Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 39: Testimonials

Chapter 39 Testimonials

   All handsome guys and beautiful girls, cute girl paper, handsome Shuli, this book is finally on the shelves after going through the public version of 400,000 words.

   is on the shelves. Of course, it means charging. I know that many book friends may choose to leave. There is really no way for balloons. After all, they have to eat and live, so I can only thank you for your encouragement and support. And if the friends feel that the writing of the balloon is okay and can be seen by the eyes, please contribute your strength at the most critical moment of this book! Support genuine, subscribe, this is very important for the future of the book and the balloon, thank you in advance!

   Actually, the money for reading a book every month is really not expensive, it is worth a few packs of cigarettes and a few bottles of water, but this is the only motivation for me to sustain the balloon, really.

   So the balloons just say more nonsense and nagging! Please support genuine, subscribe to this book!

   In addition, if you have the ability, please vote for the book, give a reward, and a monthly ticket after it is on the shelves. Especially the monthly pass, which can also bring me a little income for the author, so it\'s troublesome, thank you.

   There is also the question of the book friend group. I saw a book friend asking before. 144958878, the balloon has just created a QQ group, you can add it.

   Finally, it is normal to have three changes a day after it is put on the shelves, which is 9,000 words. Exceptions will be made in special circumstances.


thank you all!

   (end of this chapter)