Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1657: Red skirt

"Welcome to the Jiangcheng evening news.

After many disasters three days ago, peace has not ushered in everywhere, but it has gotten worse and weird deaths have begun to occur. "

"Only in our Jiangcheng local area, there have been many deaths. The average daily death toll is about 20 people. The most shocking incident is the human puppet incident."

"Human puppets are filled with human flesh and blood. The number of known victims has reached 9 and the number is still rising. The police are working hard to detect this case."

"In addition, there are midnight homicides, panic deaths, and whiteheads cases all over the country.

Many people called the police that they had seen monsters.

We can\'t help asking, is all of this related to the disaster three days ago? "

"Did those disasters open the door to evil and cause the whole world to mess up?"

There is a TV in a restaurant on the outskirts of Jiangcheng, and diners watch the content on the TV from time to time and sigh.

Recently, the world has not been peaceful, and there have been a series of murders, especially at night.

The streets in the suburbs are usually crowded and lively, but now, it is deserted and depressed, like an empty city.

The only few shops were lit with monotonous lights, but they still couldn\'t bear the darkness of night.

The residents were panicked, afraid that they would be the next one to die, so they went home early at night, and then locked the door tightly until the next day.

This is not only the case in Jiangcheng, but also in all parts of the country and the world.

The police also called on people to go home as early as possible at night.

What seems to have happened in this world, but no one knows exactly what it is. They can only clearly feel that more and more terrorist incidents are coming to this world.

In a corner of the restaurant, there were three people sitting around, one man and two women.

Nangong Ling looked out the window solemnly: "How familiar is the situation like this in the past."

"Palace Master, is there something happening now?"

Gu Xun double asked.

"Disasters are frequent, evil spirits are in charge, yes, this is a weird recovery."

Nangong sighed with inspiration, "Every time weird recovery is always accompanied by the arrival of a big man, the last time it was the ghost emperor came to the world, I don\'t know what it is this time.

However, no matter what it is, it is not good for us. "

"Then our situation is more dangerous now?"

"Well, that\'s why we have to improve our strength more quickly.

In this age, only strength is king. "

Nangong Ling turned around again and asked Zhang Wanlin, "What happened that day?"

The day she was referring to was when she was trapped in the mountains three days ago.

At that time, both she and Gu Xunshuang were unconscious and did not know what happened later. When they woke up, they had already arrived at their residence in a nearby village.

Something must have happened during this period.

Otherwise, why don\'t those ghost guards be hunted down?

Gu Xunshuang also said: "Yes, I also find it strange that those hunters are not at odds with the palace owner, and it is impossible not to continue chasing us, but now they seem to have not come alone.

This is really weird. "

They don\'t know, it\'s not that the Lingming Bureau did not pursue it, but the team responsible for the pursuit of the Lingming Bureau has been wiped out.

Zhang Wanlin didn\'t like to talk about his killings at all. It was too elegant, so he smiled and said, "You ask me, how do I know, even though I am a ghost, I can\'t know everything."

Nangong Ling approached, his eyes focused: "I think you are lying.

I remember as if you were on my body, right? "

"Oh, this one is true.

Not to mention, your body is really beautiful, now I still have more thoughts. "


The thought of his own body being abused by him makes Nangong Ling very angry.

She is a noble emperor, she is icy and jade, how can she allow others to desecrate her body wantonly?

But it was relieved to think that the other party was a ghost.

What can a ghost do.

"I think this ghost is a hooligan!"

Gu Xun double-qi said, "Palace Master, it is better not to summon this rogue out."

As a ghost defender, he has the right to allow ghosts to stay in his body or appear in the outside world, but it is different for Nangong Ling.

Because she is a slave and the ghost is the master.

The ghost can decide whether to stay inside or outside.

Zhang Wanlin laughed: "Your palace lord had this idea a long time ago, but she is my servant.

She will do what I say.

From this perspective, you are the servant of Nangong Spirit, so you are also the servant of my servant, so you have to listen to me even more. "

Gu Xunshuang blushed, just about to say something, but when Nangong Ling stopped him, Zhang Wanlin was right.

"I will figure out what happened before that."

Nangong Ling looked at Zhang Wanlin\'s eyes and said.

Zhang Wanlin didn\'t care: "What\'s the use if you figure it out?"

"It\'s useless to you, but it\'s useful to me.

I need to know what kind of ghost you are! "

Several diners came in in the restaurant, dressed in suits and shoes, and they looked like rich people.

If this does not prove rich, you can take a look at the few sports cars that stop outside, each of which is worth millions.

What is not rich?

The boss immediately went up and greeted: "How many people please, what can I do?"

Zhang Lin found a place to sit down: "Just be the sign of your shop, we are all hungry as many as there are."

"Hey, good."

The boss bowed and ordered to cook.

Zhang Lin and the four came to this place because of drag racing.

The suburbs are not as crowded and crowded as the urban areas. On the contrary, there are not only fewer people, but also complete road facilities, which are suitable for drag racing.

They almost circumvented Jiangcheng in one day today, and even went to other provinces.

What makes people extraordinarily exciting is especially at night. Recently, weird incidents have happened frequently in the evening. They drag racing at night, undoubtedly going with the weird, even thinking about it is exciting.

At high speeds, it feels self-evident.

"Today is really enjoyable, we will come again tomorrow."

"Yes, come again.

Or go in the direction of Beihai tomorrow. "

"There has just been a tsunami, so let\'s change the place."

"Don\'t talk for now, look over there..." one of them suddenly whispered, and they looked at a corner of the restaurant together, only to see two peerless ladies sitting there.

It is difficult for two women to make people careless.

One was dressed in black. The style of clothes was relatively simple and generous, and the shape of the waist was very good to outline the curve of the waist.

It can be seen that her figure is slim and slim, and her skin can be broken.

The combination of her high ponytail and delicate face is even more imaginative.

The other is wearing a red short coat and a long skirt with high forks. The shape is still simple, but in the simple, it reveals a noble, king, and feminine style.

The skin that was exposed from time to time in the red clothes room was tempting, and it also brought out the delicate and exquisite body of her body.

This woman is even more beautiful than the previous one, beautiful and arrogant, and her makeup is charming and not vulgar, just to add the finishing touch to her temperament.

There was also a man sitting with these two women. Of course, who would look at a man?

"These two girls are so beautiful, they feel better than the Internet celebrities I have ever seen."

"It\'s not just an internet celebrity, it\'s more impressive than a celebrity.

Are they playing cos? "

"I really want to have fun with them. If I come with these two women once, then this life won\'t be a waste of time."

They sighed as they watched.