Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 35: change partner

Chapter 35 Change Partner

"Is such that."

As soon as Chen Fei spoke like this, Secretary Zheng didn\'t bother to talk nonsense anymore, and said in a low voice: "You should know the identity of Mr. Tucci and his party, who came to our Jiangnan Province for investment and inspection on behalf of the Italian Saint Laurent Group. Originally , they have selected a fashion brand company in Tongzhou, the provincial capital, to cooperate, which is the Li family who is hosting this banquet.

"However, I see Mr. Tucci\'s meaning, and it seems that he values ​​you very much, so can I ask you to say something nice in front of him, even in the eyes of our elders and villagers in Beishan City, to win over this matter. Come on, make your contribution to the development and construction of the city."

Hearing this, Chen Fei naturally understood it all. It turned out that Mr. Tucci, the secretary Zheng, attached so much importance to him, so he had a crooked idea, and wanted him to be active in it, urging the Saint Laurent Group represented by Tucci to join them. Enterprise cooperation in Beishan City.

   In this case, the credit and achievements will naturally fall on him, Zheng Shuhan, and the deputy mayor Zhou Zhuozhou behind him. The abacus is quite shrewd.

When he thought of this, Chen Fei\'s impression of him was greatly reduced, and he said plainly: "Secretary Zheng, you are flattering me. How can I have so much energy just because I am a commoner in the market? I think you should find someone else. Bar!"


Then Secretary Zheng\'s face changed suddenly, and he shouted in a serious tone: "Young man, think about it clearly, now you are asked to do things for the government and contribute your strength to Dangdang, this is for the country. "

   "Oh, is it? I didn\'t know that a deputy mayor\'s secretary could represent the government, the party, and the country!"

   However, Fade Chen just glanced at him coldly, then twitched the corner of his mouth and left as if mocking. It made Secretary Zheng\'s face extremely ugly.


"Oh, dear Huaxia Chen, you are finally here. I thought you were going to leave without saying goodbye." Seeing Chen Fei walking out of the bathroom, Tuqi immediately greeted him with bright eyes and shouted. .

   "Mr. Tucci, you\'re thinking too much, and we don\'t have any grudges, so why avoid you." Fade Chen laughed and laughed, but also thought this fat foreigner was interesting and joked.

   "Oh, no hatred, of course we don\'t have hatred! You are my Tucci\'s savior, of course we can\'t have hatred, do you think?" That Tucci suddenly became serious and opened his mouth to the people around him.

   "Yes, yes, boss, you are right."

   "Dr. Chen is really amazing, he deserves to be a Chinese traditional Chinese medicine doctor, he is really good!" Those bodyguards agreed and gave Chen Fei a thumbs up.

   In their eyes, Chen Fei is not only a Chinese medicine doctor with super-powerful medical skills, but also a master with super-powerful force. Jemio weighed nearly two hundred pounds, but he was dragged on the ground easily with one hand. Even if it was them, it would never be possible, so it was really awesome.

"Dr. Chen is really young and promising, which makes Li admire! I don\'t know where Dr. Chen is now? It happens that I have a few friends who work in the provincial hospital, and they have some energy in the world. Do you need me to introduce you? Introduction?" The flattering middle-aged man Li Hao also interjected, although his original intention was probably to befriend Chen Fei, but when he said that, there was a kind of blatant question that made it very uncomfortable to listen to. Fade Chen simply ignored him.

   "Sorry, Mr. Tucci, I\'m feeling a little sick, so I\'m late, please don\'t take it off."

   At this moment, Secretary Zheng arrived late and looked at Fade Chen with a threatening look, as if Fade Chen didn\'t follow his words, he would want him to look good!

Seeing this, Chen Fei naturally sneered in his heart, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Tucci, I heard that your Saint Laurent Group is coming to our Jiangnan Province to investigate and invest. I wonder if you have found a good cooperation target. Can you disclose it? "

   As soon as these words came out, Li Yumin, who was barely maintaining a smile on his face, trembled, and a pale color appeared.

  This, this, what the **** is this guy doing?

   "Yes, it seems that this kid is quite interesting."

   When Secretary Zheng heard the words, he felt relieved all of a sudden, and secretly said that Chen Fei knew the interest and did not violate his intentions.

   If he can really keep the Saint Laurent Group in their Beishan City, then he will have done a great job this time, and Vice Mayor Zhou will definitely reward him heavily and help him rise steadily.

"Oh, Huaxia Chen, are you interested in this matter? It\'s that simple. As long as you speak, our Saint Laurent Group can cooperate with anyone." Tuqi knew what was going on as soon as he heard this. He didn\'t ask any specific questions. Throwing the Li family aside, he agreed casually.

