Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1673: Extremely quiet

As a human and ghost, Tatsuno is a relatively special existence, able to see things that others can\'t see clearly.

The person in front of him might be said to be himself, rather than a puppet manipulated by others.

It was the little demon who was on her body before, and she did not expect that a little demon could control human beings to form a unique ghost, which was really eye-opening.

"Just do you want to fight me?

So many people are not my opponent, and you are even more unlikely to be. "

Tatsuno said with a smile.

"Oh, how can I know if I don\'t try?"

Nangong said frivolously, stretched out a slender jade hand, the Ghost Slashing Blade trembled, and then came out of the ground and flew into her hand.

It\'s as if the owner of this knife should have been her.

This made Tatsuno look slightly, "Unexpectedly you still have this strength, it seems that I misunderstood you before."

Ghost Slasher would not be controlled so easily. In the previous scene of controlling Ghost Slasher\'s strength in the air, even if Gu Xunshuang had cultivated for many years, he would not reach such a high level.

There is only one reason to explain that this person\'s strength is far more terrifying than Slaying Ghosts.

Nangong Ling lowered his eyes and looked at this Ghost Slashing Knife, gently touching the knife with his hand, and said quietly, "Today I will show you the true strength of this Ghost Slashing Knife."

"I have seen several masters of this knife, and there are only two of them. Here I am sorry to reveal that I killed one of them."

Tatsuno shook his muscles and squeezed his fists. "I don\'t mind killing two more."

Gu Xunshuang stood up with difficulty supporting a big tree. She thought Long Ye was talking to Nangong Ling, but it was Long Ye talking to Zhang Wanlin.

Nangong Ling erected the blade, stroked one hand and **** across the back of the blade, muttering words.

The black cloud immediately covered the moon, and the last ray of light on the earth was also deprived, leaving only the boundless darkness.

Cries, howls, screams... all the sounds mixed together to become a symphony of horror.

The surging ghost power dispersed from Nangong Ling\'s body, causing her skirt to dance, under the darkness, like a blooming flower from the other side.

The real killing of ghosts is to use evil to suppress evil, so as to kill to kill. To exert its greatest power, it is to mobilize thousands of ghosts and undead inside.

The Ghost Slayer in Nangong Ling\'s hands seemed to regain its previous glory, demonstrating unparalleled killing power. This has never been seen in Gu Xunshuang, and the gap can be said to be endless.

Gu Xunshuang seemed to see an insurmountable power gap looming between himself and the palace lord, and he couldn\'t surpass it anyway.

The position where she stands is the other side of power.

Not only that Gu Xunshuang had never had it before, but no one that Longye had ever met had exerted such a powerful force as Slashing Ghosts.

Under the roar of Hundred Ghosts, his heart, who had always only wanted to die, was trembling. For the first time, she was afraid, afraid of the knife, afraid of the ghost... "Interesting."

"It\'s really interesting!"

Long Ye laughed arrogantly, all the ghost power exploded, and under the pressure of the ghost power formed by the Nangong spirit, a small space was formed by himself.

He raised his fist madly and rushed over: "Kill me, kill me, otherwise, I will let you die!"

The fierce waves of fists are like a storm on a tsunami, turning the world into chaos.

The walls of the temple were cracked, the trees swayed violently, and the items in the house were all shattered...Is this the strength of the ghost general?

Gu Xun Shuang was inexplicably shocked.

If he had used such a blow to himself just now, let alone block, he would be crushed even if he blocked it.

The female priests who were still conscious at the scene were desperate, praying that God could open their eyes to them.

Facing the unstoppable pressure, Nangong Ling slowly opened his eyes, red light flowing in his beautiful eyes, like a **** knife cutting through the darkness.

She slowly lifted the ghost killer, who could no longer be restrained, and stood between heaven and earth.

Thousands of ghosts roar, like thousands of troops and horses kneeling before the emperor, ready to fight to the death at any time.

In the long years, this knife has been suppressed for too long.

No one can really use its power.

No one can make it surging.

Now it has truly returned to the era of killing! A huge beast has risen from the ground in the dark! Nangong Ling waved down Slashing Ghosts, and in an instant, all the ghosts were embodied, either crawling, running, or flying.

Roar—The powerful force shook the surrounding areas, houses collapsed in pieces, the lights of the city died out in an instant, and the suffocating darkness completely enveloped the city.

Residents of the city have doubts about such an abnormal situation.

"Did you feel the earthquake just now?"

"What\'s going on, there is electricity, but why can\'t the lights be turned on?"

"The circuits are all normal, and the lighting equipment is not broken, but it just doesn\'t light up.

All the lighting equipment can\'t light up. "

It is not that there is no light, but the light is completely swallowed by darkness.

The highest realm of Slashing Ghosts is that the ghosts travel and swallow the light.

The ruins of the temple are in a mess, and only the place where Nangong Ling is located is empty and tidy.

She withdrew the Ghost Slayer, and the outcome was decided.

Long Ye knelt down on the ground covered in scars, convinced, if the ghost guard saw him, he would be shocked, the soul of this man was completely gone, and only his body was left.

Now he only has the only obsession.

He slowly raised his head and asked with difficulty: "You...who are you right?"

Nangong Ling threw Zhangui to Gu Xunshuang, and smiled softly, "I don\'t know this question either.

But I fulfilled your wish. "

Tatsuno opened his mouth and smiled, really.

Slowly dropped his head and fell into a long sleep of death.

His soul is in the Ghost Slashing Knife, as a special soul, after being sucked by the Ghost Slashing Knife, this knife becomes more powerful and precious.

The witch who woke up hurriedly ran to the innermost position of the temple. In the ruins like a tomb, I wonder if the innermost house was also collapsed. There lived the existence of the spiritual representative of the temple—the ancestor.

Fortunately, it did not collapse there, standing proudly among all the ruins of the temple, touching the sky.

Da Wu hurriedly walked in to see the safety of the ancestors. The shock just now was unrelenting. Even if the building is intact, it is impossible for people to be intact.

Nangong Ling wanted to follow in, but was immediately stopped by the priestess.

They can only wait outside the house.

Zhang Wanlin sighed, already knowing the answer.

In fact, when he came out alone the night before, he wanted to meet this ancestor alone and figure out who he is currently.

It\'s just a pity... after a long time, the great witch walked out slowly, her calm face still couldn\'t conceal the grief in her heart, she said sadly: "The ancestor has passed away."

The temple seemed extremely quiet.