Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 33: oh, it's you, Hua Xia Chen

Chapter 33 Oh, it\'s you, Huaxia Chen

Saint Laurent Group is not only one of the top Italian luxury brands, but more importantly, it is also one of the world\'s top 500 companies. Although it ranks low, it is still enough for a \'district\' Beishan city. Not to mention that the amount of cooperation involved this time is still tens of millions and hundreds of millions, which moved everyone present.

  Especially Big Fat and Little Fat. The two of them are relatives from the beginning, and what they do at home happens to be similar to some of Li Yumin\'s family\'s industries.

   Now they heard that Li Yumin\'s family has boarded the giant commercial ship of the Italian Saint Laurent Group. I am afraid that it will not be long before their family will be thrown far, far away, and they cannot be compared.

"It turns out that this beautiful lady is this gentleman\'s girlfriend, but it is only capable people who want to follow in our foreign country, and can get everything. Such a beautiful and beautiful lady, I don\'t know about you, sir, Do you have the right to own her?" However, Mr. Jemio just gave Chen Fei a cold look and said such words.

After that, he completely ignored Chen Fei\'s existence, extended his hand to Murong Shan gracefully, and issued an invitation: "Beautiful lady, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in Huaxia this time, I don\'t know if I have this I\'m honored to invite you to a dance?"

Seeing that Murong Shan was being praised so much by Jemio, Li Yumin\'s jealousy was about to explode, but she didn\'t dare to show it. So young and promising, you might as well, think about it? It\'s a rare opportunity."

   As soon as these words came out, his friends all turned ugly. What does this mean? Sell ​​your old classmates? What a shame.

Of course, Chen Fei\'s face sank instantly, his eyes flickered coldly, and when he said these words in front of Murong Shan\'s \'boyfriend\', he really didn\'t take it into his eyes, thinking that he could just ignore it. ?

"Sorry, dear Mr. Jemio, I\'m afraid I can\'t dance with you, because I have a boyfriend, and he is my dance partner." At this moment, Murong Shan suddenly spoke like this, hugging Chen Fei tightly. Arms, head down, and said in a low voice.

   That Jemio\'s face froze. He didn\'t expect Murong Shan to be so ignorant of praise, to reject him in such a large audience and under the attention of so many people. Is this because he looks down on him, Jemio?

  The atmosphere at the scene instantly cooled down, especially the silence of Jamio, which made everyone present, especially Li Yumin, beating drums in his heart.

   Of course she knew very well that this incident was not because of her family\'s great energy, that contacted the Saint Laurent Group to come to China and Jiangnan Province, but because it was purely coincidental.

   So she must seize this opportunity firmly, otherwise, their family will lose the opportunity to take off.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth, and whispered a few words in Jemio\'s ear. The latter was stunned at first, and then an unexpected smile appeared on his bright face, and turned to face Murong Shan. Playing the taste: "This beautiful lady, according to Miss Li, your fashion company seems to be interested in cooperating with my Saint Luo Group?"

   As soon as these words came out, Murong Shan\'s complexion changed suddenly, her seductive lips were biting hard, she didn\'t expect the other party to be so shameless, to actually threaten her with such a thing.

   "Mr. Jemio, what do you mean by this, are you threatening Shanshan?" Before Murong Shan could speak, Chen Fei\'s unsalty voice sounded in her ears. That Jemio\'s eyes trembled slightly, turned his head to look at Chen Fei\'s eyes, and seemed to feel a chill that made him feel cold, so he couldn\'t help but take a step back.

   But he followed, but his expression changed, because he felt that he was actually scared off by the local eyes, which was simply a shame and made him feel ashamed.

"The quality of you Chinese people is really not very good. Sorry, I speak more directly, but I did say that one of you is obviously not worthy of such a beautiful lady in his own capacity, but he doesn\'t know his level. In the words of you Chinese, you are over your own power!" Perhaps because he was frightened by Chen Fei\'s eyes, Jemio\'s face was very gloomy, and he said coldly, unscrupulous.

He has followed his uncle and other members of the delegation of Saint Laurent Group to Huaxia for a while. Because of their status, many Chinese businessmen and even officials are very polite to them, and even some are almost flattering, which makes him born With this arrogance today, he thinks that he is higher than the Chinese people, and looks down on him from the bottom of his heart, but he didn\'t think that tonight he didn\'t have a Chinese woman he liked to reject him. How could he not be annoyed?

You must know that in the past, as long as it was a Chinese woman that Jemio had a crush on, most of them would obediently embrace them. Even with a few exceptions, those Chinese businessmen and officials would do \'ideological work\'. , where would it be so troublesome.

