Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 40: Line needle

Chapter 40 Stitches

"Do you like drinking running water very much? No matter it\'s summer or winter, you\'ll be sweating, and when it\'s cold and the air is particularly humid, you\'ll have acid reflux, and your heart will break." After Chen Fei took Huang Feng\'s pulse, the original Frowning his brows relieved a bit, he said calmly.

   "Dr. Chen, you are really amazing, and the symptoms you said are correct." That Huang Feng seemed extremely convincing, and even a little stunned.

   As the saying goes, it\'s not about him and he hangs up high, but when this matter is really related to his own personal significance, he will feel particularly deep and more easily surprised.

  This stomach disease has been tormenting him for several years, and his own affairs are naturally the most clear, but he did not expect that Chen Fei could clearly describe all his symptoms just by taking the pulse. Just from this point, Huang Feng knew that Chen Fei\'s medical skills were definitely higher than he imagined, and he could be called a master of Chinese medicine in the world.

   "Doctor Chen, can my disease be cured?" He looked at Chen Fei with an expectant look, hoping it could be cured.

"I said you\'re not talking nonsense? Your stomach problem should have been cold, and then got the wrong treatment, which made it worse, but it\'s okay, it\'s not particularly serious, I\'ll give you acupuncture once, and then go back and drink two courses of traditional Chinese medicine. , it should be able to be eradicated." Fade Chen couldn\'t help rolling his eyes when he heard the words. He is the same age as the other party, so he speaks a lot more casually.


   When Huang Feng heard Chen Fei\'s tone so affirmative, he immediately became confident for no reason, and hurriedly took off his shirt so that Chen Fei could perform needles for him.

   As for the former secretary, he silently lowered his head and did not dare to speak. He is also an old subordinate accepted by Huang Feng\'s father. Naturally, he knows Huang Feng\'s problem. It is said that even Mr. Du of the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine can\'t cure it. Now, this doctor Chen actually confidently said that he could Healed and looked easy.

   Could it be that his medical skills are better than that of Du Lao from the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine? Impossible, that person is a well-known leader in the domestic medical field. It is said that many leaders of the capital have seen him for medical treatment.

   However, of course he didn\'t dare to express his doubts at the moment, he just watched quietly, because Fade Chen had already started acupuncture.

   "The quality of this silver needle is not bad." From the TCM toolbox specially prepared in the outpatient room, Fade Chen took out a set of six silver needles. Although it is not particularly complete, it is fully enough for his current needs.

I saw that he took out a tail needle as thin as a pekoe, and flicked his tail finger at the end. The latter suddenly made a loud vibrato, and a faint light was visible to the naked eye, and then When Chen Fei raised his hand, the silver needle sank three inches above Huang Feng\'s navel like lightning.

   And this scene of flowing clouds and flowing water also stunned the Qian Secret Art. Although he did not understand Chinese medicine, this battle alone was enough to convince him that Chen Fei\'s attainments were definitely not weak.


At this time, Chen Fei had given the needles three times again, and each time he pierced into Huang Feng\'s stomach acupoints with a magical technique. The lengths were different and the depth was uncomfortable, which made Huang Feng moan comfortably. out.

  Ever since he suffered from this cold stomach problem, although he has seen many doctors and tried Chinese and Western medicine, it was the first time he had such an immediate effect.

Every needle in Chen Fei\'s hand, after piercing the acupoints on his body, he can feel the warm currents coming from his stomach, it feels like the whole person is soaked in the sun, comfortable His brows, which had been frowning because of nervousness, relaxed.

   "Okay, sit here and don\'t move around. It\'s almost enough to wait for ten minutes. Who will you wait to get the medicine?" At this moment, Fade Chen said beside his ear.

   "I\'ll go, I\'ll go, just leave this kind of trivial matter to me." The secretary Qian stood up immediately, and Fade Chen wrote the prescription and handed it to him.

   At this time, Huang Feng only felt that his body was extremely warm, and even his stomach, which had been uncomfortable for many years in the past, became less uncomfortable now. What\'s more convincing than seeing it with your own eyes?

   Until this moment, Chen Fei was completely convinced by Chen Fei. This is simply magic.

"Dr. Chen, if you let those guys outside know that the Central Hospital is here, the real genius doctor is here, do you think they will regret their bowels." Excited, Huang Feng looked out of the outpatient clinic, and other experts lined up outside the outpatient department. Long Road.

   "If the two of us are not relatives and we don\'t know each other before, you must not believe me like them?" Fade Chen glanced at him and shook his head.

   "Uh, this is also..." Huang Feng was stunned when he heard this, because what Fade Chen said was indeed correct. If it was him, if he didn\'t know each other and didn\'t know each other, how could he believe that a young man in his twenties was a super powerful doctor.

   It is estimated that no one would believe it.

   "Doctor Chen, I heard that Gao Jie\'s kid was also cured by you. I wonder how long it will take for him to recover from his current condition?" The atmosphere in front of him was a little embarrassing, so Huang Feng asked another topic.

   The Gao Jie in his mouth is Gao Zhinan\'s son. He almost died because of racing, but he was rescued in time. Now he is probably recovering at home.

