Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1667: Large scale

Shuangxun is an expert in knife stocks, and she uses knives.

When she saw this knife, she knew that this knife was not simple, and its appearance was only the tip of the iceberg compared to its strength.

But she couldn\'t tell the specific difference, only knew that the spirit of killing was very heavy, and idlers should not enter.

Gu Xunshuang didn\'t see it, but Nangong Ling could.

The reason why this knife is not ordinary and heavy is not only because of how many ghosts it has killed, but because it is the existence of ghosts.

That\'s right, this is the product of the concrete combination of the sword and the ghost, just like the ghostization of the combination of man and ghost.

It\'s been at least a few thousand years, it\'s really a good thing.

Nangong Ling thought so.

Chen Qiang completely drew out the blade, and instant killing filled every space. He held the knife at Nangong Ling, "The devil, you killed so many brothers, today is your death day!"

After speaking, he rushed quickly, the blade shining with a sharp luster.

The roar of countless ghosts roared in unison, and the resentful spirits like **** were preparing to get up from hell.

Although this knife is the evil terminator, it is actually the greatest evil in itself.

I am afraid that no one in this world can take this powerful blow head-on, and everyone is silently waiting for the result.

They are an eye-opener, this is the power of Slashing Ghosts! I can\'t wait to see this demon girl being slashed under the knife, becoming a strand of dead soul in the knife.

In the face of such a crisis situation, Nangong Ling remained unmoved, slim, and unspeakable leisurely.

Although this knife was powerful enough, it was still too early to deal with her. She raised her right hand and moved her fingers forward slightly, and the roaring Ghost Slashing Blade was cut between her fingers.

In an instant, all the screams stopped, as if the world suddenly pressed the pause button.

bump! ! Suddenly the blade trembles violently, and with the powerful energy impact, it shatters into countless pieces.

Once respected by people as slashing ghosts, slashing evil spirits down the world, the knife, which has gone through thousands of years of history, shattered into fragments at this moment, and fluttered around like slices of snowflakes.

Chen Qiang was also severely injured by this blow, falling to the ground and vomiting blood. He couldn\'t believe it to death that his ghost killer would be easily shattered by the opponent\'s two fingers.

Wu Hai is right, this woman is too powerful, far from being defeatable at their level.

Chen Kun\'s defeat was not wronged.

Everyone on the scene was stunned for a long time. These ghost guards had always regarded ghost killing as a spiritual belief, and now they were shattered in front of them, and they all felt a sense of spiritual disillusionment.

Killing ghosts, how could they be crushed so easily?

Isn\'t that the existence that all ghosts are afraid of?

! Wu Hai became old and weak because of the loss of the red ghost, but he still tried his best to shout: "Go away, report to the headquarters!"

If this incident is not reported to the headquarters, more people will come to sacrifice.

The remaining ghost defenders want to escape, but how can Nangong Ling let them escape! Everyone must die! Everyone! Nangong Ling\'s eyes flashed red, ghost power poured out like mountains, rivers and seas, flooding every space, everyone seemed to be caught breathing, don\'t move, even if it is difficult to breathe.

Gu Xunshuang had never seen a palace master like this, it was terrifying.

She sat down on the ground with difficulty breathing, even feeling desperate, she would die.

She had this feeling, let alone those ghost guards, they flee desperately one by one, even if demonization still can\'t relieve any of their symptoms.

Nangong Ling\'s eyes were even more red. In the next moment, all the ghost guards in front of him completely stopped breathing, and the ghosts who cursed them died together.

When Nangong Ling regained his power, everyone except Gu Xunshuang died.

She walked up with an object, Gu Xunshuang, "Hey, if you don\'t have any fighting power as a servant, it would be too shameful for me."

What she held in her hand was Killing Ghost.

Wasn\'t this broken into pieces just now, why is it intact now?

As if seeing Gu Xunshuang\'s thoughts, Nangongling smiled and said, "I can destroy it, and naturally I can repair it.

Hold it. "

Gu Xun tremblingly stretched out her hands, she was afraid of such a palace master for the first time.

Just now, it was terrible.

"Let\'s go.

We need to leave this place as soon as possible, if we don\'t want to cause more trouble. "

The two walked away quickly one after another.

When Nangong Ling regained consciousness, she saw herself lying in an extremely luxurious room.

The room is equipped with floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the beautiful scenery outside the window, as well as the high-end rockery trees, which is very interesting.

Where is this again?

How did you come to this place?

He only felt sore all over his body, unable to exert his strength, and the memories of his previous memories only stayed when he was awake.

Everything is blurred, just like waking up again after a serious illness.

Seeing Nangong Ling waking up, Gu Xun was overjoyed, "Palace Master, you really frightened me when you fell just now! I thought you were overdrawn too much because of the previous battle."


Nangong Ling sat up from the bed with a look of confusion.

When did she fight, she had no impression at all.

"Palace Master, have you forgotten?

! "

Gu Xunshuang was surprised, "You were very good before, and the group of people who stood alone in the police station, you even destroyed the ghost killer easily. Look, you repaired it again and gave it to me.

This is really a good knife, thank you palace lord. "

"But I never..." Nangong Ling was even more puzzled.

With her strength, it is impossible to fight the Ling Tiaojun gang alone with her strength, they are not dry food.

Moreover, it is even more impossible to destroy the thousand-year magic knife of Zhangui easily.

She doesn\'t have the kind of strength at all, can destroy this knife, that strength has far exceeded the dimension of this world.

"Xun Shuang, are you kidding me?"

In the end, Nangong Ling judged this way.

Gu Xun looked at his master suspiciously, "Did you really forget, but you really did it at that time."

And it\'s so powerful that it\'s terrifying, I can\'t describe this kind of horror.

Perhaps the Palace Master, you have not yet recognized your own strength. "

The more they talked, the more confused they became, and they didn\'t understand what the other was talking about.

After Gu Xunshuang went out, Nangong Ling sat cross-legged in the house alone and began to perform exercises.

It\'s okay if you don\'t work, you can see that your blood evil Dafa has greatly surpassed the previous one and reached the second level.

What is this concept?

Others need to practice for more than ten years, but he achieved it in one night.

It\'s incredible.

What is the situation?

Combined with what Gu Xunshuang said before, this matter is even more confusing.

Zhang Wanlin was sitting alone in the living room outside watching TV, very leisurely.

An urgent news was interrupted in the TV series.

"Urgent notice. At 9:30 this morning, a large number of corpses were found in the Wanlin Hotel. Most of the corpses were characterized as mummified, which was exactly the same as the corpses that appeared nearby.

In addition, there are still many dead bodies whose cause of death is unknown. Experts said that this is a rare case of death. "

"It is worthy of our attention that these people are almost invariably psychiatrists.

Prior to this, the hotel also revealed that the Lingzhi Bureau wanted to apprehend key criminals and evacuated the relevant masses in advance. "

"We can\'t help asking now, is it because the other party is too strong, or our intelligence is not strong enough to cause this situation?

Regarding this large-scale killing of professionals, ordinary people are really disturbed, and I hope that the relevant officials can explain it. "