Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1680: fail

Nangong Ling had explained it over and over again and again before, and if this is the case, you must check her face to see who she is.

The host has always kept it in his heart, and now is of course the best time.

Through Nangongling\'s beautiful side face, she took out the tortoise shell to quickly divination.

This calculation shocked the Nangong Ling over there. Nangong Ling looked slightly and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "You take your time, forget it and remember to tell me the result."

The turtle shell rotates, and the laws of all things in nature are contained in it.

This tortoise shell has a history of thousands of years. The longer the history, the more accurate the calculation will be.

At this speed, it should be considered a result.

What will be the result?

The host is looking forward to it.

However, just as she waited anxiously, the tortoise shell burst in two with a bang.

The host was dumbfounded, and tremblingly picked up his old treasure. This result not only represents incomprehension, but also shows that the violation of a certain taboo area has caused the world to lose balance.

That can\'t be calculated by human beings.

Fortunately, the tortoise shell had a low life for her, otherwise she would personally calculate that she might end up just like the gods and witches, or even worse than the gods and witches.

Thinking about it, I feel cold on my back and sweat.

The host looked at the profile of Nangong Ling again. Now she is unpredictable. It is a taboo and will cause an imbalance in the world... Nangong Ling dragged her skirt and walked slowly towards Lu Zihua, tall There is supreme power and charm underneath, not showing spontaneously.

"From now on, your opponent is me."

"I don\'t care who you are, I will kill this Nangong Spirit today!"

Lu Zihua inserted the sword into the ground. In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and the surrounding area became a vast and boundless sword mound, filled with long swords, large or small, of different shapes and styles.

That sword is like a warrior standing proudly, waiting for the master\'s dispatch at any time.

The host and the female priests looked at the surrounding changes in astonishment. They were unbelievable, and Mr. Jiang was shocked by the scene.

"How did it suddenly become this place, what\'s the matter?"

Old Jiang asked.

"This should be the ghost domain in the legend."

Presided over the cold road, the heart is even more cold.

Ghost domain is a domain opened by ghosts. Different ghosts open up different ghost domains according to their own strength and corresponding ability characteristics.

Only ghosts reaching the level of the ghost general can open the ghost domain.

Once the ghost domain is opened, the ghost\'s combat capability will be greatly improved, at least more than twice the original strength, and will weaken the opponent\'s strength.

Generally speaking, in a head-on conflict, two ghosts will not easily enter the other\'s ghost domain, because once they enter, one of them will mean a lasting fight.

Now that the other party has opened up such a powerful ghost realm, I don\'t know how the gods and witches should face it.

The host couldn\'t help thinking like this.

"It\'s such a beautiful view."

Nangong Ling looked around, and obviously she cared more about the surrounding scenery for the current danger.

At sunset, the setting sun is bloody, isn\'t it beautiful?

Lu Zihua did not have the intention to enjoy the scenery with her, "Since it is beautiful, you might as well die in this place."

With a thought, countless swords flew from the ground, densely forming a vast black sea in the sky, flying towards Nangong Ling.

"A place is a good place, but if it involves death, it\'s not a good place."

Nangong Ling gently raised his hand, and all the swords between his fingers turned into fly ash, dissipating in the clouds and mist.

Lu Zihua was almost dumbfounded. She knew that the other party was strong, but how could she know how strong it was.

The attack that destroyed her, just flicking her finger like that, is simply an exaggeration.

The host was also shocked to no avail.

The scene where the ten thousand swords flew, and then all turned into fly ash, was so spectacular that the world fell into dismay.

The current Nangong Spirit can be said to be too strong, ridiculously strong.

Strong enough to face the attacks of others, you can solve it without skill, but simply crush it with strength.

"Are you also a ghost general, or a ghost king!?"

Lu Zihua asked vigilantly.

Until now, she really paid attention to the strength of this person.

"Although your strength is good, it is still a bit worse for me. I am afraid it is too early to take revenge."

Nangong Ling thought for a while, "I didn\'t want to let you go, but for my own sake, I will spare you not to die.

Step back. "

Nangong Ling turned around and was about to leave slowly, but Lu Zihua didn\'t intend to let her go.

Of course she won\'t let her go! How can you not report the **** hatred! ?

She flew directly, and countless swords flew behind her at the same time, stabbing with her as the sword unstoppable.

This is like a giant sword between heaven and earth.

Really stubborn.

Nangong Ling looked back slightly, "Then I will show you my strength."

Immediately after the world collapsed, the sword fell, and a new world appeared in front of him.

This is another ghost realm forced to open in the ghost realm painted by Lu Zi, and then her ghost realm is completely broken.

What a powerful ghost domain this is.

The sky was as dark as ink, volcanoes erupted fiery magma rain, and towering giants stood on the cracked rocky ground.

They are of different shapes and huge, standing upright as if supporting the vast black sky.

Majestic, sacred, solemn and inviolable.

It seems to bring people back to the earliest pioneering world in ancient times.


Lu Zihua was deeply shocked.

Her sword fell to the ground and was defeated without a fight.

The host and others bowed to the ground respectfully, paying respectful salutes to those supremely mighty giants.

"The gods are above, please be worshipped by us."

Nangong Ling had already sat on the head of a giant at some point, with beautiful legs overlapping, under the strong wind, between the skirts, long white legs were looming.

"Now give you a chance to escape.

If not, I am afraid there will be no chance. "

Lu Zihua gritted his teeth and glared at Nangong Ling.

How can I escape the chance of revenge that I finally waited for! ?

But now, it is obvious that she is powerless.

How could it be possible to kill her?

Compared with them, the difference in strength is really not a little bit.

The ghost in her heart said: "Zihua, we are defeated, let\'s go."

"But... I finally waited for this opportunity."

"I know you are not reconciled, but you can only do so now.

Haven\'t you felt it yet?

From the very beginning, she has been letting you, with her strength, can easily kill us. "

"How could she be so strong, I really can\'t believe it."

"I can\'t believe it.

This kind of power should only exist in the underworld, and at least above the ghost king.

Perhaps this strange recovery is likely to be related to her. "

Lu Zihua was finally persuaded and took the sword and left.

Nangong Ling eliminated the ghost domain, and the world returned to its original world.

When she floated down from the sky, the host and others immediately bowed to the ground, more respectful than before.

Among these people, Nangong Ling saw a relatively unfamiliar figure, it was Mr. Jiang.

He also bowed to the ground and said sincerely: "Sorcerer, I questioned your age before, but now I absolutely believe it.

You are God! "