"You mean him, Gao Zhinan\'s son? If I remember correctly, it will take at least 100 days for his legs to recover. After all, it takes 100 days for his muscles and bones to recover, so he still needs to be nurtured." Chen Fei responded Come here, open the mouth.

   But after he finished saying this, he seemed to think of something and asked, "Xiao Feng, are you familiar with cars?"


   That Huang Feng was stunned when he heard the words, and said doubtfully: "Let\'s understand a little bit, Doctor Chen, do you want to buy a car?"

"Yeah, I live in California Garden Hotel now, and it\'s inconvenient to enter the city or work here every day, no matter where I go, so if I want to buy a car, it doesn\'t need to be too expensive. It\'s alright." Chen Fei said seriously with a frown on his face.

   "Ah? Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands?"

This time, it was replaced by Huang Feng with a bitter look on his face, and said seriously: "Doctor Chen, how can you drive such a broken car in your capacity, it\'s too disgraceful, or else, I still have an Audi a6 at home. If you don\'t dislike it, take it away and open it."

   "How can this be done? I don\'t get paid without merit. I don\'t like taking other people\'s things like this." However, Fade Chen bluntly refused. He doesn\'t like it.


Huang Feng also wanted to persuade him that this is no merit and no reward. Fade Chen helped his father to pull such a large investment, which greatly increased his chances of winning that position, let alone an Audi A6. It is a million-level luxury car that is much more expensive, and Chen Fei wants it completely.

   And, after all, he still has an uncle Gao there. With the assets of the Canghai Group of nearly 2 billion, it is not trivial to have a car?

   "Okay, don\'t talk about it, let\'s talk about it later." It\'s just that Chen Fei has chosen to end this topic. He really didn\'t like this, otherwise, with the card Gao Zhinan gave him, he could withdraw 30 million at will, why would he need to think so much, just buy whatever he wants?

   "Dr. Chen, do you think this medicine is right?" At this moment, Secretary Qian actually came back with the medicine.

   "Hey, why is it so fast?" Fade Chen was stunned.

  The secretary Qian smiled awkwardly and said, "I used to be the health bureau, so I have a few acquaintances here. I\'m sorry, Dr. Chen."

When Chen Fei heard this, he suddenly realized, smiled and didn\'t say much. After checking the medicines, he nodded and said, "Okay, these medicines are all right, you go back and fry them well, twice a day. , a course of treatment for seven days, after drinking all the medicine, you should be able to recover."

   said, he has already helped Huang Feng remove the silver needle from his body.

   The latter took the medicine and nodded, then got up: "Then Dr. Chen, we won\'t disturb you at work. However, that car..."

   "Okay, I\'ll take a look at this matter, don\'t meddle in my own business." Fade Chen said seriously.

   "Alright then, Dr. Chen, let\'s go first, goodbye." When Huang Feng heard what Chen Fei said, he naturally did not dare to do it again, so as not to do something wrong with good intentions, then he would be wronged.

After Huang Feng and Secretary Qian left, Chen Fei stretched his waist and lay on his back on the leather chair, and muttered to himself, "Hey, this is really troublesome, do you really want to find Gao Zhi? Nan borrow some money? But, I don\'t want to sign this situation, hey, let\'s take the driver\'s license test first, then borrow it once, it\'s not a big deal."

In fact, he also knew that something like buying a car was not a big deal for people of Gao Zhinan and Huang Feng\'s level, and it was the same for him today. It\'s just that he can\'t get over the hurdle in his heart.

  Medical skills are used to save people and should not be used as a tool for making money.

   At the same time, the office of the deputy mayor of the city government Zhou Zhuozhou.

  I saw the half-bald Zhou Zhuozheng leaning on the leather chair with a sneer, listening to Zheng Shuhan\'s careful report in front of him.

After a while, Zhou Zhuo pinched off Ruan Zhonghua in his hand, and said with a grim face, "You said that kid is a little doctor, and he climbed up with Huang Tao and Gao Zhinan because he happened to save Gao Zhinan\'s son\'s life. relation?"

   That Zheng Shuhan is worthy of being the deputy mayor\'s secretary who has compiled the official network all the year round. It took only one night to investigate Chen Fei clearly.

   As for the status of the deputy chief doctor of Chen Fei Central Hospital, in Zhou Zhuo\'s eyes, it is not a natural fart, and he does not even have the qualifications to be considered in his eyes.

   "That\'s right, Mayor Zhou, everything I said just now is absolutely true, that stinky boy really has no background, just a little medical skills." Secretary Zheng said affirmatively.


   Zhou Zhuo\'s eyes narrowed involuntarily, and a cruel sneer appeared in his eyes: "Dare to stab me in Zhou Zhuo\'s back, you are really brave, but unfortunately, you have found the wrong person."

He Zhou Zhuo, the deputy mayor of Beishan City, was stabbed in the back by a little doctor. He was naturally upset and worried. Even if he had his political enemy Huang Tao to support him, he could not easily count this matter. .

   "Okay, you go out."

Then I saw him impatiently waving his hand to let Secretary Zheng go out, and then saw him stand up at the window, take out his mobile phone and broadcast a call with a cruel face: "Hello, Lao Xu? It\'s me, Zhou. Zhuo…”

   (end of this chapter)