Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1679: gap

"Now do you know the difference in strength between you and me?"

Lu Zihua asked faintly, with light flowing in his eyes.

Obviously this is a battle that does not require fighting, and all victory or defeat has been divided.

"Even so how?"

Gu Xunshuang rushed forward again, "It is my duty to protect the palace lord!!"

She slashed at Lu Zihua, but slashed away, and the other party immediately slashed her at the door.

Gu Xun crouched to block, and the moment the sword collided with the sword, the majestic ghost force lifted the dust around, and many people were directly knocked to the ground.

If the host hadn\'t come forward in time to stop him, I\'m afraid his bones have been destroyed on the spot.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, you should leave first."

The host said to the dazed old Jiang.

"Then I\'ll leave it to you here."

Old Jiang knows that he knows that if he stays here, there is no other value besides voluntarily losing his life. It is better to leave first.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a woman draped in red silk leaping from the sky, her broad clothes billowing in the wind and her skirt fluttering.

In that beautiful and moving red, the skin appears from time to time, and the skin seems to be condensed.

It\'s really beautiful.

At this age, Mr. Jiang has seen too many beauties. Where can you see a beauty like her?

It is a bit more beautiful than Tianxiandu, how can one not promote the feeling of yearning.

"Meet the **** witch."

The host and many female priests bowed to the ground and performed the supreme respectful ceremony.

"This is your witch?

! "

Old Jiang hesitantly asked.

He has heard that the gods and witches are at least over 200 years old, and they are the soul of the entire temple, who can plan tactics and calculate the fate of the world.

But I never thought that a generation of witches turned out to be this young woman, which is really incredible.

I didn\'t care about him, and I didn\'t have the mind to care about him again.

Nangong Ling\'s expression moved slightly, calmly watching the battle in front of him, "Get up."


Everyone stood up.

The host came and said: "Sorcerer, this person is looking for you. I think you need to avoid it first and let us handle it."

The implication is that he actually spared his life to protect her.

How can Nangong Ling not hear it?

Just said indifferently: "Even if you use your strength, you can\'t stop her."

"Then the witch, can you defeat her?"

The host was obviously not confident in asking.

The opposing ghost is a ghost commander, and there is no one in the world. The magical witch\'s strength has not been fully restored, so how can it be an opponent?

"I\'m afraid I am not an opponent either."

Nangong Ling said, "But if there is that kind of power, I think it should be able to defeat her."

The host knew that the kind of power she was talking about had been fortunate to have seen it once before, but she had learned from her before that even the sorceress himself could not control it well.

The host worried: "How can you know that this power will come."

"I have this instinct.


Remember to show me clearly when the time comes, I want to know where this power comes from. "

"Yes, I will do my best."

Seeing the appearance of Nangong Spirit, Lu Zihua didn\'t bother to entangle with Gu Xunshuang any more, and cut it off with a single sword. Gu Xunshuang flew up and hit the wall next to him, unconscious, and cut the ghost knife in. On the side.

Lu Zihua came to Nangong Ling: "You reincarnate in the fifteenth life. You have done a lot of evil, murdered countless people, and your sins are unforgivable. You deserved to die in your last life, but you have survived until this life.

I will not let you go in this life. "

"I want to avenge my family! Revenge for all the people you killed."

The anger caused her ghost power to be released further, forming a trend of overwhelming oppression.

In this case, even the host felt difficult to breathe, not to mention Mr. Jiang, who fell directly on the ground.

"No wonder I see you so familiar, you should be a descendant of the Lu family."

As if remembering the past, Nangong Ling smiled slightly, "Your Lu family has always been excellent."

"Yes, so good that you want to kill them!!"

Nangong Ling\'s expression dimmed, and the past was already unbearable: "Yes, this is my fault, so are you here to take revenge today?"

"Today I am here to take your life!!"

After speaking, Lu Zihua rushed straight forward holding a long sword.

Nangong Ling looked at her silently: "If you can take it, then I will give you my life."

Zhang Wanlin was watching, and he couldn\'t understand exactly how Nangong Ling thought, why did he admit his mistakes, and why he was willing to be someone else\'s enemy again?

Her memory, as her master, Zhang Wanlin has already seen one or two, and is clear about the things in the previous life.

In the previous life, everyone in the Lu family was superior in strength, and was a right-hand man to Nangong Ling.

However, because he did not follow the traitor, he incurred disasters and was cut down by a lot of people.

All these knights have nothing to do with Nangong Ling. At that time, she was hiding around, and when she realized that, the Lu family was gone.

Perhaps she is still gratified now, after all, the Lu family still has a queen.

No matter whether Nangong Ling can defeat Lu Zihua in this battle, she will fail, because she will not bear the assassin to kill her only daughter.

Hey—Zhang Wanlin couldn\'t help thinking, so the executioner\'s job must have been lost to him.

After a fierce battle, Lu Zihua repelled Nangong Ling again and again. She was very dissatisfied and said, "Why don\'t you fight back?

! "

The corner of Nangong Ling\'s mouth was bleeding, "My strength is not as good as you, so what is the difference if I don\'t fight back?"

Lu Zihua snorted coldly: "I don\'t think that the dignified empress will also be reduced to such a point, you know, everything is your own responsibility.

If you hadn\'t made too many enemies back then, how could you have fallen to this point?

! "

"Fine, fate is impermanent."

Nangong Ling smiled miserably.

"go to hell!"

Lu Zihua leaped high, and with a sword, the towering giant shadow formed by ghost power suddenly opened his scarlet eyes.


The host shouted, but under the coercion formed by the ghost power, he could not move and could only watch the witch being executed.

However, at this critical moment, at the critical moment, the wind was blowing, Nangong Ling lifted up as if being hit by a black shadow, and opened his eyes again. The red glow flashed, his face was cold and charming, and his hair was rippling.

The ghost power formed by Lu Zihua instantly fell apart and broke into pieces.

She took a few steps back as if receiving a heavy blow, and then she stood upright and looked at the woman in front of her suspiciously.

This woman is completely different from just now, confident, feminine, and peaceful, and has an unparalleled coercion enveloped her surroundings.

Just now her ghost power was broken by this, it is really unimaginable.

What is this... her inner doubts.

Yugui reminded her: "It is difficult for ordinary people to tell, but in fact she has become a ghost."


! "


I don\'t know the specific reason, but this is ghosting.

This demonization is different from ours, and the demon is also very different.

You must be careful. "

"Don\'t you even fear it?"

"To be precise, since she turned into a ghost, I\'ve been upset."

Lu Zihua held a long sword in his hand and was more cautious.

On the other side, because Nangong Ling broke the coercion formed by Lu Zihua, the host and his party were able to return to normal.

Old Jiang looked at Nangong Ling\'s crimson back, and was deeply impressed by her. If it was a fairy just now, now it is a real god!