Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1666: Draw a knife

What exactly is going on?

Could it be that this woman did it?

Wu Hai asked himself these questions repeatedly, but theoretically none of them existed.

As long as a ghost does not come from the underworld, it is impossible to have such strength. Under the control of the trapped ghost array, it is easy to solve a ghost without even lifting the finger.

Also surprised was Gu Xunshuang. Is that the palace lord?

Even if the Palace Master\'s strength is trained into the Blood Fiend Dafa, it is impossible to advance so quickly.

Moreover, when I wiped out that Li ghost, I didn\'t see his power released, just like the opponent died.

It\'s incredible.

Today, Gu Xunshuang saw another Nangong spirit.

Nangong Lingyouyou smiled and said, "Hey, why is it gone all of a sudden?

I haven\'t really shot yet. "

The words are full of provocation.

Without the four ghosts, the power of the sleepy ghost formation was greatly reduced, but what about it, even in the heyday, she was helpless.

Wu Hai wanted to call the remaining three ghosts back. The plan had to be discussed long-term, at least until Chen Qiang came.

However, the remaining three ghosts were full of grievances, and where they could be provoked, they rushed from different directions and dragged up the billowing smoke.

Nangong Ling blew lightly, and the three menacing ghosts immediately disappeared, and the fragments of their souls disappeared into the air.

This scene made the people present look stupid.

If it was inexplicable just now, what about now?

The three ghosts were solved by just blowing lightly?

This is too...Wu Hai only now realizes that the ghost attached to this woman is not simple. He seems to see a huge gap in strength between them. No matter how many corpses are filled in between, he can’t. Reach the other end.

The inexplicable shock breeds a question, who is he?

No ghost can be abnormal enough to have such strength, at least not among the ghosts he has seen.

The red ghost appeared next to him and reminded: "We are not her opponents, we should withdraw first."

Wu Hai resolutely shook his head: "How can this be done? I finally found her. If we don\'t solve it completely here, it will only cause tigers.

What\'s more, the director gave us a death order, she must be resolved! "

"Well, no matter life or death, I will help you."

The red ghost floated on Wu Hai\'s body and became one with him, completing the transformation of a ghost.

Gu Xunshuang, who was hiding on the side, was still immersed in surprise. The three ghosts just disappeared at once, almost leaving her stunned.

This is Zhang Wanlin?

She asked herself repeatedly in her heart.

She began to sort out all this in her mind.

In fact, this principle is very simple. The palace lord sacrificed his life and soul with the ancestral instruction.

He was strong from beginning to end, but he was so strong that he couldn\'t see it in their way.

Then in turn, it is inferred, are the strange encounters along the way all due to Zhang Wanlin?

Thinking about it, it was enough to make her deeply shocked.

"Since the round of your shots is over, now it\'s my turn.

It just so happened that I just recently practiced a blood evil Dafa, and I don\'t know if it\'s easy to use. "

Nangong Ling said with her hands dancing, the breath of blood rippling around her.

Wu Hai has also heard of the blood evil Dafa. This evil technique is very useful for people, but it can be greatly discounted for ghosts like them. As for ghosts, it is even more useless.

Even if the Blood Fiend Dafa used it to produce flowers, it would not be possible to defeat them.

This time it seemed that she was too self-confident that she miscalculated.

Wu Hai will not let this mistake go, and shouted: "Everyone, take her to me, you can live or die!"

All the ghost defenders rushed over, seeing the roar of ghosts faintly in them.

These are elite fighters who have received rigorous training and have experienced many battles between humans and ghosts. They are particularly effective against humans and ghosts.

As long as they are given a loophole, they will completely open the loophole into a huge hole.

Gu Xunshuang was frightened watching him, and instinctively he would drew his sword and rushed out to protect the lord.

But a voice in her mind sternly reminded her: Don\'t come over.

It turned out that Nangong Ling had noticed her behind him a long time ago.

A brightly rotating red semi-permeable sphere appeared in Nangong Ling\'s hands, and the red light seemed to dig through the surface of the sphere, pouring out.

The bodies of the ghost defenders who rushed over suddenly stagnated for this reason, and then the ghosts separated from them, and the demonization was completely lifted.

This is not over yet. After the demonization is over, they, whether they are people or ghosts, are all sucked by the blood-red beads in front of Nangong Ling\'s eyes.

The blood and soul formed an undercurrent of red and black intertwined continuously on the sphere. Accompanied by the painful cry of people and the scream of ghosts, if someone saw this scene, it would definitely be creepy. This is the reappearance of hell.

Wu Hai was lucky enough to be pushed out by the red ghost to avoid this disaster, but because of this, the red ghost died.

Now he can only sit on the spot in a daze, watching his subordinates, his ghost is exhausted.

How could Blood Fiend Dafa have such an ability?

Not only has it broken the demonization of the master of ghosts, but also has the ghost-sucking soul, which is simply impossible! But it really happened right before my eyes.

How he hoped that all of this was in a dream.

Seeing this scene, even if Gu Xun Shuang had been on the killing field for many years, he still couldn\'t stand the blood in front of him. It was really nauseating.

She didn\'t want to watch any more, don\'t overdo it, she couldn\'t calm down for a long time.

When Chen Qiang arrived at the fastest speed, the first batch of teams had been defeated. The dry corpses in the walkway were the best proof. They were lying in various postures, obviously very unwilling.

Chen Qiang and a group of ghost guards were almost dumbfounded, what the **** is going on... Wu Haidao: "We miscalculated, we all miscalculated, take advantage of the opportunity to leave now, Chen Qiang, especially you, you can’t die. Her hands."

Wu Hai has always been very steady, allowing him to say these words hysterically, plus the corpse in a place, it can be seen that the woman standing in the corpse is not ordinary.

After consuming the soul and blood, Nangong Ling became more and more charming. The whole person was like a flower in full bloom after absorbing the land made of corpses, especially charming.

It\'s just that on top of these bones, her beauty looks strange.

Nangong Lingying smiled and said, "Since it\'s here, of course none of them can leave, don\'t you think so?"

"You demon girl! How many lives have been killed by practicing evil arts, how can I leave?"

Chen Qiang said angrily: "Do you know this knife, named Zhangui, which specializes in killing evil like you."

"I have never drawn the sword easily, but once I draw the sword, all evil spirits will inevitably be slaughtered."

After speaking, his aura suddenly changed, and he had entered a ghostly state.

He held the knife flat, and slowly pulled out the blade. The moment the blade saw the light, it reflected the dazzling smoothness, as if a beast finally broke free from the cage, revealing a dazzling fierce light.

A harsh ghost screamed in the air.