Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 45: Huang Tao was shocked!

Chapter 45 Huang Tao\'s shock!

   "Hey, forget it, let me heal you first."

   Chen Fei sighed, too lazy to think about this nonsense, and said.

   "Healing? Didn\'t that person help me deal with it before?" Zhao Xin said suspiciously.

   "That guy may not have enough eyesight, and he didn\'t see that you were poisoned. If you don\'t care, the wound around your waist will definitely rot in one night at most." Fade Chen said lightly.

   He paused for a moment, then added: "Also, the acupuncture points I need to help you with are all on your back, in other words, take off your shirt."


   Zhao Xin\'s face turned slightly red, and he refused directly.

   "Come on, you shouldn\'t avoid doctors if you are injured or sick. Now is not the time for you to be petty, tearing..." However, Fade Chen just smiled when he heard this, and then he actually tore the other party\'s shirt, revealing his fair back.

   "What are you doing!" Zhao Xin was also stunned at this time. He didn\'t expect Chen Fei to be so bold and tore her top in front of her, and it was still when she was sober.

   "What are you doing, save you."

   Chen Fei looked at the other party\'s eyes that wanted to eat people, but he was still helpless.

   "Aren\'t you uncomfortable like this?" Fade Chen picked up the spare silver needles in the hotel room while skimming the chest.

   "It\'s up to you." Zhao Xin shook his head. Although his face was a little red, his voice was still cold.

   "Okay, I\'m not trying to peek at you, I\'m just helping you heal. Also, I\'m afraid you have to take off your chest." Chen Fei said cautiously.

"Dare you, are you trying to court death!" Zhao Xin could be said to be completely mad at this moment, and it wasn\'t enough to tear off her top. Actually, she had to untie her clothes when she was awake. It\'s impossible, absolutely impossible!

"I said you are so young, why are you so stubborn? When your parents didn\'t teach you to see a doctor, don\'t be taboo about this or that. There is no gender distinction in the eyes of doctors." Chen Fei put on a lesson. Tone, bittersweet.

  Although he can completely knock the opponent unconscious at one go, arbitrarily...cough, treat the injury, but obviously, he is not such a dirty person.

   "I don\'t care, you can either treat me like this, or leave me alone and wait for me to find a way. I still don\'t believe that any poison can kill Zhao Xin!" Zhao Xin firmly refused.

   "Hey, I said you are just like that..." Chen Fei was helpless when he heard this.

  Let\'s be reasonable and have a conscience. It\'s not that he wants to take advantage of the other party, but that this poison is really so troublesome. Otherwise, the doctor who did simple treatment for her before would not have missed it.

   Therefore, this situation cannot be dragged out now, otherwise, if the poison is really going to penetrate into the heart and hide in the muscles and veins, it will be really troublesome.

   "Forget it, forget it, just think I\'m unlucky today." In desperation, Fade Chen could only grumble like a complaint, and didn\'t mention the corset that he wanted to untie.

The next moment, I saw that he took out a needle from the needle bag, and used the entry-level style in "The Strange Needle of the Stars" passed down by the master in the cultivation world. Entering the center line of the first section of the back of the opponent\'s big finger, there is an acupoint called the pollution-controlling acupoint, which has a miraculous effect on skin ulceration.

  The silver needle penetrates into the body and bounces gently.

He took out two more needles and used a special technique to pierce the important acupoints on Zhao Xin\'s waist. However, when he was about to give the last needle, he hesitated, because the acupuncture point for this needle was exactly on the chest. The three inches in front is the core and key of the formation he is doing at the moment.

   "I\'m about to give the last stitch." After thinking about it, Fade Chen couldn\'t help but said.

  Then Zhao Xin rolled his eyes at him and said nothing.

   "The position of this needle is a bit special, you have to cooperate with me." Seeing this, Fade Chen could only bite the bullet.

   "Special, where is it?" Zhao Xin had a bad language in his heart, looked at Chen Fei and whispered

   "Eh... three inches below the chest." Chen Fei foreheaded for a long time, avenue.


Then Zhao Xin immediately blushed when he heard the words, and his heart was full of vigilance. Without thinking about it, he decided: "No, absolutely not!" You must know that although she can kill people without changing her face, the contact between men and women, she But it is still pure, and it has never happened once, so how can it be possible to accept such a large-scale thing?

