Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1682: echo

Inside the director\'s office.

Lu Zihua knelt on the ground and said weakly: "Please be punished by the palace lord. I didn\'t work well and didn\'t kill Nangong Spirit!"

Qin Feixue\'s legs overlapped in front of the desk, her right hand holding the smoke gun gracefully, her red lips vomiting mist.

There was a smile on her face, lazy and charming, "Why?"

"Behind Nangong Ling I am afraid that there is an expert to help, and I can\'t fight it with my strength."

"To what extent has that strength reached?"

"I\'m afraid not under the ghost king."

"Um..." Qin Feixue showed an interesting look: "I didn\'t expect her to fall to such a level, and there would be an expert to help her.

If that\'s the case, then you don\'t want to kill her. "

"Then we..." "Now the Sifang Fengying has broken one side, and the weirdness is more intense. I believe that many powerful ghosts have been born. Instead of us killing her, why not let these ghosts kill her?

And we only need to do a little work in the middle. "

She took out the talisman paper from her waist and wrote a few words with her cigarette: Nangong Ling, and the eight characters for birthday, and then lit it.

Lu Zihua looked surprised, "This is a grievance talisman!?"

Resentment Talisman is one of the most sinister methods of killing in the world. It consumes a lot of energy and lifespan of the caster, so that the target\'s grievances can be added to the body and become the enemy of all evil spirits.

This is equivalent to a reward issued to all ghosts. As long as the target is killed, a large amount of rewards can be obtained.

As for what the reward is, I am afraid that no ghost will refuse the opportunity to improve himself.

Qin Feixue blocked a lot of his own longevity in this regard. As long as anyone could kill Nangong Ling, then his own longevity would give in and let the opponent\'s strength greatly increase.

"I believe there are many ghosts among the evil spirits who are eager to kill her."

Qin Feixue smiled.

"Although this method is effective, palace lord, your life span is not limited..." Lu Zihua hesitated.

Don’t look at Qin Feixue’s youth. In fact, he is already more than 200 years old. When the emperor meets, he only needs to make a slight change in the life and death book, and the life expectancy is naturally not a problem."

"Could it be that the palace lord, you summon the underworld to prolong your life?"

"Not all, this is just one of them, as for the other more important purpose..." Qin Feixue smiled, "You don\'t need to know."

In a remote corner of Jiangcheng City, under the night, a woman in a long white jumpsuit wandered aimlessly on the road.

Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were covered, and her face was covered with a white mask.

Looking at her figure, she should also be a slender and beautiful woman, but she was slightly decadent mentally, and in this dim night, she seemed even more weird.

The weirdness in various places is getting out of control, and the police have long stated seriously: Never go out at night.

However, this woman didn\'t seem to care at all.

"Oh, beauty~ Are you afraid to be here alone this night?"

A middle-aged man walked slowly with a wine bottle.

Today, I am happy to have a few more drinks with my colleagues and it is what it is now. Anyway, his home is nearby and he doesn\'t mind.

The aimless woman suddenly stopped all movements on her body, her head was mechanically twisted, and she slowly turned around. Under her messy hair, she turned her white eyes tightly against him.

The middle-aged man didn’t see her face clearly, and it’s even more impossible if she was drunk. He only noticed that the woman’s lordosis was raised and her figure was very good. He walked on this road most of the night, instead of trying to strike up a conversation. A good opportunity was wasted in vain.

"Why don\'t you speak, are you afraid of me?

Don\'t be afraid, I live near here, if you don\'t believe me, I will take you back. "

The middle-aged picked up the woman and walked forward, but couldn\'t pull it anyway, and the opponent\'s hand was terribly cold.

"Your hands are so cold.

It seems that I have stayed here for a long time.

Then you need to rest with me even more. "

The man said horribly.

"Do you say I am beautiful?"

The woman finally spoke slowly, her voice hoarse, as if her beautiful voice had been brutally torn apart and became what she is now.


Of course it\'s beautiful.

You have such a good figure, how can you not be beautiful? "

While the woman was not paying attention, the middle-aged man deliberately pinched her buttocks with his salty pig hands.

"Am I really beautiful?"

The woman didn\'t care about his behavior at all, and her whole body trembling strangely approached.

As she got closer, the details of her face became more exposed.

The skin was so pale that there was almost no blood, and the black nerves could be seen faintly, and the pupils were completely white and hollow and dull.

The middle-aged man didn\'t see these details. He only knew that the woman only paid attention to her own beauty, and deliberately ignored her licking her. This shows that he has accepted himself.

So the highlight is not far away?

He pressed the excitement in his heart and praised again and again: "You are really beautiful, so beautiful that my heart is rippling.

You see, I can\'t help but want to take you as my own.

Go, go back to my residence, I will show you how beautiful you are. "

The woman still stood on the spot, the night breeze was blowing, and there was no one in the Four Silences. She slowly took off the mask with her hand, raised her head again and asked: "Am I...beautiful?"

This time, even if the middle-aged man is careless, it is impossible not to notice it.

He stood there, dumbfounded, almost lost in fright.

Is it beautiful?

This has nothing to do with beauty at all.

On the contrary, it\'s scary! The woman\'s mouth was cracked with a large opening, which was slowly cut with one knife after another with the kind of knife that was not sharp.

The crack extended to the root of the ear, so that no matter what she looked on, she always kept a weird smile.

She just looked at the man "smiling" like this: Am I beautiful?

"No, it\'s not beautiful..." The man backed away, the wine was completely awake, regretting it.

The woman pressed harder step by step, her eyes rounded: "You said I\'m not beautiful!?"

"No, you are beautiful, you are really beautiful."

"Then are you willing to kiss me?"

"I..." Before I could say it, the man vomited on the ground.

Don\'t talk about dear, just seeing it makes people nauseous.

There was a pair of scissors in the woman\'s hand unknowingly, and the scissors were rusty and curled up.

It was this pair of scissors that, under the blood dripping from that year, forcibly cut her mouth open and opened her smile.

"I\'m not beautiful, right?"

She stood beside the man, her shadow stretched long by the moonlight.

The scissors clicked.

"Beautiful...really beautiful..." The woman leaned down calmly, her eyes widened suddenly, her grievances and grievances on her face: "You lie!!! You lie!!!"

The scissors stabbed the man\'s throat abruptly, and then clicked... About half an hour later, the woman dragged her blood-colored skirt and continued to wander the streets aimlessly. If someone strikes up a conversation, she will still ask that. Question, am I beautiful.

At this moment, in the depths of her consciousness, there was a person\'s name and location.

A voice was calling her: Go and kill her.

Kill this person and you will gain tremendous power... She changed her direction and walked aimlessly to the other side.

That name echoed in my mind: Nangong Ling.