Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 47: Ringworm

Chapter 47 Fire poison ringworm

   "Hello, Mr. Liu."

As soon as Chen Fei entered the door, he noticed that the exposed arm skin of the other party was like burning red tree bark. The entire arm and even the shoulders were covered with a layer of fish scales, which was very scary. He couldn\'t help frowning slightly.

Obviously, he knew about this disease, but in his mind it was extremely rare. Even he had only seen it in the memory of that expert in the cultivation world, but he didn\'t expect to see it today. .

"Old Liu, Xiaocheng, let me introduce, this is Dr. Chen Feichen from our hospital. Don\'t look at his young age, but his medical skills are extremely brilliant. I am far inferior to him." At this moment, beside him Dr. Xu Zhenxing introduced the matter solemnly, and glared at Liu Cheng, the middle-aged man with golden glasses.

   In fact, Dr. Xu was still very angry at the moment. He clearly told him so solemnly before, but this **** still pretended not to hear it, so his old face couldn\'t be wiped away.

  Imagine, even Xu Zhenxing is ashamed of the national doctor, even if he is younger and looks younger, it is not something you can question every junior. Do you really think this old man doesn\'t exist?

"Old Xu, Dr. Chen, this stinky boy is used to speaking out. You two adults have a lot of it, so don\'t take it off." Hearing the tone of his old classmate, the old man Liu Zhou understood that the other party was angry. , said quickly.

"Old Liu, I know that Dr. Chen looks very young, but his art is already superb, far ahead of me. I haven\'t cured your disease, so I can see if he can help you." Xu Zhenxing The doctor said with a sullen face, but he was actually reminding his old classmates not to despise Chen Fei, which annoyed him and simply quit.

   "Cough, this Doctor Chen... I\'m sorry."

   Seeing that Xu Zhenxing had said everything for this sake, even though Liu Cheng had a lot of unhappiness and doubts in his heart, he didn\'t dare to show any more at this moment, and honestly apologized.

   "Hey, what are you doing? Let me see it for the old man first." Fade Chen was a little dumbfounded, so he just found an excuse to reveal it.

"Yes, yes, yes, this is the real business. Doctor Chen, come and have a look, Lao Niu\'s disease looks like some kind of skin disease, but I have been practicing medicine for nearly forty years, and this is the first time I have seen such a strange The disease, the pulse is dry and hot, and the qi becomes vain, as if being burned by fire." Dr. Xu\'s expression immediately became serious when he heard the words.

He can be called the second most famous Chinese medicine practitioner in Beishan City, second only to Mr. Du from the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This kind of strange disease is very difficult, and there is even a feeling that there is no way to start.

"This disease is not common. It\'s normal that you haven\'t seen Dr. Xu before. Even if it\'s the first time I\'ve seen a real patient with this disease, I\'ve only seen it in ancient medical books before." All three present were startled.

   "Chen, Doctor Chen, do you know what disease I have?" The old man Liu Zhou was very excited.

  Because since he suffered from this strange disease, I don\'t know how many Western medicine experts, and the national master of traditional Chinese medicine has treated him. Looking at them, they couldn\'t tell why, even his old classmate, Dr. Xu Zhenxing, who was extremely famous in the domestic Chinese medicine field, was blunt. It made him feel a little desperate.

But now, in front of him, the young Dr. Chen said in a cheerful tone that he knew the origin of the disease, and it seemed that there was a way to cure it. Elder Liu Zhou and Liu Cheng couldn\'t help but express their shock. I couldn\'t help but change the look in Chen Fei\'s eyes.

Not to mention whether he can cure the disease, but if he really knows what this strange disease is, it can be seen that this person\'s medical skills are by no means weak. No wonder even his old classmate, Dr. Xu Zhenxing. They are all ashamed.

   "Doctor Xu, what is this..." Even Dr. Xu Zhenxing was shocked and couldn\'t help asking.

"This disease, the ancient medical book I read didn\'t mention the name, so let\'s call it fire poison ringworm. This is actually a pathological manifestation of fire poison entering the body, causing an abnormal eye reaction on the skin. If you guess correctly, this disease should be related to the old man\'s long-term contact with the stove." Chen Fei judged.

   "Stove?" Doctor Xu was stunned when he heard this.

   He suddenly remembered that this old classmate had a strange problem when he usually cooked, that is, he did not like to use a modern professional kitchen, but liked to use the original ancient stove. And now Chen Fei alone and Zheng point out these two words, is it...

   "This Doctor Chen? Could it be that my illness has something to do with him staying by the stove all the year round?"

   That Liu Chengcheng had always been very suspicious of Chen Fei, but now, he couldn\'t help but feel a little shaken in his heart. Because his father liked to cook on the stove in ancient times, few people knew about it at this moment, but now it was said casually by the other party.

   "It\'s a little bit related." Fade Chen nodded, believing this.

   "Then Dr. Chen, can you cure this disease?" Xu Zhenxing couldn\'t help but ask from the side.

   "It can be cured. In fact, this disease is very easy to cure, you just need to find the right method." Fade Chen waved his hand confidently.

