Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1669: what kind of person

The Secretary was shocked in his heart, but he was extremely happy. If he had such strength, it would not be difficult to deal with those people.

He said: "You may not know what happened outside after you have been detained for so many years. Now there is someone with the same strength as you. No, it should be stronger!! Don\'t you have any interest in her at all?"

"Yes, why not!!"

The cell door was knocked open at once, and Tatsuno appeared in front of the director like a beast: "Where?

Tell me where?

Such a good opponent, of course I have to kill him myself! ! "

He licked his tongue like he was saying delicious.

The Secretary smiled: "Don\'t worry, our people have discovered their whereabouts. You just need to follow the place we said.

Then you can kill her. "

As long as you are active in Jiangcheng, it is impossible not to be discovered.

Nangong Ling knew this truth well, so he didn\'t stop for a moment and rushed to his destination.

She was looking for a friend, not so much as a friend, but as the high priest she was sitting under.

Calculating now, it should be close to 200 years old.

The reason for looking for her is to use her predictive calculation method to see what the ghost is, and how to discover his power.

This is currently the hope she is looking forward to most.

Of course, she can predict and calculate, but she can\'t do it at all with her current strength.

In the car, Gu Xunshuang said to Zhang Wanlin: "Actually, it doesn\'t matter if the palace chief doesn\'t want you as a ghost. As the boss, you can\'t cover her.

You know, the palace lord that day was really too strong, he was exactly the reincarnated emperor that year. "

She has said this no less than eight times, and Zhang Wanlin smiled: "I am her master, shouldn\'t the servant be stronger?

Besides, it\'s really that powerful, aren\'t you making up? "

"Will I make up?

It\'s a pity that you didn\'t see it. If you saw it, you wouldn\'t have such an attitude.

At least he will respectfully call the palace master the master. "

The Lingdi Temple is located on the outskirts of Jiangcheng. Although it is remote, there is still a constant flow of people.

The name of the temple spread from Jiangcheng a long time ago, attracting people from all over the world.

It is said that the great witch of the temple can know the past, measure the future, and cut off misfortune and good fortune.

From people’s word of mouth, this has long since become an indisputable fact. The truth is indeed the case, and Da Wu is extremely accurate no matter what it measures.

However, she has set the rules. Every day, no matter how many people come over, and a high-ranking person begs her, she will only receive 10 people.

Even though this great witch is over 100 years old, he is actually only a disciple.

She also has a master above. This master is even more remarkable. She is over 200 years old. If someone is lucky enough to let her count, she will definitely be rich, but no one has been treated like this so far. .

There have even been rumors in the outside world that there is a 200-year-old old man with longevity, but it is just fabricated.

Whether the facts are true or not remains to be verified, but this has become a reason for people to come over.

When they came to the main hall of Lingdi Temple, Nangongling and others first saw a sculpture standing in front of the main hall.

This sculpture is a woman dressed in ancient costumes, with the appearance of an emperor, graceful and beautiful. People can\'t help asking whether this is a person or a fairy?

Judging from the outstanding engravers, it can be seen that the engravers have spent a lot of effort.

"This idol is too beautiful."

Gu Xunshuang couldn\'t help but exclaimed, "Which **** is it?"

Zhang Wanlin smiled and said, "Is this not far in front of the horizon?"

"Did you mean that this is the palace lord?

! ! "

"Can you still have a second palace lord?" Gu Xunshuang thought, really.

The lord of the palace has reincarnated many times. Before he was an emperor, the Ninth Five-Year Lord, it is reasonable to be respected and shaped like a statue.

I just don\'t know which life this statue came from, and how brilliant that life was.

In front of her past self, Nangong Ling watched silently, as if she had grasped some clues in the long past.

The breeze blows, making her look extra deep at the moment.

The glory of the past no longer exists.

A female disciple from the temple walked over, bowed and said: "A few guests, today is full of guests, please go back."

"I need to find your ancestors."

Nangong Lingdao.

The female disciple looked at them again, and almost no one of the guests who came here would know the name of the ancestor, which has almost become a secret in the temple.

Unexpectedly, someone mentioned it here.

"My ancestors are very old and don\'t meet customers easily, so please come back."

She still said so.

"Then you show this token to your chief, and she will meet it."

Nangong Ling took off the blood-colored jade pendant from her waist, and the female disciple respected the result and bowed slightly and said, "I will go back and you will wait for a while."

Da Wu is meeting the last guest.

This guest is an old man and a wealthy one, but at a time, he was also a poor boy. He was fortunate to get the guidance of the big witch and made a fortune.

After getting rich, he took the initiative to build temples and has since become the most devout believer here.

Now, it is the second time that he has met with Da Wu and asked his children about the future.

"In today\'s troubled times, we should not just ask for money, but also protect the weak and accumulate virtuous virtues, so that the children will be safe."

Da Wu said in a deep voice.

The old man knelt on the ground, and bowed his head respectfully: "Thank you for your advice."

The female disciple came with the token and said, "Meet the great witch."

"What\'s the matter?"

The witch asked.

"Three guests came up in the hall. I hope you can meet them."

"Didn\'t our temple have rules? I only see ten guests every day, and they are full today. Ask him to come back tomorrow."

"She gave me this token, saying that you will meet you when you see it."

The female disciple took out her conviction and handed it to the great witch.

After the great witch took a closer look, his expression changed, "What is their purpose?

Fortune telling? "

"See the ancestors."

The great witch looked at the jade pendant again and again, as if thinking about something on his mind, and finally said, "Let them come in."


The female disciple retired.

If the old man is interested, someone can let the dignified witch take the initiative to meet him?

Where is it sacred?

You must know that the rule of receiving ten customers a day has never changed for decades.

And she mentioned the ancestor, he always thought that the ancestor would be a legend, how can a person live 200 years old, but now it seems to be true.

"You go back too, as long as you remember my words, you will surely keep your children safe."

The great witch said to the old man.

The old man stood up and thanked: "I must remember the teachings of the great witch."

When the old man returned to the temple hall, he immediately swarmed countless people, or business partners, or children. If there were other people on this occasion, they would definitely find that these people were either the rich or the smash hits, and the lineup was luxurious. It\'s staggering.

"Old Li, what did Da Wu say?

I am planning to visit her tomorrow too. "

"Grandpa, is this really accurate? If it\'s accurate, I\'m going to ask my stardom."

"Today I have a long experience. The place that asked you Lao Li to come here in person turned out to be here."

Many remarks surrounded the old man, but the old man looked at the other side, and saw that the female disciple was talking to the three young men. It must be the person whom the great witch personally wanted to meet.

They must be extraordinary, otherwise they wouldn\'t be able to be interviewed by Da Wu.

What made him even more curious was the legendary ancestor, what a 200-year-old person would look like, and what good luck would he have if he got her guidance.