Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 46: Dr. Xu's old classmate

Chapter 46 Dr. Xu\'s old classmate

   "How much energy does he hold in his hands? How dare he say such a thing. Doctor Chen, who is he?" Huang Tao thought to himself with lingering fears.

   Obviously, there are only two roads in front of him now,

   One is to choose not to believe what Fade Chen said, and then pretend that nothing has happened, and nothing has happened. The second is to choose to believe... Then he needs to prepare for what is to come.

   "... Doctor Chen, I hope you didn\'t lie to me."

   After a long time, a sharp gleam flashed in his cloudy eyes, as if he had finally made up his mind.

   "Xiao Qian, let the three comrades Luo Peng, Chiba, and Youliang come to my office and tell them that I have something important to tell them." He took out the phone and called his secretary.

   "Yes." On the other end of the phone, Secretary Qian suddenly became nervous.


   Another day passed in the blink of an eye. Chen Fei was sitting in the outpatient room of the Cardiovascular Department of the Central Hospital, not leisurely, and was fighting the game.

   Originally, he really did not want to be passive, but in reality, he couldn\'t help him, because there was no one in and out of Dr. Chen\'s outpatient room. Even if someone chooses to visit him occasionally, it is a very common minor illness that can be solved casually without attracting much attention.

   In this regard, Chen Fei was a little depressed at first, but then he saw it all, no one is no one, anyway, so leisurely can still white-collar a salary, don\'t be white, don\'t you?

   While he was concentrating on the game, in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the Central Hospital, Dr. Xu Zhenxing and Dr. Xu took the pulse of an old man with a dignified expression.

Although the old man looks very old, he is actually not very old, at most 40 or 50. The main reason is that his appearance is too lifeless, as if he has lost hope of life, so he looks very old and makes people feel Not feeling angry.

In addition, the skin of the old man\'s exposed hand actually looked like red-burning tree bark. The entire arm and even the shoulders were covered with a layer of fish scale-like things. It was very scary, a dark red patch. .

   After a long time, Dr. Xu Zhenxing let go of his hand, but he was silent and did not speak for the first time.

   "Uncle Xu, what\'s wrong with my father? Can you help him?" Beside him, a neatly dressed middle-aged man with golden glasses couldn\'t help but speak anxiously. His accent didn\'t look like someone from Beishan, but rather like someone from the coast.

   "The fire poison has penetrated into the body, and even infected the bone marrow. Old classmate, this disease should be related to your staying in the kitchen all year round." Xu Zhenxing saw the middle-aged man asking, and finally said. It turned out that he and the old man were actually old schoolmates.

   "Hey, yes, I guessed it myself. Lao Xu, do you have a way to cure my disease?" The old man sighed and asked.

   "I can\'t do anything about your illness, it\'s too strange. To be honest, I\'ve been a doctor for at least 40 years. This is the first time I\'ve seen your illness." Xu Zhenxing said apologetically.

   The old man\'s eyes couldn\'t help flashing disappointment after hearing this, but he was relieved soon.

  If this disease was really that easy to cure, he wouldn\'t have to travel all the way to Beishan to find his old classmate. Not to mention that his son was originally one of the richest people in the coastal area. He took over a listed company worth nearly 4 billion, but he also has a chain restaurant under his command. He is not short of money at all. Treat him?

But the fact is that the famous doctors and experts along the coast, and even a few national players his son invited from the capital, were helpless against his strange illness, so he would find this place, but he didn\'t expect that in the end, there was still no hope for him. .

"However, there is a genius doctor with excellent medical skills in our hospital. His medical skills are far superior to mine. Lao Liu, why don\'t I go and invite him to see if he can do anything." But at this moment, Xu Zhenxing suddenly said this. , made the turbid eyes of the old man called Lao Liu flash, and there was a glimmer of hope in his despairing heart.

   Of course he knew how brilliant his old classmate was in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and even the few national players his son had brought for him from the capital were not necessarily comparable. But now he actually said that there is a doctor in this hospital who is more skilled than his medical skills, and even he is humble enough to say that he is far inferior to the other party, how can this make him not excited?

   He is a cook, and so are his ancestors for several generations. Even a few generations ago, some of his ancestors worked in the imperial kitchen. Some secret methods and craftsmanship of court cooking were passed down from generation to generation by their family. That\'s why he was able to achieve today\'s achievements. The restaurant chain under his command is well-known at home and abroad. I don\'t know how many people are proud to be able to eat a table of dishes that he personally cooked, but now he is in such a situation.

