Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 34: shock

Chapter 34 Shock

"Young man, I warn you for the last time, let go of Mr. Jemio immediately, and then follow me to the police station to surrender, otherwise, no one will be able to save you tonight!" Finally, the flattering middle-aged man scolded coldly. road.


But at the next moment, the fat foreigner Tucci suddenly jumped up in anger, slapped the flattering middle-aged man with a slap in the face, and scolded coldly: "Fuck! Who allowed you to speak to Mr. Chen in this tone of voice? , are you looking for death!"

   The flattering middle-aged man covered his face and froze!

   Demio, who was dragged to the ground by Chen Fei like a dead dog, was stunned!

   Murong Shan, who was too nervous at first, as well as Big Fat Little Fatty and the others were all stunned!

   Of course, Li Yumin, who had a ferocious face, was naturally sluggish.

  This, this, what the **** is this! ?

   "Uncle, what are you doing?" Demio, who was dragged to the ground by Chen Fei like a dead dog, couldn\'t imagine that this scene was real, and stammered.

   "Shut up Lao Tzu!"


However, what responded to him was an angry slap from Tucci, who stared at his nephew coldly, then turned to Chen Fei and said: "Oh, dear Huaxia Chen, my savior, although this kid is my Tuqi Qi\'s nephew, but I have many nephews, not bad for this one. So if he offends you, you don\'t have to give me face, you can deal with him whatever you want."

   The reversal of this scene stunned everyone present, and the boss couldn\'t close his mouth!

  Who is Tucci? That is one of the most outstanding contemporary designers in Milan, the Italian fashion capital, and also has a pivotal position in Saint Laurent, Italy, and is a super figure. Don\'t look at that Jemio, who relies on his being Tucci\'s nephew, and one of the members of the Saint Laurent Group\'s delegation to China, is very awesome in front of Li Yumin, Murong Shan and others.

   But in fact, he is just an inconspicuous side disciple of the wealthy Italian family where Tucci belongs. He is one of his many nephews, and in his eyes, it has no importance at all.

   So now when Tucci spoke to him in this tone, Jemio was so frightened that his legs went weak and his soul almost flew. His limbs were cold, and his forehead was sweating.

   As for the \'savior\' in Tucci\'s mouth, it was as shocking as an earthquake to everyone\'s ears. Could it be that he also saved Mr. Tucci\'s life.

   "Young man, is it really you?" The government official also seemed to have finally recognized Chen Fei, and said embarrassedly.

"Mr. Tucci, although I don\'t think you will have the same character as your nephew, anyway, this is also our China\'s territory. Don\'t you think this kind of guy should be quieter?" However, Chen Fei\'s face was still very ugly. , said indifferently.

   As soon as these words came out, everyone present was trembling and respectful, but they trembled uncontrollably.

   How brave is this kid? How dare he talk to Mr. Tucci like that?

   Originally, Mr. Tucci could already be said to have given him a lot of face, but, is he taking an inch?

   "Presumptuous..." Then Li Yumin rolled his eyes and seized this opportunity to scold Fade Chen.

In her opinion, a mere young man dared to talk to Mr. Tucci like this. Even if the two are related, it is easy for the other party to feel disgusted. As long as this is the case, Mr. Tucci will no longer \'respect\' him, and the rest of the matter Isn\'t it up to them?

"To shut up!"

   But at the next moment, Tuqi\'s furious scolding shocked her soul.

I saw him glance at Li Yumin coldly, a look of disgust appeared in his eyes, and then nodded respectfully to Chen Fei, and then to the white bodyguard beside him: "Karl, send this eyeless thing back to Italy, by the way, let him Those guys in the family expelled him from the family, and from now on, I don\'t want to see him again at the Saint Laurent family."

"I don\'t want it, uncle, please don\'t expel me from the family! Please!" That Jemio was instantly frightened by his uncle\'s words, and he didn\'t know the power that came out, but he broke free from Chen Fei\'s hand, I ran to Twitch and kept begging for mercy, so I almost knelt down for Twitch.

  You must know that the reason why he can achieve such success and live a life like this is because his family name is Saint Laurent, which is one of the top wealthy families in Italy.

