about it, and felt that this was the most appropriate way.

Normally the financial situation of the temple is actually not good. Although it is well-known, only seeing ten people every day limits the source of funds.

Now that it takes a lot of money to repair the temple, money has become a shortcoming. Old Jiang\'s kindness undoubtedly just made up for this shortcoming.

"Well, since you are so sincere, I will allow you to be a member of the temple.

But you, as a male, cannot participate in anything in the temple. "

Presided over.

"Well, I must do my job well."

Old Jiang was overjoyed.

Old Jiang returned to his villa in Jiangcheng and immediately explained to the secretary in the study: "Immediately allocate money from the group company\'s account to repair the Baidi Temple."

The secretary recorded and asked: "How much do you need to dial?"

"Just 2 billion."

"As far as I know, it\'s just an ordinary temple on the outskirts of the city. Maybe it doesn\'t use that much, right?"

The secretary was secretly surprised.

It is common for the chairman to take special care of the temple before, but today it is really puzzling to allocate a huge sum of money to participate in the repair.

"Xiao Li, you didn\'t see everything I saw today, that\'s really a god.

I used to think of ghosts and gods as ethereal things, but I didn\'t expect them to be beside us.

I believe that if you see it with your own eyes, you will be in the same mood as me.

So what is a mere two billion? "

Old Jiang sighed, obviously still recalling the shocking scene before.

It is said that there are no wonders in this world, really.

"Well, then I will order the financial allocation immediately."

"No, not only funding, you have to arrange all the repairs, and you must be flawless."

"Yes, I will do it."

"By the way, you are also drafting a resignation letter. I want to leave the position of director of the group, and all the work will be replaced by Xiaoer."

"But now is the time for the rapid development of the group. Once you step down as the chairman, I\'m afraid..." "What is the use of a person who enters the loess for half of my body?

May as well give the young people now to fight the world and give them more room to play.

Me, the only ambition now is the temple. "

Mr. Jiang announced that he would step down as chairman of the Deep Blue Group, which immediately drew widespread response from the society.

You must know that Deep Blue Group has dozens of subsidiaries, all of which are in the first line, and most of them are leading companies.

For example, Tamron Film and Television, the company cultivated artists covering half of the domestic showbiz.

Another example is IKEA real estate, real estate transactions not only cover domestic, but also radiate abroad.

The annual income of the group has at least reached the trillion level, and it has become a national chaebol in the true sense.

The chairmanship is self-evident.

Now he has to step down as chairman, which of course has caused widespread concern in the industry.

Some media have issued news one after another, breaking the headlines.

"Shocked, Jiang Lao resigns as chairman of the Deep Blue Group" "What is the reason why a generation of shopping giants are willing to step down as chairman" "After leaving office, where does Jiang Lao go?"

Are the shopping malls changing because of him" and so on.

Soon a piece of gossip quickly squeezed these headlines down, ranking first in the list, and the popularity skyrocketed.

The news was titled: "Lao Jiang allocated 2 billion yuan to repair the Baidi Temple and voluntarily joined to become a loyal believer." There was an uproar on the Internet.

2 billion to repair a temple, this can be used to build a local tourism development zone, but it is only used to repair the temple alone.

Not only that, the deity of Old Jiang actually joined the temple himself and became his devout believer.

People can\'t help asking, where exactly is this Baidi Temple, and why would Jiang Lao be like this?

Soon, some netizens found out the information.

The Baidi Temple was built more than two hundred years ago. The founder is unknown and the faith is unknown. It only accepts female believers. It is low-key and mysterious.

The accuracy of fortune-telling in the temple presided over the divination has only been learned by outsiders in recent years, and all those who know it are insiders like Jiang Lao, and ordinary people simply can\'t know it.

The reduction of wealth, exorcism, and fortune-telling were all exposed all at once, especially Jiang Lao made a fortune because he had a fortune-telling in the temple that year, and this has aroused heated discussions on the Internet.

Many netizens said that they must go to the temple.

In this age of weird recovery, when people urgently need to change their concepts and spiritual beliefs, there is no doubt that the Baidi Temple came into being and has become an ardent need of the masses.