   "Can it really be cured? That\'s great! Doctor Chen, you must help me. It\'s up to you whether I can pick up a spoon to cook again!" The old man Liu Zhou immediately became excited when he heard the words. Although he is old now, he still does not want to let go of the career he has loved all his life, because this is his spiritual sustenance!

But the old man Liu Zhou\'s son was still a little hesitant, he couldn\'t help but said: "Dad, why don\'t we think about this matter again? Why don\'t we invite Uncle Xu and Dr. Chen to the coast, and then take those experts , All the national players are called over, and everyone will discuss it together before making a decision.”

   He is a dutiful son, yes! Otherwise, he would not temporarily leave the listed company with many affairs under his control and accompany his old father to see a doctor from such a distance.

   However, he is a dutiful son and also the CEO of a listed company. He thinks that his vision is accurate, and that he is really worried about such a young so-called genius doctor.

   That\'s why he wanted to negotiate, and let the few Western dermatologists and national practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine who he recognized in his mind listen to the so-called Dr. Chen\'s treatment plan, and then talk about the treatment after approval.

   Obviously, he thinks this is the safest way.

   But as soon as he said these words, whether it was Old Man Liu Zhou, Doctor Xu Zhenxing, or Fade Chen who was smiling, his face changed a little at the moment. Please go to the coast, to put it nicely, it is called caution for fear of problems. To put it bluntly, it is completely questioning from the heart and not trusting people.

  Especially when Xu Zhenxing told him so solemnly before, don\'t despise Dr. Chen because of his age, don\'t talk nonsense... But now, is this hitting him in the face?

"Old Liu, otherwise you can just listen to Xiaocheng and go back to the coast to have a look. As for us, we won\'t go, it\'s too far to be too lazy to bother." Dr. Xu said plainly, but that tone could be heard no matter what. A meaning of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

   "Uncle Xu, no, you misunderstood, that\'s not what I meant..." Then Liu Cheng also found out that something was wrong, and explained with a flustered face.

"Shut up, keep your mouth shut. Immediately apologize to your Uncle Xu and Dr. Chen!" But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by an angry scolding from Liu Zhou, his face full of expressions. It\'s a scolding expression.

   Not to mention that the other doctor, Dr. Chen, came to see a doctor with good intentions, but he was \'distressed in every way\' by his incompetent son, with all kinds of distrust. Even if he is not a doctor, he is also very clear. For the same reason, if anyone dares to question his cooking skills in front of him, he will definitely get up and leave with a sullen face, and it is useless to persuade anyone.

And now his old classmate, who is still introducing him to see a doctor as an introducer, was distrusted by his son. Although he didn\'t understand it, it was just hitting Xu Zhenxing\'s old face. No wonder he would Get angry, and say the kind of words that reject people thousands of miles away.

   "Dad, you are..." But Liu Cheng was also very aggrieved.

  As the youngest son of Liu Zhou, he has always been the most favored. From childhood to adulthood, it was rare for his father to be so angry with him.

   Besides, what he said before was also kind. After all, such a young so-called genius doctor, even with his Uncle Xu as a guarantee, still has no credibility! He couldn\'t make fun of his father\'s illness!

   "Dr. Xu, forget it, forget it, the person who doesn\'t know is not guilty. He doesn\'t understand, so he can\'t be blamed." Once again, he was inexplicably questioned. To be honest, Chen Fei was really upset in his heart.

   But he was unhappy and he was unhappy. After all, the old man on the other side still believed in him, and his dissatisfaction dissipated.

"Hey, Lao Xu, Dr. Chen, it\'s my godson who has no way to do it. It\'s very offensive. Please look at the old man\'s thin face, don\'t take it offense. It\'s really a joke for the two of you." Hearing Chen Fei\'s words, Liu Zhou The guilt in the old man\'s heart deepened, he bowed deeply to Chen Fei and Dr. Xu, and apologized.

   "Hey, Lao Liu, don\'t..." Upon seeing this scene, Doctor Xu\'s tense look on his face immediately informed him and hurriedly stopped him.

   They are both old classmates for decades, and they have been in contact with each other until now.

"Dad! Uncle Xu, Dr. Chen, blame me, it was me just now..." As soon as Liu Cheng saw this scene, he knew that he was in trouble. Even if he was kind, he shouldn\'t have said it in that way, causing his father to make amends for him. Paying for the bill, he hurriedly bowed and apologized to Dr. Xu and Chen Fei with red eyes.

   As for what is wronged or not, everything can only be put aside for the time being.

"Doctor Xu, why don\'t you go and help me get a basin of clean water, and then ask someone to find a small copper stove. I\'ll relieve Mr. Liu\'s condition first, and then you can see the effect and then decide whether to continue the treatment." Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Fade Chen had to change the subject.

"Bronze stove? Just let Xiaocheng find it. What are you still doing? Why don\'t you go! Doctor Chen, are these two things enough?" Of course, the old man Liu Zhou couldn\'t let Xu Zhenxing do things, and immediately Urge my son to do it.

   "Well, it\'s actually quite easy to treat this disease, the two of you will find out after watching." Fade Chen smiled and said confidently.

   (end of this chapter)