  The scary thing grows out of his arms for no reason. Of course he can\'t enter the kitchen again, but it means keeping him away from the place he has loved all his life. How can he accept this as an old man?

"Uncle Xu, I don\'t know where the doctor you mentioned is now? I will go to him with you in person. You can rest assured that as long as my father\'s illness can be cured, I will satisfy him with whatever requirements and conditions he asks. "Obviously, this middle-aged man with golden glasses is a dutiful son, so he asked eagerly.

"Xiaocheng, I advise you not to say this in front of that person, otherwise... I was reminding you in advance that the person\'s temper may be a little strange." Xu Zhenxing\'s face was a little strange when he heard the words, and he seemed to think of a certain person. The matter of people kneeling that day, quickly said.

   "Ah, sorry, Uncle Xu, I made a blunder, I will pay attention when I speak." The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses said quickly.

   "Lao Xu, who is really as powerful as you said?" Seeing this scene, the old man surnamed Liu who was called \'Lao Liu\' couldn\'t help asking. In his impression, there are not many people who can make his old classmate so "respectful".

   "You old man still don\'t believe me? Forget it, I\'ll make a phone call first." Dr. Xu Zhenxing said in dissatisfaction, got up and walked out of the outpatient room to make a phone call.

   On the other side, just after Chen Fei finished playing a League of Legends game, he suddenly received a strange call from an unknown person. He looked at the unfamiliar number suspiciously, then connected and asked, "Hello, may I ask?"

   "Is that Dr. Chen Fei Chen? It\'s me, Xu Zhenxing from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine." From the microphone came Dr. Xu Zhenxing\'s doctor.

   "Ah, it turned out to be Dr. Xu, sorry, I didn\'t know it was you who called me. Is there something wrong?" Fade Chen didn\'t expect that it was actually Dr. Xu Zhenxing who called him, and asked immediately. If there is nothing wrong, based on the intersection of himself and the other party, he should not call him easily.

   "It\'s like this, an old classmate of mine got a very strange disease..." Xu Zhenxing was also an activist, and he told his old classmate\'s illness in its entirety.

   "Fire poison into the body? Dr. Xu, you and the patient are waiting for me over there, I\'ll go there now." Chen Fei also felt a little troublesome when he heard the other party\'s symptoms, so he said.

   "Okay, Dr. Chen, then we\'ll be waiting for you here."

Hearing Chen Fei\'s agreement, Xu Zhenxing breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked into his outpatient room and said to his old classmate and the middle-aged man with golden glasses: "Old Liu, and Xiaocheng, wait. The Dr. Chen who will come over may look a little young. But you must not look down on him because of this, understand?"

Hearing his old classmate\'s solemn exhortation, the old man surnamed Liu nodded immediately and said, "Don\'t worry, old classmate, I know what to measure." The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses also understood what he said. look.

   Not long after, a young man in his twenties at most knocked on the door of the outpatient room of Xu Zhenxing Hospital.

   "Dr. Chen, are you here?"

  Then Dr. Xu immediately gave his old classmate and the middle-aged man with golden glasses a look, got up and brought in Chen Fei from outside the door.

   "Uncle Xu, is he the genius doctor you\'re talking about?" Liu Cheng, the middle-aged man with golden glasses, frowned slightly and couldn\'t help asking.

You must know that he is also the CEO of a listed company with a market value of nearly 4 billion yuan, and his father is also a veteran with a very high status in the domestic catering industry. Let alone a young man in his twenties. Could it be that he really thought his father was just an ordinary old man?

   "Shut up, how do you speak?"

   As soon as he heard his son\'s tone was wrong, the old man surnamed Liu immediately reprimanded him, then looked at Chen Fei and smiled: "This is the Doctor Chen from Lao Xu\'s mouth, old Liu Zhou, hello."

   Obviously this is the difference in the degree of stability between fathers and sons.

   If it wasn\'t for the words his old classmate had deliberately warned before, he would have been surprised and even a little dissatisfied at this moment.

   But just before, his old classmate had solemnly warned them, obviously, this matter is not so simple. At this moment, even if he has doubts in his heart, he will not show it, because this is the minimum respect, and it may bring him unexpected gains.

   (end of this chapter)