   And if he is expelled from the Saint Laurent family, without any accident, he will immediately fall from the cloud to **** and become a low-class person, which he cannot accept no matter what.


   "Karl, take him away for me!"

   However, Tucci just glanced at him with disgust, waved his hand like driving away flies, and respectfully said to Chen Fei: "Oh, dear Huaxia Chen, do you think I\'m satisfied with this treatment?"

   "Thank you, Mr. Tucci." Fade Chen\'s face became a lot better. After all, the other party really gave him face, and this kind of treatment was already very good.

"That\'s good, dear Huaxia Chen, thank you for saving my life that day. I just have a chance today. Let\'s talk. I want to thank you." Tuqi invited Chen Fei enthusiastically and wanted to chat with him. I want to thank him well.

   After all, he is about to return to Italy, and he will never have the opportunity to repay this life-saving grace in the future.

   "Thank you so much, I\'ll go to the bathroom, sorry." Fade Chen smiled, turned and walked towards the bathroom.

   "Dear Huaxia Chen, you can\'t leave without saying goodbye this time, I\'ll wait for you over there." The fat foreigner Tucci shouted at Chen Fei\'s back, turned and smiled and went to the VIP area of ​​the banquet.

   "Mr. Tucci, excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom too." The middle-aged man of the government official\'s eyes flickered, and suddenly he left.

   "Hey, did you see it? This Doctor Chen is so awesome!"

   "Shanshan, your boyfriend is so amazing that even Mr. Tucci was saved by him!"

   "Hahaha, I\'ve already seen that Jemio is not pleasing to the eye, it deserves it, now I\'ll get the retribution, haha!"


   After Chen Fei left, the banquet crowd immediately boiled.

   Especially the exaggerated body movements and words of Big Fat and Little Fatty, many people at the scene echoed.

  The main reason is that Jemio started to be too arrogant and ignored them all. Is there retribution? It really deserves it, haha!

   But there was only one person who did not participate in the excitement of the classmates, and that was Li Yumin, who was trembling all over at the moment, and her face covered in blush couldn\'t stop turning pale.

  Because she remembered her targeting of Chen Fei just now, and her mockery of Murong Shan. If the other party was upset because of this, she would say a few nasty words in front of Mr. Tucci. Her eyes were dark, and she didn\'t dare to think about it any further.

"Shanshan, the guy just now was your classmate, right, well, remember that you must treat him well, as long as you can let him have a few good words in front of Mr. Tucci, then our Li family will be prosperous, hahaha !" That flattering middle-aged man, Li Yumin\'s father, hadn\'t figured out the status yet, but thought that Chen Fei was Li Yumin\'s classmate, came over and said with a blushing face.

   This made Li Yumin panic to the extreme. She wanted to cry without tears, and she was stunned.

In the bathroom, just as Fade Chen came out of the bathroom, Secretary Zheng, a middle-aged man in a formal suit, walked over with a smile and said to Fade Chen, "Young man, we met again, hello, please allow me to introduce myself, My name is Zheng Shuhan, and now I\'m the secretary of the city\'s deputy mayor Zhou."

   "Vice Mayor Zhou, could it be Zhou Zhuo, Vice Mayor Zhou?" Chen Fei was stunned when he heard the words, his face a little weird. Because this Zhou Zhuo is not the one who is competing with Huang Tao and Deputy Mayor Huang?

   "That\'s right, it\'s Vice Mayor Zhou Zhuozhou!"

   Secretary Zheng opened his mouth with a smile and continued: "I didn\'t expect that there would be a young and handsome man like you, Brother Chen, in our city. You have superb medical skills and can save lives and heal the wounded. It is a blessing for the people of Beishan City."

   This Secretary Zheng started to play an official tone again, which made Chen Fei frown slightly, and couldn\'t help saying: "Secretary Zheng has won the award, but what do you have to do with me?"

Secretary Zheng was startled when he heard the words, and a trace of anger flashed between his brows, but then he covered up the past very well, and continued with a smile: "That\'s it, I have something here, I don\'t know if I can invite you Chen Xiao. Brother, can you help me?"

   "Secretary Zheng, please speak directly, what is it?" Chen Fei\'s eyes flickered slightly.

   (end of this chapter)