Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1665: Sound asleep

Gu Xunshuang was sleeping soundly on his side, and Zhang Wanlin, who was lying beside him, slowly opened his eyes.

Everything that happened in this building is truly presented in front of you, even the smallest details can be seen.

They are preparing for the formation of sleepy ghosts, and it is now approaching the end.

At the reception desk on the first floor, that quaint knife is particularly powerful, as if it has its own breath.

But all this is nothing more than that, just that.

Zhang Wanlin felt that it was necessary to go out, lest they come over and provoke the sleep of the beauties around him.

He got up and went to the living room, where he ran into Nangong Ling who was leaving the bedroom.

"Do you feel it too?"

Nangong Ling said, "Those people are here again."

"Well, yes, this time it\'s no better than last time, but all the elites.

You seem to plan to deal with them alone. "

"Now only I have the ability to deal with it, not to mention my blood evil technique has been completed, although there is only one level, but it is enough."

Zhang Wanlin shook his head, "Not yet, your blood evil technique is okay against ordinary people, but it is of little use against these people.

Especially ghosts.

This is the fatal weakness of your blood evil technique.

Because ghosts have no blood. "

To Zhang Wanlin\'s words, Nangong Ling looked at him with admiration: "Unexpectedly, you know so much about the little ghost, then I ask you, what should we do now?"

Zhang Wanlin walked in front of Nangong Ling with a smile, his lips almost touching her mouth, he smiled: "How about I help you?"

"what are you going to do?

! "

Nangong Ling retreated, but it was too late, Zhang Wanlin had already entered her body.

In an instant, her whole person\'s temperament suddenly changed, like a noble emperor descending on the world, making everything in the world sad.

She pushed the door out, and heard the sound outside, Gu Xunshuang turned around on the bed and woke up in a daze.

Gu Xunshuang thought he would see Zhang Wanlin lying next to him, but there was no one, so he should have gone out.

Through the opened door, she saw that the door of Nangongling\'s bedroom was also open, which indicated that the palace lord had also gone out.

It\'s still so early, what are they doing out there?

For the purpose of protecting the palace owner, Gu Xunshuang immediately got up and put on his clothes and walked out. In the corridor, he saw Nangong Ling\'s back.

How does this figure say, familiar and unfamiliar, although he is the palace lord, but it seems like he doesn\'t know him, how could this happen.

Could it be that she slept stupidly?

She quietly followed behind, trying to understand the current situation.

If her skill is deep enough, she will definitely be keenly aware that a large number of members of the Nintendo Bureau are coming here.

Chen Qiang, who had been closing his eyes and rested on the first floor, opened his eyes, and this knife conveyed to him a feeling of being peeped by outsiders.

But looking around, where is anyone?

At this moment, a member of the Lingzhi Bureau came and said: "Vice team Chen, Captain Wu has notified you that you are in place, and the target has already begun to act."

"I acted so soon."

Chen Qiang smiled slightly.

"okay, I get it."

He stood up, took Zhangui and walked upstairs.

Nangong Ling walked with an elegant posture, and her every move was poetic and beautiful.

Suddenly, several ghost defenders came from the corridor, all of them were ghosts, and the surging ghost power distorted the surrounding space, and no one would be the opponent of these ghost defenders.

The head was a thin and tall young man. He wore glasses and saw Nangong Ling\'s eyes brightening: "It\'s not as famous as meeting. I didn\'t expect a real person to be so beautiful.

It\'s just a pity, it will soon disappear. "

Nangong Ling said indifferently: "It seems that you have prepared a lot for this."

The words are full of contempt.

Gu Xunshuang hid behind in surprise. She didn\'t expect the palace owner to go out alone to deal with these ghost guards alone.

How could these ghost guards chase over so quickly.

She wanted to go out to protect the palace owner immediately, but reason kept her in place.

With her strength, it is impossible to be the opponent of these ghost guards, so she can only hide here first and wait for the opportunity.

At this time, where did Zhang Wanlin go! ?

"You don\'t seem to be demonized, you look really weak.

. "

Wu Haidao, "I advise you to demonize with your ghost, otherwise you will be our opponent."

Because the special contract relationship between Zhang Wanlin and Nangong Ling is no better than the ordinary contract, after the demonization, ordinary people can\'t tell that it has been demonized at all.

That\'s why Wu Hai said so.

Gu Xunshuang was anxious, and now only the palace master is dealing with these people, and he is weak. Even if she is added, there are only two. Where is the night forest! ?

But even if he came over, it would be useless with his little devil\'s strength.

"so what?

Can you beat me? "

Nangong Ling said contemptuously, winking like silk, seeing the ghost guards ready to move.

This natural enchantment combined with the blood evil Dafa, even ghost guards can\'t stand it.

Wu Hai heard her as if he heard a joke, "It\'s easy to beat you.

Do you know where this is?

The center of the sleepy ghost formation, after you become a ghost, it happens that you can be restrained to the greatest extent by the sleepy ghost formation. I will tell you the good news that this formation is made up of the four innocent lives you killed.

They are like any of us who want to take your life. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the howls of fierce ghosts sounded in each corridor, which was extremely stern and moved.

Immediately afterwards, four ghosts quickly floated over from the corridor one after another, floating in the air, their hideous faces seemed to make the world scared.

Gu Xunshuang covered his mouth in surprise. They turned into these ghosts. One of them was especially familiar. Isn\'t it the one in the dream?

Looking at the ghost power on them, they are no less than those defending ghosts, and under the strong resentment, they surpassed them.

In their eyes, no one should want to stop them from killing the woman in front of them, people resist killing, gods resist killing gods! ! "Hehe... old friend, we haven\'t seen each other for a long time, I didn\'t expect to see us the day after killing us."

"What we are talking about will definitely make you uncomfortable, and we will return all our pain to you!"

"By the way, you were our woman before again, how can we not enjoy the joy of fish and water?"

The four ghosts floated in the air and laughed.

Nangong Ling glanced at them contemptuously, his expression calm, even with a faint smile: "In this way, you still haven\'t died enough."

"What did you say!?"

When a ghost swooped down, resentment was dragging the long black tail, and it was about to kill her.

Wu Hai planned to keep the original soldier still, and with the blessing of the sleepy ghost formation, the power of the four ghosts increased greatly, and the ghost power of this woman was correspondingly reduced. There was no comparison between the two.

It won\'t be too late for them to take action after they both lose.

It\'s still very good to watch a good show here.

Of course, if the woman fails directly, it is expected, and it doesn\'t matter.

It saves time.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the Li Ghost rushing towards Nangong Spirit disappeared out of thin air, and it was gone, and there was not even a wailing sound.