Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 41: uneven road

Chapter 41

When Huang Feng and Secretary Qian left, Chen Fei returned to a very leisurely state, because no one really saw him, and those patients thought that he was too young and had no credibility, which made him helpless and dumbfounded at the same time. , and can only accept his fate, and honestly played the game-League of Legends in the office.

This is a confrontation game represented by the number one online game company in China. It has super playability and rich background stories. The maximum number of simultaneous online users exceeds 7 million, which is the first in the entire netizen circle. One, of course, was deeply loved by young people like Chen Fei.

  Just like this, Chen Fei played games in the outpatient room of the hospital all day, and then shook his head and went home from get off work.

   This is really not because he wants to be passive, but because no one wants to believe him and let him see a doctor, he can\'t help it, right?

   "What are you doing, come here, save us, come and save us!"

   Just when Chen Fei left the hospital after get off work and was about to cross the short road to take the bus back to the California Garden Hotel, a woman\'s cry for help came from the side road.

  I saw the harsh roar of the motorcycle motor in the dark road, and there were also very dazzling lights that illuminated the ground as bright as day.

I saw that there were four or five cool motorcycles on the small road. They were roaring and galloping around two women who fell to the ground. They formed a circle. There were many hair dyed in different colors. The guy with the good stuff laughed with a coax-like face, his eyes narrowed.

   "Save you? I\'d like to see who dares to save you, is it those guys outside? They dare? Hahaha!"

   Arrogant laughter came from the direction of the dazzling headlights, which immediately made the faces of pedestrians change, but they still lowered their heads and left quickly like a plague god.

   This is not to say that they have no kindness and lack of sense of justice, but it is obvious that in this situation, it is no longer possible for them to solve the problem alone or with their bare hands. If they are impulsive in this situation, they are completely fools.

   That\'s why they pretended they didn\'t see anything, didn\'t hear anything, lowered their heads and left quickly. After all, your own safety and interests are the most important thing.

   Chen Fei couldn\'t help shaking his head when he saw this scene, because this is how the world is, bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

   "Stop it all!"

The next moment, his eyes flashed brightly, and he strode quickly towards the path. In a moment, he saw that he had passed through the gangsters and motorcycles, and he was facing the two shivering women. Before, stopped in the middle of the road.

   "Yo, someone really dares to stop us, brother, are you trying to be a hero to save the beauty?"

When    Chen Fei appeared, he immediately braked the whistling motorcycle, and the sound of screeching tires rubbing against the ground suddenly sounded on the empty and quiet street.

   I saw a long-haired man riding a cool Harley limited-edition motorcycle in the center of the speeding party, sneering, his face full of contempt.

"I\'m so stupid, if you want to be a hero to save the beauty, you have to look at the situation. Are you alone, come over and be a sandbag for me?" In one section, a little **** with colorfully dyed hair shouted, his face full of ridicule. color.

"Ha ha!"

   "That\'s right, are you here to be a sandbag for us?"

   Laughter echoed on the empty street again.

   "Is it funny?" Suddenly, a gloomy voice came out of Fade Chen\'s mouth.

   The laughter stopped abruptly, and the bikers and the little gangsters stared at Fade Chen with fierce eyes.

   "Damn, it\'s quite arrogant." The colorfully dyed hair showed white teeth, and there was an extra watermelon knife in his hand.

   "Ah, no, save us, please save us." The two women who fell to the ground and shivered seemed to be frightened, pulling on Chen Fei\'s trousers and crying, their lips trembling.


Of course, Chen Fei didn\'t take this little scene into his eyes. He saw his cold eyes swept across the crowd, and he didn\'t care about the various dangerous knives already in the hands of those gangsters. He stretched out three fingers and said lightly: "From now on, I\'ll only count to three, either get out, or leave it all here for me."

"Yo, this brother still has a manly temperament. Then come and save us too. Look, these bad guys have torn our clothes." A gorgeous woman sitting on the back of a motorcycle whined. airway,

   The little young man in the leather jacket in front of her was reaching into her small suspender with his hand, pushing his hand up and down, and it seemed that he had torn one of the straps off.

   Obviously, the woman was deliberately mocking Chen Fei.

   "Hahaha!" The bursts of arrogant laughter sounded again.


   But at this moment, Fade Chen spit out three cold words, which stopped the laughter of those people.

   "Damn, I think your kid wants to die."

   There was a ruthless look in the eyes of the long-haired man, and there was an inexplicable sarcasm, and he rushed towards Fade Chen with a bang.

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen just sneered. Seeing that the motorcycle was rushing towards him, he actually stretched out his hand and slammed it forward. The punch landed on the shoulder of the long-haired man and slammed it. It blew out directly. The limited-edition Harley-Davidson motorcycle slammed into a wall, making a loud vibration.

   "Ah, my legs! My legs! And my motorcycle!"

