Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1668: muscle

The news was broadcast simultaneously in various regions of the country and was seen by tens of millions of people.

What kind of existence is Lingtiao Bureau?

However, it is higher than the existence of the police department, which is designed to solve bizarre incidents in various places. The state allocates tens of billions of funds each year, and it can even intervene in a province when necessary in terms of power.

The government, which has always been mysterious and powerful, has now killed and injured so many people, which naturally caused the masses of people to be strongly disturbed.

Who knows where the cruel murderer will start next time?

Social networking platforms such as forums and post bars are all hotly discussing related topics.

"This is really horrible. If the psychic game can\'t be solved with a shot, and so many people can die, what should we do?"

"I also learned that among the people who died this time, they were all at the elite level. Two of them were even more capable. They were both so miserable. It shows how powerful the murderer was."

"In view of the weird incidents that have occurred in the surroundings, I personally feel that the Lingzhi Bureau is completely incompetent. I strongly recommend that the relevant person in charge be completely replaced and more capable people can do it."

And so on and so on.

The large amount of public opinion pressure and the accusations from the boss made the director of the Lingzhi Bureau look quite embarrassed.

In the video conference, the boss said bluntly: "You have almost taken the Lingzhi Bureau to destruction. If it weren\'t for the K organization to intercede with it, no one can keep your position."

"This is the last chance. If you can\'t kill that woman, you are not dismissed, but die!"

Judging from the current results, the woman to be hunted down is actually not that simple, very difficult.

If the annihilation of the first brigade can be attributed to ghosts, what happened to the death of the second brigade?

I am afraid that both incidents are related to this woman.

So who is this woman?

Why did the above chase her?

Various mysteries surfaced in the Secretary\'s heart, leaving him very confused.

He asked: "I don\'t understand, who is that woman?

Our organization has paid a great price to kill her. "

"You don\'t need to understand, you just need to execute the order."

The boss said coldly.

"Then can I know what kind of organization the K organization is? In this way, I can be more clear about what I do."

"can not.

This is a state secret.

Your responsibility is to execute orders. "

After hanging up the video communication, the director sat on the office chair quite tired, as if resting like this.

Fortunately, the news of the destruction of a large group of the entire army has not been known to the outside world, otherwise, it will attract strong rebuke from the outside world.

Now the first team of the Lingtong Bureau is gone, and the second team is very few. Only the third team is left, but most of these teams are new members, and they don\'t have much fighting capacity.

Calling them out will undoubtedly die.

Ling Qi is like being chopped off his right and left arm, facing the enemy\'s impunity, he can only do nothing.

Although he is sitting in this position, where can he go to find someone?

Although the Lingtiao Bureau currently exists, it actually exists in name only, and its operation is almost paralyzed.

It is impossible not to see this above.

The office door was pushed open, and the subordinate came and said, "There are now many journalists who are guarding the door. I hope that you can give an official response to the matter."

"In addition, the sub-branch of the Linguistic Investigation Bureau in various provinces and regions are very weak for the more frequent and strange incidents, and many people have died.

The local government strongly recommends that we deploy additional manpower. "

"For the family of the deceased, they urgently need to see you, and I hope you can give them an explanation."

The subordinates listed a list of things, almost filling the director\'s entire work and rest time, making him feel almost suffocated.

He said: "You can arrange these things for me first. The best you can do is best.

Don\'t worry about the others.

Go down.

Also call the deputy bureau, I have something to discuss. "

"Yes! I immediately call the deputy bureau to come over."

The subordinate hurried down.

A few minutes later, the deputy bureau pushed the door and entered, looking at his face, he also made a frown about the recent incident.

"Director, I\'m afraid we are really powerless this time."

The deputy bureau sighed.

Successive failures have left him without confidence and confidence.

If it hadn\'t been for the insistence from above, he would have been disarmed and returned to the field a long time ago, no matter where he is still sitting in this position.

"Why don\'t I be so."

The Secretary said, "After so many things, I actually understand it.

This can\'t win! From the beginning, it was absolutely impossible.

Have you ever seen a strange recovery when human beings were not badly injured?

Numerous casualties.

It would be too deliberate if we simply blamed us. "

"The chief, what do you mean?"

"My point is very clear, there needs to be a victim above who is responsible for these things.

And we were chosen honorably. "

"Then what can we do?"

The deputy bureau looked surprised.

"I can only bite the bullet.

These weird incidents can be handled so badly, except for the arrest of Nangong Ling.

Catch is the only chance to save your life. "

"But it is precisely because of her arrest that we have lost a large number of people. We don\'t have much power to carry out the arrest."

"That\'s not necessarily."

After a deep groan, the director said, "At least this time we have one last chance.

Isn’t there another prisoner in our prison? "

"Before arresting him, we spent a lot of human lives. Wouldn\'t it be more effective if we let him out and let criminals fight criminals?"

"The Secretary is indeed a good way. If you ask him to come forward, maybe it\'s really possible."

Spiritual investigation bureau, dungeon, confidentiality level A.

The cell in the deepest part of the dungeon is different from the cell outside. It is dark and damp, and the air is always bloody.

The cell equipment here is of the highest level, with thickened and tough, high-strength alloy iron doors, laser nets, automatic machine guns...I am afraid that a fly cannot fly out of these nets.

A big man was in such a cell, his body of 1.9 meters was like an upright beast, his long hair that hadn\'t been cut for a long time showed wildness, and his muscles were cast like steel bars.

There is no doubt that he can tear a person in half easily.

He did the same back then.

His name: Tatsuno.

The director put a chair and sat in front of him across the door and said, "Didn’t you want to go out for many years? Now you can go out, and I can also cancel all your crimes so that you can enjoy the same level as ordinary citizens. treatment."

Long Ye was sitting on the haystack with his head buried in the darkness, unable to see the outline, but he could still feel him sneering: "Do you think you took the initiative to shut me down?

I just think that no one in this world will be my opponent, so I am willing to stay here. "

The next moment, as if to prove himself, the high-strength alloy door was directly broken through a big hole, and a stout arm stretched out, only an inch short of killing the director.

The guard behind the chief hurriedly set up a gun, ready to shoot at any time, but the hand was boringly retracted.

Tatsuno said: "Look, I\'m bored all day long."