Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 42: Dangerous night

Chapter 42 The perilous night

The area of ​​Beishan High-tech Venture Zone is not small, and because it is currently under development, there are many factories and sites, so it looks desolate. Many places along the way are deserted avenues, only dim street lights and night buses. Walking through it, the wind is slightly cold.

   When Chen Fei got on the night bus from the terminal to the California Garden Hotel, he found that there were very few people on the bus, just a few people. Fade Chen silently walked to the back seat and sat down, opened the window, looked at the night scenery outside, and half-squinted his eyes to think about things.

   Not long after, when the night bus stopped at the next stop, a few more people got on the bus from the bus platform, which caught Fade Chen\'s attention.


   He narrowed his eyes, and actually felt a clear murderous aura from those few people, which was completely different from their deliberately dressed and ordinary images at the moment. The concentration of murderous aura that even he frowned a little must be condensed only after killing a lot of people.

   In addition, he also found that those few seemed to be divided into two groups. One group was a young woman wearing a teacher\'s suit and silver-wire round glasses. Her appearance seems to be ordinary, but her figure became the focus of all the men in the car the moment she got in the car, ********, very provocative and hot.

  I have to say that this kind of woman has absolutely no need to look at her face, because her hot body alone is enough to conquer everything.

As for the second group of people, there are three, almost all of them wear a black velvet hat, the brim is very low, and they can\'t see their faces clearly, but Fade Chen noticed the cold light flashing from the eyes under the brim from time to time, and they The purse at the waist seems to be bulging and there is something.

   "These guys..." Fade Chen understood, obviously something interesting happened to him at this time. This can be seen from the fact that the three people paid attention to the woman from beginning to end.


  The night bus started, except for the ordinary people who didn\'t understand what was going on, the atmosphere between the woman and the three seemed rather cold and depressing. Fade Chen watched this scene with cold eyes, the small movements were well hidden and were not discovered by anyone.

   It\'s just that there is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but it betrays everything in his heart at the moment.

   I was in a bad mood at first, but I happened to encounter such an interesting thing, how can I do it without participating?

   After about ten minutes, the night bus drove to a very wide and quiet road outside the factory area.

   "Master, stop for a moment, I want to get off here." The woman in the teacher\'s suit and silver-wire round glasses suddenly spoke, and the pleasant voice seemed very abrupt.

   "Girl, it\'s already twelve o\'clock in the middle of the night. There is no shop in front of the village or in the back of the place. The people in the factory are probably already off work. You really want to be here..." The driver reminded kindly.

But before he could finish speaking, one of the three suddenly lifted the black velvet hat on his head, revealing a ferocious and ferocious face, and said coldly at him, "Old man, others want Get out of the car here, I said what your business is. Why don\'t you stop quickly? Be a little sloppy."

   When he finished saying these words, the temperature in the air seemed to drop a lot.

   "This..." The driver\'s expression changed suddenly, and the experienced man clearly felt that something was wrong, and his body trembled slightly.

   "Master, stop the car, my friend is still waiting for me in the factory, I have something to do with him in the past." Seeing this scene, Fade Chen suddenly got up and walked to the front, said.

   When these words came out, not only the driver was stunned, but even the other people in the car, the woman, and the three looked at Fade Chen strangely. The reason why they didn\'t go too far was because they were afraid that the people in the car would be suspicious. If something happened later and they were seen and suspected, it would be very troublesome.

   Although more than one person\'s blood was already on their hands, there were at least seven or eight people in this car. If they were all killed, the impact would be too great and too bad, and it was really unnecessary.

   Originally, they had been thinking about how to get the **** woman out of the car, but someone asked to get out of the car, which was exactly what they wanted.

   Seeing this, the woman looked a little strange, but she also seemed to want to get out of the car to get a thorough understanding of the matter, so she said lightly to the driver: "Master, stop for a test next to me. I want to get off."

"Oh, okay…"

This time the driver didn\'t persuade him any more, because at this moment, even if he was a fool, he knew that there was a problem. Even the other passengers probably understood what was going on. They all panicked, their feet trembled slightly, and waited until Fade Chen and others. After getting off the night bus, I immediately started the car and quickly disappeared into the dark night.

"Nishang, we can be considered as old acquaintances, right? You are so bold this time, you even dare to steal the boss\'s things. I advise you to hand over the things honestly, and our brothers will give you a good time. It can be regarded as an acquaintance." Among the three, the other was wearing a black velvet hat, revealing an unexpectedly handsome face, and smiled at the woman, but hearing those words in people\'s ears made people feel a little cold. .

