Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1671: Ghost

Returning to his side room, Da Wu couldn\'t calm down this matter for a long time.

She picked up the tortoise shell used for the hexagrams, and wanted to infer the causal connection in the hexagrams, but she shuddered when she thought of the consequences of her ancestors.

The ancestors started to think that the ghost emperor had become what she is now with her skill, not to mention herself, I am afraid that he will be dissipated on the spot.

That is not an area that people can touch at all.

So, slowly into the evening, Da Wu kept thinking about it in the room, and hadn\'t gone out for a long time.

In the end, she finally figured it out. It’s better to tell Nangong Ling about this first. She is the reincarnation of the empress, and she may understand the reason for it. She also feels that what Nangong Ling asked might be related to the ghost in the ancestor’s mouth. The emperor is related.

Thinking like this, she immediately got up, ready to find Nangong Ling and others.

Nangong Ling and the others did not go back now, but were arranged in the guest room, or they would come over as soon as the ancestor could speak.

Just when Da Wu stepped out of the threshold, her figure suddenly stagnated, and she hurriedly took out the tortoise shell to calculate.

This tortoise shell has a history of thousands of years. It has been uploaded from the hands of the ancestors. With it, you can measure and calculate things around you with almost no need to start a hexagram.

Just now, she felt a powerful ghost force.

This kind of ghost power is like a ghost but not a ghost, especially unique and evil. It is full of danger, and it is quickly approaching here.

After some calculations, the big witch frowned: "It is not a ghost, but it has the body of a ghost. It is a human, but like a ghost. What is the sacred strength of this kind of approach to a ghost?"

The female priest arranged for Nangong Ling and the others to have a room for each person, and at this time they were resting in their own rooms.

Nangong Ling kept thinking about the scene when she saw her ancestor today. She saw what she wanted to say, but what did she want to say?

It seems that she deliberately looked behind her.

At that time, her expression also changed the most.

So what did she see?

At that time, Gu Xunshuang and Zhang Wanlin were the only ghosts behind Nangong Ling.

Thinking like this, suddenly her spiritual consciousness moved, as if the spider webs spread around it were suddenly moved slightly by something, and then ripples were transmitted one after another.

"What a powerful ghost power!"

"Who is coming here?"

Nangong Ling\'s eyes seemed to go through the wall to see clearly the intruder outside.

The night concealed his giant shadow, Tatsuno jumped off the wall of the temple\'s outer wall, and the ground immediately fell into a big pit.

The people in the Lingzhi Bureau said, the prey is here, somewhere in it.

He can already feel the pleasure of fighting.

He has been pursuing two things all his life. The first thing is **** battles and selfless battles, so that the opponent will die without a place to bury him! The second thing is that he died in battle.

In short, only death can achieve the final pleasure of the climax.

The first thing, he has understood too much, almost tired.

Now he just wants to pursue the second thing, who can kill him completely.

He wanted to die, desperate to die in a hearty battle.

Prey, can you satisfy my wish?

Tatsuno walked in one direction, when the tall man saw a young man walking in front of him.

This young man looks very kind, harmless to humans and animals, and looks special.

It turned out to be a ghost, and it\'s really hard to find if you don\'t look at it carefully.

But it was just a kid, and Tatsuno didn\'t even have any idea of ​​starting a war.

Too weak.

Squeezing him to death is as simple as squeezing an ant to death.

Long Ye stopped him arrogantly and said, "Hey, kid."

Zhang Wanlin looked up at him, showing no fear at all. It was like seeing an ordinary neighbor: "What\'s the matter?"

Tatsuno was slightly uncomfortable with this attitude. If the average kid saw him, he would be shocked by his aura, and then shiver, but he did not, but as usual.

Does he know what kind of existence he is facing?

"Is there a woman named Nangong Ling here?"

"Yeah, yes."

"Take me to find her!"

"What do you want him for?"

"Of course I killed her! Hehe."

Zhang Wanlin only gave a soft oh, and the corner of his mouth ticked slightly, "Then I will take you to find her."

For this attitude, Tatsuno was even more suspicious, "Little devil, are you not afraid of me?"

"Why am I afraid of you?"

"I can put you to death in an instant, and make you so soulless, why are you not afraid?"

"Will you kill me then?"

Long Ye looked at Zhang Wanlin for a long time, and then struck him with a punch. The violent wind swept across the temple, and the trees trembled.

The fist stayed in front of Zhang Wanlin, only an inch short of touching his head.

Tatsuno smiled and said, "Haha, be afraid, but I won\'t kill you.

You are so weak, it makes no sense to kill you, only to kill that woman named Nangong Ling.

Only she can be my opponent. "

"Then do you think you are her opponent?"

Zhang Wanlin asked.

"No one in the whole world is my opponent! Naturally she is not Nangong Ling. I came this time to defeat her! Then I killed her.

Of course, it would be great if she could kill me. "

"You will do what you want."

Zhang Wanlin said lightly.

More than a dozen female priests came out of the temple to surround Tatsuno.

The great witch walked out holding the orb in one hand and said, "This is the Baidi Temple, so you are a forbidden place. You should go back quickly, otherwise don\'t blame me for damaging your soul."

Long Ye raised up to the sky and laughed, looking at the big witch fiercely: "Just because you want to take my life?

It\'s just a big joke.

I am not here today to be an enemy of you, but to find someone named Nangong Ling. If I find her to die, I will naturally let you go.

If it is stubborn, then I have to bloodbath the temple! "

"What a courage, how can you allow you to be rampant within the confines of the temple?"

Although the people in the temple are good at divination and calculation, they seem to be indisputable in the world, but in fact they also have deep strength.

I saw that with the great witch as the leading role, all the female priests poured witch power on the ground, and the courtyard quickly formed a huge circle. The white light cut through the darkness, which was extremely dazzling.

Tatsuno looked at these weird and novel things with interest. Since it was the first time I saw him in his life, it seemed that he didn\'t come to the wrong place.

He wants to see what tricks these people are going to do.

Zhang Wanlin sat on the roof of the temple for himself, watching this good show from the best perspective. It is a rare good show, the Witch tribe fights humans and ghosts.

But obviously the strength of the latter is stronger.

Nangong Ling and Gu Xunshuang also rushed over from the house, seeing the enemies in the formation, they were all vigilant.

Nangong Ling was very surprised at this man: I thought it was a ghost, but turned out to be a person.

A human being has the aura of ghosts, and there is only one species in this world-humans and ghosts!