Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1672: he came

For thousands of years, humans and ghosts, no one knew how to be born.

Some people say that it is bred by the combination of humans and ghosts, others say that it is a curse on humans, and some people say that it is a ghost in itself, but it is too adult-like.

No matter how they are born, the strength of humans and ghosts is very strong, and the basic starting point is the level of ghosts.

Judging from the human ghost in front of him, it should have reached the level of a ghost general.

The ghost general has reached the standard of the strength of the underworld, and this temple cannot be resisted anyway. If the ancestor is reborn, it should be repelled, and now it can only be defeated.

The white brilliance in the temple complex constitutes a simple totem, symbolizing the cycle of life and death, which is the core of the divination.

Suddenly, white tentacles appeared in the totem and stretched out to Tatsuno, tied around his body, densely packed.

If it is a normal ghost, just touching the tentacles will have a burning sensation, such repeated binding will only disperse the painful soul.

However, to Tatsuno, there was nothing at all. Instead, he made fun of him: "Why, so many people are engaged in such a big battle, but they are only capable of this?"

The great witch shouted: "Use all the magic power! Disperse this monster\'s soul!!"

All the female priests pressed their palms on the ground together, the brilliant work in the circle was dazzling, and Longye\'s body was almost submerged by white light. He smiled grimly: "It seems that it still can\'t work. I still need me to teach you a lesson. ."

After speaking, his muscles and nerves burst open, the muscles bulged, and his figure suddenly punched, his clothes shattered for this, and he was draped in strips.

He grabbed all the tentacles with one hand, and then pulled hard, it was like pulling all the female priests, the female priests fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood gushing out.

Da Wu was injured more severely. This pull almost took her half of her life, and fell to the ground dying, confused.

The formation that the temple was so proud of was broken.

Long Ye smiled and said: "It\'s really not a fight, tell me who is Nangong Ling! If you don\'t say it, you will die."

None of the female priests who fell to the ground spoke, and their faith made them never betray any of them.

"Haha, it\'s interesting, none of so many people said it.

Well, let\'s go to **** below. "

Tatsuno\'s ghost power opened up, and a strong sense of oppression came to his face.

His eyes lit up with red lights like wild beasts.

"Wait, didn\'t you look for Nangong Ling?"

Nangong Ling took a step forward and said.

Tatsuno asked, "Do you know who it is?"

"It\'s this seat."

"It was here, so I didn\'t need to look for it."

Long Ye grinned and said: "I heard that you are very powerful, and you have slaughtered the first and second teams of the Lingtong Bureau with your own efforts. I would like to meet you today."

"I really hope you can kill me!"

Gu Xun stood in front of Nangong Ling: "Palace Master, let me meet him!"

Gu Xunshuang now has Ghost Slayer in his hands, which is not the same thing, especially when dealing with ghosts and the like, with half the effort. People and ghosts like this naturally have advantages.

As if sensing the human and ghost in front of him, the Ghost Slashing Blade was shaking violently, and it seemed that he couldn\'t wait to get out of the sheath.

Tatsuno noticed the knife at first glance, and smiled slightly: "This knife should be used to kill ghosts. I fought against it back then, but I suffered a lot."

"However, it depends on whose hands this ghost killer is.

In your hands, I am not worried at all. "

Gu Xunshuang rushed forward, and the Ghost Slashing Knife came out of its sheath. In an instant, a white light was cut open in the dark, and thousands of ghosts roared together.

Looking at the battle between you and me below, Zhang Wanlin actually had a certain number in his mind.

Although Gu Xunshuang had the ability to kill ghosts, she still couldn\'t exert her full power.

Facing this man and ghost will undoubtedly lose.

However, failure can just exercise her strength, and it is good for her to exercise more.

Zhang Wanlin planned to make another move later.

Every time Gu Xunshuang made a knife, the blade would vibrate with the roar of a ghost, which was particularly ear-piercing.

However, Tatsuno happened to dodge every time, with contempt in his actions.

"That\'s the strength, this is the Ghost Slayer!"

"A divine weapon is in your hand, but you use the feeling of a normal weapon."

Tatsuno laughed in Gu Xun\'s ears.

Gu Xun was angry and attacked, "I will kill you!!"

"Yes, kill me!"

Long Ye smiled, "I came here to beg death, or to kill others.

Can you make me die? "

Gu Xun\'s double offensive was even quicker, slashing to the point, but it was still the same in the face of Tatsuno.

Zhang Wanlin felt that there was no need to continue the fight, and the outcome was already divided.

He walked slowly towards Nangong Ling, and it felt better to stay in this body as far as he was possessed.

Nangong Ling is staring at the battle between Gu Xunshuang and Long Ye. It is not difficult to see that although Gu Xunshuang has a fierce offensive, it has actually been defeated. The reason why he has not failed is that the other party is forbearing for a while.

Now Gu Xunshuang is more like facing an impending failure, looking frustrated and struggling to death.

Nangong Ling knew that it was impossible to defeat him, even by himself.

How can the opponent be defeated with the strength of a ghost?

Another tricky enemy.

The only solution for the present is to escape.

But obviously, this is the end of the matter, and it is no longer possible to escape.

At this moment, Zhang Wanlin quietly came to the back of Nangong Ling, and tightly wrapped her waist: "This servant, what do you seem to worry about?"

Seeing Zhang Wanlin, Nangong Ling remembered that this ghost hadn\'t appeared just now and didn\'t know where it was.

"What are you doing?"

"Naturally to help you."

Before Nangong Ling could answer, Zhang Wanlin slowly walked into Nangong Ling\'s body, completely overlapping her figure.

Nangong Ling opened his eyes again, and a flash of red light flashed.

The corners of her mouth are slightly hooked, with a different charm and charm.

The posture is outstanding, the red silk is flying, which shows the imperial spirit invisibly.

Long Ye is finally tired, this woman can\'t kill her, it\'s a pity that this peerless knife.

"Since you can\'t kill me, then I will kill you."

He opened his mouth and laughed grimly.

The next moment his muscles bulged, and the coordinated burst of strength from his whole body was transferred to the fist, and the bombardment came. Gu Xun subconsciously blocked it with a knife, only hearing a touch, the sword separated.

Zhangui leaned into the land on one side, and Gu Xunshuang flew upside down on the other side. He was about to hit the wall, and a red shadow passed by and gently caught her.

The impulse of a mighty force was actually easily resolved in her hands.

Gu Xunshuang had never seen the palace lord in front of him so beautiful.

The eyes are like silk, the hair moves lightly, and the exquisite silhouette is unparalleled.

"Palace Master, I...I failed."

Gu Xunshuang whispered, very ashamed.

Obviously there are such good knives, but they just can\'t exert any power, and they are ridiculed.

"No, you have done well.

Take a good rest now, and leave everything to me. "

Nangong Ling gently placed Gu Xunshuang on the ground.

"But..." Gu Xunshuang just wanted to say that the other party was very powerful, but after seeing Nangong Ling\'s eyes, he swallowed the words back.

The palace lord would never have such a peaceful look, unless it was the last time-another palace lord came.