Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 48: peculiar treatment

Chapter 48 Strange Healing Methods

  It is easy to make a basin of water, but it is a little troublesome to find a small copper stove. After all, the hospital does not prepare such strange things, so it can only be bought ready-made. In this way, after about half an hour, Liu Chengcai, who was sweating profusely, came in with a small basin of water from the outside, and behind him, followed by a black suit bodyguard with a small copper stove in his hand.

   "Doctor Chen, do you think this is okay?"

   After the previous incidents, Liu Cheng was now beaten to death and did not dare to "respect" Fade Chen again, so he respectfully asked.

"Okay, Mr. Liu, take off your shirt? You should have this disease only on your arms and shoulders, right?" Fade Chen took the small pill stove and nodded, then pretended to take it from his medicine cabinet Taking something out and putting it in it is actually pretending to leave behind what happens next.


   Only heard an abnormal sound, a spark of sparks sputtered from the small copper furnace, and strands of flames appeared in front of everyone, causing the temperature of the inner wall of the small copper furnace to rise instantly.

   "Doctor Chen, this is..." Dr. Xu Zhenxing couldn\'t help asking.

"I usually have nothing to do when I have nothing to do, but I didn\'t expect it to come in handy today." Fade Chen said with a smile, because he pretended to take things from the medicine box before, and he was barely able to fool the past. .

Then when he saw him, he put the washbasin filled with water on the table next to the old man Liu Zhou, then looked at the old man Liu Zhou who had taken off his shirt and said, "Mr. Liu, if you can\'t bear the pain, tell me. If you can bear it, bear it."

   "Hahaha, Doctor Chen, don\'t worry, this old man still has some patience." The old man Liu Zhou was arrogant and said with a loud laugh.

"Well, I\'ll give you acupuncture anesthesia first, and then I\'ll cut an incision on your left arm." As Chen Fei said, he neatly took out the silver needle and pierced it at the acupoints on the body of the old man Liu Zhou. I saw him take out a knife and cut a slit in his arm.

   "Why didn\'t you bleed?" But there was no blood coming out of the incision made by Fade Chen with a knife. This scene shocked Elder Liu Zhou and Liu Cheng.

Only Xu Zhenxing, with an expression of admiration, said with admiration, "Acupuncture to stop bleeding, I didn\'t expect Dr. Chen to be proficient in this long-lost secret acupuncture. I\'m really ashamed, ashamed!" For most of his life, he was naturally knowledgeable, and at a glance he saw that the acupuncture technique Fade Chen used at this time was a long-lost secret acupuncture technique in the world.

   "I\'m going to start, Mr. Chen hold back."

   However, Chen Fei didn\'t answer anything at the moment, because he was ready to start the treatment.

   The next moment, he saw that he was holding the scalding copper stove with his hands. The smoke was slowly rising, and the inner wall was red. He slowly brought it close to the wounded and sickly fish-scale skin of the old man Liu Zhou. As the inner wall of the hot copper furnace gradually approached, the old man Liu Zhou couldn\'t help frowning in pain.

   Obviously, although Chen Fei had already numbed most of his pain perception with acupuncture, under the contact with the inner wall of the fiery red copper furnace at such a high temperature, he could not help suffering and cried out in pain.

   But he kept in mind Fade Chen\'s words, he could endure it as long as he could, after all, this was treating a disease.

  The entire outpatient room was silent, everyone held their breaths nervously, only the sound of the flames burning and churning in the copper furnace, and the muffled groaning and eating pain from the old man Liu Zhou echoed from time to time. Soon, dark red blood began to flow out from the opening in the arm that was cut by Fade Chen. The flow rate was very slow, and the blood was also very viscous.

   "Can this also cure the disease? Uncle Xu, I really didn\'t understand." Liu Cheng, who had been observing Chen Fei\'s movements, finally couldn\'t help whispering.

"Although I didn\'t understand it, Xiaocheng, look at the fire poisoning on your arm, is it much better than before?" That Xu Zhenxing was not angry this time, and his turbid eyes flashed with a touch of fineness. said lightly.

   "...Really, Uncle Xu, it seems that the strange food on my hands is really much better than before."

  Then Liu Cheng was stunned at first when he heard the words, and then when he saw the strange disease covered by his father\'s left arm, it was indeed visible to the naked eye, and after the situation was much better than before, the whole person was completely stunned, and the shock was unbearable.

   Could this inexplicable method really cure diseases?

   "How does Mr. Liu feel?" At this moment, Fade Chen had put down the hot small copper stove in his hand, and said to the surprised Liu Zhou with a smile on his face.

"It\'s much better, it\'s really much better. I can clearly feel that my left hand is much stronger than my right hand, and those strange ringworms seem to have disappeared, not as scary as they looked before. Doctor Chen, this is really amazing! Hahaha." That Liu Yiyi laughed heartily with excitement.

After    laughed, he sincerely thanked Chen Fei again: "Doctor Chen, I won\'t say much else, thank you very much."

   "Mr. Liu is serious. The treatment is not over yet." Fade Chen smiled modestly and said.

