Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1664: Kill the ghost

"Master, I think this ghost is really delicious, can you tell him about it."

The red ghost smiled, "I want to eat him myself."


You haven\'t eaten ghosts for a long time, how come you suddenly think of eating ghosts? "

"Because I can feel it, he is really delicious."

Li Gui was approaching step by step, but Wu Hai\'s ethereal voice came in his mind: "That ghost, don\'t kill him, I have a great use for it."

It frowned. How could it be possible for him to show mercy at this moment?

! This is one of the culprits who personally let himself die.

He will never agree, he must be killed! "If you dare to move him, I will make you die again."

This time it was another voice, how could he not know this voice, it was clearly the ghost in the red! Fear arises spontaneously.

"Why, are you afraid of me?"

Zhang Wanlin stood in front and smiled, "If you are afraid, then leave as soon as possible. It would be better to be reincarnated and reborn."

Li Gui snorted coldly, "Do you think I\'m scared?

If it weren\'t for someone to protect you, I would definitely make you die ugly! But it doesn\'t matter, you can survive, but it doesn\'t mean I can\'t torture you. "

He licked his tongue greedily, and rushed over quickly, "Go to death, go to death!!"

Gu Xunshuang involuntarily backed away, but Zhang Wanlin didn\'t move at all. Instead, he stood upright and smiled slightly.

"This is good."

He snapped his fingers lightly, and there was a strong wind and waves in the calm forest. A majestic force hit Li Gui like an iron fist, and Li Gui immediately flew out, lying on the ground, no matter how hard it is to get up. .

Gu Xunshuang looked stunned, such a strong ghost could do it with a single snap of his fingers?

! Wu Hai and the ghost in red were also seen in this picture. The snapping finger just now almost shattered the dream, causing all the candles surrounding the dream to die.

What is this...How could a kid have such strength?

That\'s a dream.

This is equivalent to pulling the enemy to their home court. They can use any advantage to attack the enemy, but this person is so powerful that they ignore such rules and directly crush the home court to pieces.

Ghosts with this ability are simply unheard of, unseen.

Wu Hai solemnly said: "Are you really sure that the other party is just a kid?"

The red ghost has become hesitant now, "I can feel that it is really just a little ghost, but I don\'t know why it shows such a huge power."

"This should be based on some kind of external ritual formation, otherwise a kid can\'t be that tough."

Wu Hai finally concluded this way.

"If there is such a formation, it must be arranged by an expert, and it will be even more difficult for us to deal with them."

"This is not a big deal. We have four evil spirits and Chen Qiang still has the trump card, so it\'s no problem to deal with them."

Li Gui couldn\'t believe that he had failed, and fell into the hands of this little ghost inexplicably.

He was full of unwillingness, but he couldn\'t climb a weak body.

Zhang Wanlin walked towards it: "Look at you, you died once, and now you die again, there is no chance of death next.

bye. "

He lifted the ghost power and was about to give the ghost a fatal blow. At this moment, the surrounding space quickly twisted and then shattered, and the world fell into darkness...The dream was broken.

Gu Xun Shuang Youyou woke up and felt that he was covered in sweat. This dream was really terrifying. Fortunately, Zhang Wanlin appeared in time, but why he appeared in the dream, she soon found the answer.

At the moment she was in the arms of a man, hugging him tightly.

This person is not someone else, but Zhang Wanlin.

Now on the bed, she is wearing only black underwear, so tightly hugging her, it will inevitably embarrass her, but fortunately there are only two of them here.

She hurriedly separated, wrapped the quilt around her body, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Wanlin said slowly: "Of course he came here to sleep with the beauty in his arms."


Gu Xunshuang thought of the dream just now, "Did you enter my dream just now?"


Zhang Wanlin thought for a while, and seemed to remember such a thing, "It seems that we have the same dream.

It can be seen that holding together helps us dream of each other. "

Gu Xun was so angry that she couldn\'t speak for the secret answer that was not asked. She hurried out and turned around again, "Don\'t tell the palace owner what happened just now."

"Well, this is the secret between the two of us."

"Not two, you are not a human at all, you are a ghost!"

After Gu Xunshuang took a bath and soaked in the bathtub, she kept thinking about that dream, which was definitely not a simple dream.

In that dream, the people they saw during the day turned into ghosts, very strong.

What surprised her even more was the appearance of Zhang Wanlin.

He even flattened the ghost with a snap of his fingers.

It was a dream, so absurd.

After taking a bath and returning to the bedroom, Gu Xunshuang saw Zhang Wanlin still in his bed, and he couldn\'t help but become angry: "Why are you still here?

Don’t you know that we are different from men and women? "

"Don\'t worry, I am a ghost, you are welcome."

Zhang Wanlin patted the position beside him, "Come and sleep, your master doesn\'t care, what else do you care?"

It makes sense to say so, he is just a ghost and cares about so much what he does.

Gu Xunshuang was also really tired, and didn\'t want to continue to care about this issue with Zhang Wanlin, she took off her coat and retracted into the quilt.

"I warn you, don\'t move your hands while I\'m asleep."


What bad thoughts can ghosts have? "

It turns out that ghosts really have bad thoughts.

After Gu Xunshuang fell asleep, Zhang Wanlin looked at her up and down, and then came to the conclusion that, sure enough, it would be more beautiful if the hair was loosened.

Near 3 am, Wan Lai was silent, and the whole Jiangcheng was immersed in sleep.

Three modified vehicles from the Lingtong Bureau drove at the entrance of the hotel, and more than a dozen ghost guards in uniforms came down one after another.

These are the elites of the second team, all gathered to bring the goal to justice on this day.

They quickly took over the hotel and arranged it around the hotel.

If you want to deal with them, you need to be fully prepared, and to attack rashly, it will only outweigh the gains. This is the summary of Wu Hai\'s many years of work.

What he laid out throughout the hotel was the array of sleepy ghosts.

No matter how powerful a person is, he will mainly rely on ghosts. As long as the ghost is trapped, his power will inevitably decay, and the team can be defeated.

Fortunately, the evil spirits were recovered from the dream in time, otherwise they would not be able to be placed around the formation to exert the greatest power of the formation.

Sleepy Ghost Array is generally arranged with righteous magical instruments to achieve the maximum effect.

Here Wu Hai uses four fierce souls with resentment to act as the four eyes, which can be said to be the opposite. However, because of this, the formation is not only capable of trapping ghosts, but also full of killing power. The same has a great effect.

This is what Wu Hai Pingsheng is most proud of.

Chen Qiang has been sitting in the hall, closing his eyes and resting. He doesn\'t need to prepare anything, just coming here is the biggest preparation.

He is holding a simple knife in his hand, which looks at least no less than a thousand years old.

The name of this sword is "Zhangui", meaning that it exists exclusively for killing ghosts. There are so many ghosts that die under this sword, so that once the sword is pulled out of its sheath, the ghost\'s wailing will appear, and the power of killing will be awe-inspiring. Quartet.

No ghost has ever been able to hold on to a round with this knife, all in one fell swoop.

In a sense, Slashing Ghost is far more powerful and effective than Sleepy Ghost Array.

Now this knife is waiting quietly, it can\'t wait to cut away a ghost\'s body.
