Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1655: rest assured

This is demonized.

However, this demonization surprised everyone slightly.

Normal demonization is the ability of people to control ghosts, but in her, it is the ghosts that control people.

And most importantly, what\'s the matter with this huge ghost power?

This is like a Jinghong waterfall, spurring layers of waves and completely submerging the surroundings.

The strength of strength makes everyone and every ghost unavoidably frightened.

How did this ghost\'s strength increase so much in an instant?

Nangong Ling stands leisurely, tall and elegant, and full of imperial spirit.

She smiled frivolously, her red lips outlined a beautiful arc, and said lightly: "Although I don\'t like violence, in a sense, violence is the best way to solve problems.

Come on together. "

"Hmph, don\'t think we dare not go if you are demonized!"

"We are so many and powerful, how can you stand me?" "And our troops are coming, you can hardly fly."

The ghost guard said so, but none of them dared to go.

Under this powerful ghost power, going up is the greatest stupidity, and can only drag on.

Nangong smiled, "Since you can\'t go, then I have to go."

She stretched out her hand and tapped a beautiful jade finger on a person\'s forehead: "Now, you can die."

The accused made a whimper, as if being pinched by someone\'s throat, his eyes were round and protruding, blood flowed down the seven holes, and died suddenly.

This weird and terrifying scene shocked everyone.

What kind of ability is this? You can kill a person directly in the air.

It\'s too... incredible.

One person is dead.

Nangong Ling continued to point people, just like holding a gun in her hand, and those who were pointed by her would be killed with one shot. However, this was actually more terrifying than a gun.

"Next is you, it looks like you are very arrogant."

Nangong Ling pointed at a person.

The man immediately became timid, "My lord, please forgive me, forgive me!"

The words were not finished, and the head fell to the ground.

It\'s killing people out of thin air.

At this time, the real horror completely enveloped the three of them, and even their ghosts did not dare to act rashly.

"Next is you."

"Then it\'s you."

"Finally..." Nangong Ling ordered people in turn, and everyone who ordered was bound to die, and their deaths were different.

There was only one person left, but Nangong Ling couldn\'t think of a better way to die.

The man tremblingly bowed to the ground, and kowtowed: "My lord, my lord, please go around me. I can be a cow or a horse for you.


We also arrested you for errands. "

"Oh, then why are you arresting?"

"We don\'t know this, I am only responsible for executing orders."

"In that case, you have no use value."

"Wait, I know a message that an organization named K mobilizes us to arrest you.

They can transfer almost all the volunteers in our bureau. "

Nangong Ling found it more interesting, and continued to ask: "Then do you know what organization this K organization is?"

"This... I really don\'t know."

"That seems to be dead."

As soon as Nangong Ling\'s voice fell, the man let out a scream and fell to the ground.

Now everyone is dead, but the crisis has not passed because of this. A bigger crisis is coming, and their heads should be coming soon, so wait for him here.

Nangong Ling found a stone and sat down, bending her beautiful legs and stroking it gently. She had to say that this woman\'s skin was like fat, her skin was snowy, and the soft texture of her skin made every man dreamy.

But how could she be a ghost, she can only look at such a stunner, not to get it, it\'s a pity, a pity.

"Their breath is gone."

In my heart, the ghost said to Chen Kun.

"I feel it too."

"He is waiting for you."


Let\'s go, we will meet him and see how sacred he is. "

When Chen Kun arrived, he was seeing corpses all over the floor.

These are his five subordinates, who are dead.

A woman in red is sitting on this pool of blood, with bright eyes and white teeth, and her red eyeshadow outlines her softness.

She was stroking her beautiful legs gracefully, with great interest, and she didn\'t seem to notice the person.

Chen Kun was about to step forward, and the ghost reminded in his heart: "His strength is unfathomable, you must be careful."

As the most powerful ghost, Phantom Ghost can let her say these words, which shows how powerful this person is.

"You can\'t escape anymore."

Chen Kun said.

"how you said that."

Nangong Ling lifted up her black hair and asked softly.

"Isn\'t it obvious, although you are strong, how can you deal with all the ghost guards together?"

"If you say this, I really want to try it, but unfortunately, your ghost guards naturally have ghosts to deal with them."

"What did you say?

! "

Nangong smiled: "We might as well make a bet on which of your ghost guards and ghosts is better."

Chen Kun snorted coldly: "That\'s naturally my ghost guard! Is this still necessary?"

"Don\'t rush to judge this. Let\'s first understand the gambling agreement. If your ghost defender defeats those ghosts, then you win and you can survive.

If your ghost guard can\'t beat those ghosts, then you lose and you can only die. "

"You\'re such a big tone. You haven\'t started the fight yet. How can you assert that you can beat me?"

Chen Kun made an attacking posture, "Now let\'s divide the victory or defeat."

Nangong Ling looked at him more interestingly, "Don\'t you find out that you have lost since you came here?"

"This can\'t be..." Before Chen Kun finished his words, he felt that everything was wrong.

He couldn\'t control his body unexpectedly.

The ghost said regretfully in his heart: "We have already lost."

"But we haven\'t played against each other..." Chen Kun looked very shocked. This was the most inexplicable battle he had ever fought, and he had already lost before the fight started.

"There is no need to fight anymore.

She controlled your body with her ghost power alone.

If she wanted to, she could just kill us directly. "

"She really has such strength?"

"Yes, according to my estimation, her strength is almost equal to that of the ghost king, otherwise she won\'t be able to suppress me to even the ability to fight back."

Chen Kun heard the words "Ghost King", and there was a huge uproar in his heart. The ghost king is already a dominating existence, and he will encounter a ghost of the ghost king level here.

"Now what?"

he asks.

"Promise her bet, this is our only chance to survive."

Nangong Ling said indifferently: "It seems that you have agreed to the bet, then let\'s take a look at our chess pieces."

A picture appeared in the air out of thin air, showing the ghost guard who was coming here.

"There can be no other ghosts in this place, how can you compare?"

Chen Kun asked.

"Wait a minute and you\'ll find out."

Nangong Ling said, "Don\'t worry, these ghosts will definitely not let you down."