"Dr. Chen forgives me for not knowing Taishan before. I shouldn\'t question your medical skills. I\'m really sorry." When Liu Cheng saw that his father\'s condition had really improved, how could he not know that the young doctor in front of him was? Really skilled, unparalleled medical skills, hurriedly apologized embarrassingly, and at the same time admired the five bodies.

  You must know that this is regarded as a strange disease that is helpless by many Western medicine experts and national practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, but it was solved so easily in his hands. How can this make people not surprised or surprised?

After    sincerely apologized, he couldn\'t help but look at the basin of water again. But it’s okay not to look at it. When I saw it, I was startled. What should have been a pot of incomparably clear water turned into a dull, viscous dark red, as if it had been dyed with red ink.

   "This, this, this..." He trembled with a chill behind his back for no reason.

   "It\'s the fire poison that has accumulated in your father\'s body over the years. This thing can\'t be touched. It will be flushed into the toilet later." Chen Fei explained.

   As soon as he heard this, Liu Lili Ma commanded the bodyguard to take the bodyguard and carefully pour out the basin of water, and then took another basin of clean water and put it back.

   "Doctor Chen, can I continue with my other hand?" The old man Liu Zhou couldn\'t help but said with a look of anticipation. Although his left arm seems to have been dealt with, he still has another hand, which should be dealt with together.

   "Let\'s rest for a while." However, Fade Chen said so.

   Only then did everyone notice that his face suddenly turned pale, and his voice seemed a little weak.

"Stinky boy, why are you still standing still? Why don\'t you go and pour a glass of water for Dr. Chen?" That old man Liu Zhou has traveled all over the world for so many years, and he has some vision. He vaguely guessed that the other party was mostly because he helped him before. Being so weak, I was instantly grateful and felt a sense of guilt.

The next moment, he simply didn\'t wait for his son to act, so he poured a glass of water for Chen Fei himself, handed it over and said gratefully: "Thank you, Dr. Chen, for you to treat me so hard. Come on, drink a glass of water. ."

   "Mr. Chen is really polite."

   Chen Fei smiled modestly, took the water glass and took a sip, then sat back on the chair, closed his eyes and rested.

   Seeing this, Mr. Liu gave his son and his old classmate Xu Zhenxing a wink at the same time, and then walked out of the outpatient room lightly, letting Chen Fei rest in it alone to avoid being disturbed by them.

When they walked out of the outpatient room and came to the corridor, the old man Liu Zhou showed a sigh and said, "Old Xu, I didn\'t expect that there is really a master, a genius doctor hidden in your hospital. "

   "Now believe what I said?" That Xu Zhenxing said with a cross in his neck, unhappy.

   "Uncle Xu, it was me who was wrong just now. You shouldn\'t question you and that Doctor Chen. I\'m really sorry, sorry." Seeing Xu Zhenxing repeating the old story, Liu Lilima said with an embarrassed face and kept apologizing.

   Obviously, although he was kind before, he didn\'t dare to joke about his father\'s illness.

   However, he did almost do something wrong with good intentions, and turned away a genius doctor who could cure his father\'s strange illness, so he had to take the blame, don\'t try to get rid of it.

   "I didn\'t say that. If my guess is correct, the method that Dr. Chen used to treat me may have something to do with those people." However, the old man Liu Zhou shook his head and said solemnly.

   "Those people, Lao Xu, what do you mean?" Xu Zhenxing was stunned, a strange expression appeared on his face.

   "That\'s right, those people, ancient warriors!"

The old man Liu Zhou spoke loudly, and there was a hint of memory in his eyes: "You should still remember that more than ten years ago, I had a serious illness and almost died, and finally I was cured by someone in the ancient martial artist circle. Okay. At that time, the feeling of that person treating me was the same as now, as if there was some air moving in my body."

   "Then this Doctor Chen..." Liu Cheng was also a little stunned when he heard this.

   As a boss of a company with a market value of nearly 4 billion yuan, of course he knows what those ancient warriors mean. Many of them are existences that he cannot afford to offend, and their energy is amazing.

"If I\'m not mistaken, that Doctor Chen should also be from that circle. Xiaocheng, you were so reckless before. Fortunately, the other party has a good temper and doesn\'t care about you. If you change to another person with a bad temper , you should understand how troublesome it will be!" Mr. Liu Zhou couldn\'t help saying.

"This... Uncle Xu, Dad, what should I do?" Thinking of the horror of those ancient warriors, Rao is Liu Cheng\'s identity as the boss of the company with a market value of nearly four billion yuan. .

At the beginning, he had heard with his own ears that there was a rich man with similar wealth and assets. Because of a misunderstanding, he offended a big man in the ancient martial artist circle. In just one night, his family was ruined, and his family property and company collapsed. . Just thinking about it is daunting.

"Okay, even if Dr. Chen is in that circle, he doesn\'t seem to be that small now, otherwise he wouldn\'t consume himself like this and see a doctor for Lao Liu. You\'ll remember to apologize to Dr. Chen later. Bring the remuneration, it should be fine." Xu Zhenxing said.

   (end of this chapter)