   "I said why you\'re just a muscle, I\'m saving you, don\'t think about things so dirty, can you." Chen Fei was also a little angry, and said unhappily. Who is this injured?

   "That doesn\'t work either, you, if you dare to do that, I\'ll kill myself immediately in front of you." That Zhao Xin seemed to have made up his mind and said coldly.

   "You, I... I rely on it!" Fade Chen couldn\'t help but burst out a foul language.

  The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird and quiet. Zhao Xin leaned weakly on the sofa in the presidential suite, and peeked at Fade Chen, who had a helpless expression on his face, a hint of apology flashed in his heart, he hesitated for a while, but he was still unable to overcome the magic barrier in his heart, so he could only silently in his heart Sorry for being silent.

   As an elite backbone of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, of course she understood that Fade Chen was right. She knew she was poisoned, but she was so taboo. Obviously, this was not rational. But she couldn\'t accept that kind of treatment.


   But at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly slashed her neck with a knife, knocking her unconscious.

"I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, this may not be my fault. Who told you that you were injured so badly and poisoned. As a doctor, I can\'t turn a blind eye. See no evil, see no evil..." Chen Fei muttered. .

   He really has no choice, because the current situation is really urgent, if it was just ordinary poison, he wouldn\'t be able to persuade him again and again.

As for the next thing, it became much simpler. Anyway, everyone fainted, and Fade Chen didn\'t bother to hide anything. He directly used the spiritual energy and the "Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Valley" inherited by the expert in the cultivation world. Everything, the whole process took less than ten minutes.

   "Ghost Valley Thirteen Needles" and "Ghost Gate Thirteen Needles" widely rumored in that circle are only one word apart, but they are two completely different sets of needles.

  The former comes from the world of self-cultivation, and it is a magical acupuncture method that can cure calamities and diseases for the legendary world of self-cultivation.

  In this way, after Chen Fei finished treating the other party, he hated to leave her alone in the presidential suite to rest, and went to open a separate room to practice. When Chen Fei went to the presidential suite to look for someone the next day, he found that the building was already empty. The hotel staff said she seemed to have left before dawn.

   "I really don\'t want to waste a moment." Fade Chen couldn\'t help sighing.

   Obviously, he understands that the other party wants to send back the important evidence in his hand as soon as possible to avoid extraneous problems.

   "Listen to her tone last night, if the letter and the statement are taken back, if this is the case..."

   Chen Fei murmured like this, suddenly his eyes flashed, he took out his mobile phone and called Huang Tao Huang\'s deputy mayor: "Hello, is that Uncle Huang?"

   Huang Tao didn\'t sleep well last night, and he kept thinking about how to deal with the incident last night.

   It is reasonable to say that when such a thing happened, let alone the director of the sub-bureau and the deputy bureau of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, even he, the executive vice mayor, is a little bit to blame.

   Not to mention, there is also a Chen Fei who is in awe even in his heart.

   But now, this period is too sensitive, and the general election is about to be held, which is too crucial for him, so to be honest, he does not want to make extra troubles.

   However, if he kept it low-key, he didn\'t know if Fade Chen would be dissatisfied, which made him very embarrassed.

   Just when he was in such a dilemma, he suddenly received a call from Chen Fei, and he was instantly jittery, and he answered the phone and said, "Dr. Chen, you are early, I don\'t know..."

   "Ah, you, what did you say?"

   When Huang Tao heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat. He felt that his heart could not help beating abruptly, and the two hands holding the phone were shaking non-stop. He didn\'t expect Chen Fei to suddenly say such a sentence.

   Just for a moment, Huang Tao was horrified. Cold hair stood up all over his body.

   "Chen, Dr. Chen, in our circle we pay attention to both honor and disgrace. So..." Huang Tao said cautiously. I didn\'t dare to completely unravel the words. However, Chen Fei also understood the general meaning.

   "I understand. Uncle Huang, if this news is useful to you, you can pay attention to this moment for a while. I have something to do, so I won\'t tell you more."

As soon as    landed, there was a buzzing sound, and a busy tone came from the phone.

  Although the phone was hung up, Huang Tao kept the action of answering the phone for a long time.

   At the same time, his face was full of surprise and complex awe.

   (end of this chapter)