   This was originally a trivial matter for him, and even this time he called Huaxia’s so-called investment investigation, but he was actually here to deal with other things.

   A mere tens of millions or hundreds of millions of investment is not a big deal for their Saint Laurent Group. It’s the same as whoever cooperates with them. Anyway, it’s all about making money. This is also their pride as a top luxury brand!

   As for the others, Murong Shan\'s classmates like Big Fat and Little Fatty are stupid, because they really didn\'t expect Mr. Tucci to take Chen Fei so seriously.

   Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of "scale" investments, actually let him have the final say, and whoever he wants to cooperate with.

   This is simply, simply too awesome!

   Almost instantly, most of the people present looked at Murong Shan, whose faces were blank, with her fair hands tightly grasping the corners of her clothes, her delicate body trembling slightly. Everyone knows that Chen Fei is Murong Shan\'s boyfriend, and Murong Shan\'s fashion company just happens to be able to cooperate with each other. Isn\'t this obvious?

   That Dr. Chen definitely said these words for his girlfriend!

   "Dear Mr. Tucci..." Only Li Hao and Li Yumin\'s faces changed drastically. They never dreamed that things would develop to this point. For a while, they were struck by lightning, and both of them were stunned.

For this cooperation, their company has climbed the leg of the Saint Laurent Group. It can be said that it has paid a huge price that is unimaginable for outsiders. It can be said that it is desperate, but now the other party is about to say no to cooperate with them. Now, although their family will not go bankrupt immediately, it will definitely fall into a huge economic crisis immediately.

"You, you shut up now! I\'m warning you now, don\'t say those words again, otherwise, I\'ll immediately ask the security to shoot you out!" Li Yumin was probably crazy, she seemed to have seen an enemy with a deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood. , rushed forward and scolded Chen Fei.

  Mr. Natucci\'s face changed instantly, becoming very gloomy, and other classmates also looked at her with a sad look.

   It\'s been now, she still can\'t tell the situation clearly, to reprimand Fade Chen with the attitude of the host of the banquet, she really doesn\'t have a brain at all, no wonder she can\'t compare to the schoolgirl of Murong from the beginning to the end, she really asked for it.

   "Mr. Tucci, it seems we have to leave here." Seeing this scene, Fade Chen said with a smile.

   "Okay, let\'s leave."

  Tuqi had no dissatisfaction at all, nodded with a smile, then turned to Li Hao standing beside him and said lightly: "Mr. Li, it seems that we can\'t cooperate this time, so that\'s it, goodbye."

   While talking, he had already walked towards the elevator with Chen Fei and others, ready to leave.

   Then Li Yumin\'s body softened and he fell directly to the ground.

"Dear Mr. Tucci, in fact, we also have many excellent fashion brands in Beishan City, which are well-known both inside and outside the province. The quality is very good, and the after-sales service is absolutely guaranteed, and they are no better than those in Tongzhou City. Poor. Besides, Mr. Chen is also from Beishan..." Then Secretary Zheng saw the opportunity, and on the way, he said so, and brought Chen Fei with him.

   Obviously, he understands that Chen Fei has a lot of weight in Tucci\'s eyes. If he is involved, it is very likely that the investigation and investment group of the Italian Saint Laurent Group will be able to stay in Beishan City.

   "If you are interested, Mr. Tucci, I can introduce you to an outstanding fashion brand company in this city. I believe you will be satisfied, Mr. Tucci." That secretary Zheng spittled and tried his best.

   However, Tuqi didn\'t look at him at all, just smiled and said to Chen Fei: "Dear Huaxia Chen, where do you think I should invest?"

   "Mr. Tucci, you should call me by my name. My name is Fade Chen. Huaxia Chen, it sounds weird to you to call me."

Chen Fei first opened his mouth like this, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked. He glanced at Secretary Zheng with some playfulness, and then blurted out casually, as if intentionally or unintentionally: "As a native of Beishan City, of course I hope you can invest in this city. Picture If you are interested, Mr. Qi, I can introduce the vice mayor Huang of this city for you, I am quite familiar with him."

   "What? Deputy Mayor Huang!"

   That Secretary Zheng\'s expression changed suddenly, cold sweat broke out, and his limbs trembled.

   It turns out that this Chen Fei is actually the person of Deputy Mayor Huang. Isn\'t that because of today\'s credit and political achievements, they can only give it up! ?

You must know that the Vice Mayor Zhou behind him is now vying for the position with the Vice Mayor Huang. If the other party gets this \'great gift\', one trades off the other, isn\'t it dangerous for Vice Mayor Zhou to fight for the top position this time? ?

  Damn, how could this be…

   (end of this chapter)