   "Poisonous scorpion, there are people here."

The man with a ferocious face opened his mouth with dissatisfaction, looked at Fade Chen with cold eyes, and showed a sinister smile: "Boy, who told you to be so unlucky, after hearing our secret, it seems that you have to be like her today, stay in Here it is."

   "Okay, let\'s do it quickly, it\'s not too late, what the boss wants must be in her hands, don\'t let her give it to others."

   In the end, the man opened his mouth with a cold tone, and actually took out a pistol with a cold light from his waist purse.

   That\'s right, it\'s really a gun!

Chen Fei\'s original laughing mood suddenly became a little heavy. Although he also thought that this might not be easy, he didn\'t expect that the other party actually took out a hand and grabbed it, and it was obviously a real guy... This It looks a little troublesome below.

   With his current strength, although his overall strength has reached the peak of a second-rate master due to the increase in attack power of aura, but to be honest, he is still a little guilty when facing a gun.

   However, although he was indeed a little frightened by this incident, he wasn\'t to the point of fear. After all, he wasn\'t a mermaid.

   "I said, this matter has nothing to do with me, are you sure you want to involve me?" Thinking of this, Chen Fei outlined a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said slowly to the other party.

   As soon as these words came out, both the woman and the three people\'s faces changed slightly, showing a strange color.

   "It seems that you are very confident in your skills?"

The ferocious-looking man followed him and walked up with a grin, took out a cold black gun from his waist, stuck it on Fade Chen\'s forehead, and mocked dismissively: "You didn\'t get scared to pee your pants, but you made me look at it with admiration. However, in front of my black bear, what are you?"

   "Stop the black bear!"

  The woman stared coldly at the vicious man who put the gun on Chen Fei\'s forehead, and said coldly: "It\'s none of his business, let him go!"

"Let\'s go? You are as kind as always, Nishang..." The handsome man who was called the poisonous scorpion before smiled evilly, and said coldly at the woman: "Nishang, now immediately put that letter and that Hand over the statement Zhang, otherwise, I will only count three seconds, believe it or not, a bullet will open a hole in that kid\'s head!"

   "You..." The woman stared at each other coldly, her eyes slightly hesitant and anxious.

   "Do you guys know? I hate someone pointing at me with something." But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in everyone\'s ears.

   "What did you say..."

The face of the poisonous scorpion changed suddenly, but before he could finish speaking, he saw the position where Chen Fei was standing before his eyes, and his figure suddenly turned into a galloping figure, with five fingers close together, like a cannon fist, the whole person instantly burst into an amazing momentum , as if a fierce tiger descended the mountain, and slammed two consecutive punches on the shoulder of the fierce-looking man with a blunt force, and directly abolished his arm with a bang.

   "Bang" a gunshot.

   The person who only said one sentence before was extremely decisive, and when he saw that his companion was abolished, he actually shot and started.

"Be careful!"

   The woman\'s face changed and she shouted, the shot was aimed at Fade Chen.


When the man pulled the trigger and the gun rang, Fade Chen only felt that his whole body was about to stand up, and a terrifying pressure hit him through the air, making him tense and highly focused, and finally At that critical moment, he dodged the bullet, and hid in a frenzy to the side of a bypass.

   I have to say that his reaction is indeed very fast, because at such a close distance, if it is replaced by other second-rate master ancient warriors, most of them will not be able to escape.

   "Stinky ****, I didn\'t expect you to have a companion to support me, die for me!" The delicate-looking poisonous scorpion was full of murderous intent at this moment, and rushed out a black gun from his waist and shot at Nishang.


   That Nishang seems to be very experienced, and counterattacks very quickly. Long before the poisonous scorpion pulled out the gun and fired, he fell neatly and rolled sideways, dodged the shot, and came to the edge of the grass that Chen Fei used to cover.

   "Hey, do me a favor." She shouted at Fade Chen.

   "Help? I don\'t want to fight!" Fade Chen said with a wry smile, regretting participating in this mess.

  You have to say that such an exciting shootout scene is definitely the first time he has met since he was born. It is absolutely impossible to say that he is not nervous.

   But he was answered by two shots.

boom! boom!

   In the fright, Fade Chen could clearly see that the other two had already scrambled to kill them with a grin on his face, and his whole body was full of murderous aura.

   (end of this chapter)