The long-haired man who was punched by Chen Fei didn\'t expect Chen Fei to react so quickly. He only felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face. He was blasted out by the punch and fell to the ground. Unbearable pain, most likely a broken bone.

   Of course, this is not the most distressed. What he most distressed is naturally his limited-edition Harley motorcycle, which has been broken down on the roadside corner and has been smashed a lot.

   "Stinky boy, I\'m going to kill you." The long-haired man\'s eyes were red and he roared furiously. He spent a lot of money on this limited-edition Harley-Davidson motorcycle. He bought it from overseas. Before he could ride it for a few days, it was almost scrapped by Chen Fei. How can he not be angry?

   As for the gangsters, the bikers, and the little sister sitting in the back row of the bikers, their eyes widened at this moment, unable to believe that this scene was real.

   They never dreamed that a young man about the same age as them could be so strong that he could even dodge a motorcycle at such a close distance by speeding up with all his strength. Instead, his boss was injured.

   "Why are you still standing there, do it, hack him to death, hack him to death, I\'ll be responsible for the accident!" At this moment, the long-haired man shouted angrily.

   "I\'m a jerk, hit him to death!"

   "Go on, let them know how good our Hubaotang is."

The angry roar of the long-haired man awakened his subordinates, and suddenly the scolding broke out, one by one slammed on the accelerator and rammed towards Fade Chen, or took out daggers or watermelons from the waistband of his trousers The knife slashed fiercely towards Chen Fei.

   Chen Fei\'s eyes narrowed, these guys are simply lawless!

  Someone opened the windows on both sides of the street, and immediately closed them again. They don\'t dare to meddle in this kind of fight of gangsters!


   As if a spring thunder exploded on the ground, Fade Chen snorted coldly, and the whole person actually burst into a powerful and trembling momentum at the next moment. In the eyes of the two women behind him, he was like a tiger. He lifted his footsteps and moved straight ahead, as if he was a beast and knocked over a speeding motorcycle.

   Then he saw that he would fight when he walked, and he also walked when he was fighting. Like the breaking of the Yellow River, the sound of \'bang bang bang\' suddenly exploded, and all the gangsters holding knives were opened by Chen Fei with one punch, either the chest was sunken, or the hands and feet were abolished, or the top of the head bloomed directly, and there was no trace at all. \'s mercy.

   "Damn, don\'t be afraid, there are too many of us, so **** him, bastard." Although the remaining gangsters and bikers were stunned, they quickly came back to their senses and yelled in exasperation.

   These days, there are many people who can fight, but can he fight the knife? Do not make jokes.

   "Death to Lao Tzu." A gangster with a dagger attacked from behind Chen Fei, and the tip of Bai Sensen\'s dagger stabbed straight into Chen Fei\'s waist. If this knife is really stabbed, ordinary people will definitely die.

Chen Fei\'s face couldn\'t help but feel cold, and there was no weight in his hand. He clenched his fist in his right hand as if a real tiger came out of its cage. With a strange arc, he punched back and smashed the white dagger fiercely. Continue to land on the little bastard\'s chest.


   The gangster slammed violently against the wall, his chest was already dripping with blood, and he fell down and collapsed on the ground without even the strength to groan.


Those little gangsters, bikers, and little girls suddenly changed their faces when they saw this scene. Not burly, but this strength, this skill cannot be underestimated.

But by the time they realized this, it was already too late. Fade Chen had no intention of stopping at this moment. He rushed towards them like a wolf entering a flock. The wind was blowing. The screams sounded, very terrifying.

   After a while, there were already many crouching figures lying in the dark path, one by one groaning in pain. Although those little sisters survived the disaster, they were also extremely frightened at the moment, hugging each other and trembling and hiding against the wall, not even daring to show more air.


   Seeing this scene, Fade Chen snorted again and turned to the boss of these little gangsters, the long-haired man with cold eyes.

   "You, what are you doing? Don\'t come here!" The long-haired man\'s feet were softened at this moment, and he looked at Fade Chen like he was looking at the devil again. But he still kept his mouth strong and wanted to threaten.

   "Oh, so what?"

   Chen Fei still wanted to threaten him even now, so he just raised his leg and kicked him hard and stepped on the opposite face.

   "Ah! No, let me go!"

The long-haired man screamed, but Fade Chen\'s feet stomped on his face, and there was no way to break free, and his voice changed, causing all the bikers, gangsters, and little sisters present to be excited and face. With a look of fear, he trembled all over.

   Don\'t even mention Fade Chen\'s terrifying force value, but the man didn\'t seem to care at all, and still stomped on the opponent\'s face.

   This is simply, it makes them suspect that they are dreaming at the moment, they can\'t believe it.


   At this moment, the sharp police car whistle sounded from far to near, and three police cars were roaring towards this side from the other side of the street with their lights flashing under the dark night.

   (end of this chapter)