Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1656: Everyone listens to you?

"Even if there are these ghosts, can you guarantee that every ghost can listen to you?"

Chen Kun asked again.

Although this ghost is at the level of a ghost king, it is still impossible to let all ghosts obey him.

This is not his field after all.

But Nangong Ling just said casually: "They will."

The first group of ghost defenders is coming here quickly. The team is equipped with three ghost defenders and the remaining seven evil ghost defenders.

Everyone is basically at the elite level, at least in the Lingtiao Bureau.

As they were on their way, the leader of the team suddenly stopped.

"Do you feel anything unusual?"

Everyone behind stopped and looked around carefully.

"Group leader, there doesn\'t seem to be any changes around."

"I didn\'t find any abnormalities here either."

"Me too."

The group leader said, "I\'m pretty sure that there must be something abnormal in front of me.

Wait, get out of here! Get out of here! ! "

Before everyone had reacted, countless tentacles stretched out from the dark forest, directly piercing the hearts of several people, dragging their bodies into the forest.

What kind of monster is that! ?

Everyone present was shocked.

"Go! Follow the tentacles!"

The group leader issued an order.

As a member of the Lingzhi Bureau, wherever there are supernatural events, they are needed.

Obviously, the problem here urgently needs to be resolved.

They cautiously walked into the dark jungle and saw a bright red flower blooming in an open area.

Its rhizome is thick and professional, it can be transformed into flexible and free-growing tentacles extending around.

The corpses were being brought into the center of the flower bud by the tentacles just now, where there was a woman\'s face.

The woman opened her mouth and swallowed the corpses one by one. The scene was shocking.

What kind of monster is this.

No one has seen a monster like this in their entire lives.

"Attack me!! Destroy this monster!!"

As the group leader called out loudly, everyone launched an offensive, gunshots kept ringing, and the ghosts used their abilities to attack.

The face flower let out a roar, and the vine swayed, plunged into the soil like a living snake, spreading to the people around it.

Soon, several more corpses were added to the scene and they were dragged on the grass.

For a time, there were tragic cries one after another here.

Chen Kun didn\'t dare to look any more, he never thought that there would be such a monster here.

The weird recovery, really weird recovery! ! This monster is also called a ghost in the strict sense. It is a product twisted by the powerful grievances of the ghost and becomes stronger than before.

"Don\'t tell this ghost to obey you."

Chen Kun looked at Nangong Ling.

Now he really started to be afraid of this woman. Since this woman is so powerful, how could he not show such a deep strength when he was arrested at the beginning.

"No, these ghosts do not obey me. They have their own will. I just reminded them to wake up."

Nangong Ling replied, "Next we will look at the next set."

Everything in the screen is transferred to the second group of ghost defenders.

They also encountered strange things-a child was standing pitifully in front of them.

This kid is wearing a bellyband, white and fat, so cute, how could he be lost in the woods?

One member felt pity and wanted to pass, but was pushed aside by the team leader.

The team leader reminded: "How could a child appear in this old forest in the deep mountains? This is obviously wrong! We should use ghosts to test him."

They sent a ghost over to explore the reality, but when the gap was about one meter, the child suddenly opened his mouth, revealing sharp fangs.

Where is the child, it is clearly a ferocious beast.

The ghost was absorbed on the spot.

There was a lot of gunfire at the scene, but the child was crawling on the ground, so fast that it was impossible to figure out.

Some people are constantly being attacked and some people are dying...The fear of death is shrouded in everyone\'s heart.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Why not hit."

"Damn it, don\'t be upper body by it, once it is upper body, it will..." Chen Kun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally held back the words.

These ghosts are all high-level ghosts, and even stronger.

It seems that he lost this bet, and he lost it thoroughly.

Nangong Lingyin smiled and said, "Next is the next group."

All the following groups were completely annihilated as Chen Kun had expected, without exception.

The screaming in the jungle was the excitement of those monsters, which made people shudder.

In a short time, he was the only one left in the team of hundreds of people.

"I lost completely, I\'ll give you my life.

But before I die, can I know who you are? "

Chen Kun thought that someone who can guide these ghosts must be a great man.

"In fact, I don\'t know this. My memory is like a puzzle. Only at a certain point will the next piece appear."

Nangong Ling got up and struck out Hache, Chen Kun fell down and died on the spot.

Let\'s find a place to rest now.

Nangong Ling picked up Gu Xun and walked towards the village.

At least now she can be quieter and not be disturbed by outsiders.

Jiangcheng, the headquarters of Lingtiao Bureau.

The rapid knock on the door disturbed the secretary\'s peace, who knocked on the door during the lunch break.

Although complaining, the director still said: "Please come in."

A subordinate hurriedly walked in, looking uneasy.

"Director, a message may need your confirmation."

"what news?"

"We sent a team to hunt down Nangong Ling."

"Oh, so it succeeded?"

The Secretary smiled.

If it succeeds, the big rock in the heart is finally let go, and it can finally get rid of the **** of the K organization.

The subordinate was obviously depressed, and he stopped talking: "The 108 ghost guards that we sent to hunt down were all killed."

"What did you say!?"

The director stood up angrily and looked directly at his subordinates, "You said they are all dead?

No one is alive? "

"Yes, it\'s all dead.

This is document information. "

The director looked at these documents and almost took a sigh of relief. These documents were all investigators sent to the scene. The pictures were all the pictures of the tragic death of the ghost guard.

This was nearly half of the strength of the Lingzhi Bureau, and it was completely wiped out.

Suddenly, the director seemed to have a nervous breakdown.

"How did they die?"

"According to the investigation, it should have died in the hands of a strangely resurrected monster.

Some monsters are also recorded here.

They are ghosts, but unlike the ghosts we have seen, they are more hostile and ferocious. "

The director seemed to be much older in an instant, and he waved his hand: "Go down and arrange the follow-up work for the deceased."


As soon as the subordinates got down, the deputy director opened the door and came in.

The director looked at him with a sullen expression, "Don\'t tell me what\'s up there with you."

"Director, now there are different levels of supernatural incidents all over the country, and people are dying every day. The above requires us to immediately introduce relevant policies and implement relevant actions to maintain normal law and order."

The deputy director said, "If this continues, I\'m afraid the whole country will be in chaos."