Thinking of this, Jemio didn\'t even bother to maintain his previous elegance, so he tore his face and sneered at Murong Shan: "This beautiful Chinese lady, I advise you to think clearly, I have the power to destroy your subordinates at any time. The right of that so-called fashion company, don\'t come to me when it goes bankrupt, I\'m afraid I\'ll have gone back to Italy by then."

   After saying this, he turned around and left, because he was sure that the woman would definitely catch up and beg him, and lie down on his bed at night, letting him knead, hehe.

"It\'s really unfortunate for that fat foreigner to have a nephew like you!" But at this moment, a pair of big hands like iron hoops suddenly grabbed his neck from behind, making his eyes widen, as if He was about to suffocate, and he didn\'t seem to have any strength to resist at all. Compared with Chen Fei, he was no match at all.

   "Chen Fei, what are you doing? Stop it." Murong Shan\'s face was very urgent, she was afraid of Chen Fei\'s accident.

"You, you, you bastard, stop it! I warn you now, let go of Mr. Jemio and apologize immediately, otherwise..." Then Li Yumin was also flustered, looking at Fade Chen like a **** enemy, he rushed up immediately , pointed at Fade Chen with spittle and scolded.


However, Chen Fei turned a deaf ear to all of this, and saw that it was just one hand, and it was like dragging a dead dog, dragging Jemio\'s body, which was about 1.9 meters and nearly 200 pounds, easily and casually. Walk.

He walked towards Tucci, who was talking to the flattering middle-aged man without any expression, and threw Jemio in his hand at Tucci\'s feet like a garbage, and he was very surprised. , The crowd with their mouths wide open said coldly: "Mr. Tucci, it\'s been a long time, do you still remember me?"

   This scene, the audience was shocked!

   "Yes, yes, is it you?"

   The blond fat foreigner Tucci, whose expression was neither salty nor light, suddenly changed his expression, which was filled with excitement.

   Of course he still remembers Fade Chen\'s appearance, and it is still deeply engraved in his heart. In the library of Beishan University that day, he suffered a myocardial infarction. If it wasn\'t for Chen Fei\'s rejuvenation, he saved him with unpredictable medical skills, I am afraid that he would have gone to see God by now, how could he be so handsome.

   In other words, Fade Chen is the benefactor who saved his life and has a great favor for him.

  Originally, when his condition improved and he could be discharged from the hospital, he wanted to find Chen Fei very much, invite him to a meal, express his gratitude in his heart, God bless.

But he didn\'t have any contact information for Fade Chen, and even if he left his business card and contact information at the beginning, the other party didn\'t have any intention of contacting him and never contacted her, which became his trip to China this time. During the inspection of the market, the biggest regret.

  Because he is about to leave and return to Italy, he will definitely have no chance to see the Chinese genius doctor.

   But when he was immersed in this regretful and sad mood, God sent him a big gift, let the Chinese genius doctor, let the benefactor who saved his life appear in front of him again.

   Oh God bless, thank you so much, really!

   "Who are you, do you know what you are doing?" But at this moment, when the fat foreigner Tucci was still immersed in the surprise of seeing his benefactor again, a furious voice sounded from his ear.

   I saw that the flattering middle-aged man was furious at the moment, and there were layers of fine cold sweat on his back. He first glanced at Jemio, who was dragged to the ground by Fade Chen in a panic, like a dead dog, and then pretended to be tough and gave an unquestionable cold command: "Security, where is the security? If someone is making trouble here, don\'t you care? And you, young man, do you know what Mr. Demio is? He\'s Mr. Tucci\'s nephew..."

As soon as he said this, the flattering middle-aged man\'s face became even paler, and he turned towards Tucci stuttering and trembling: "Respect, respectful Mr. Tucci, please don\'t be angry, I didn\'t expect it to happen. Such a thing. This person dares to hurt Mr. Demio, please rest assured, even if I, Li Hao, go out of my way, I will make him pay the price."

"You, you dare to beat me, wait for me, I must sue you and let you spend the rest of your life in prison." Jemio also roared with a hideous face, but his whole body was still As if being pressed by a huge force, he couldn\'t stand up at all, his hideous face was pressed against the cold floor, extremely embarrassing and embarrassing to the extreme.

"Young man, do you know what you\'re doing? Mr. Demio is a foreign guest. If something goes wrong, you\'ll be responsible for it? If you don\'t let go, let me stay at the police station tonight!" The government official didn\'t seem to recognize him. When Chen Fei came out, he scolded him righteously and asked Chen Fei to enter the police station.

   "Chen Fei..."

   Seeing this scene, Murong Shan\'s beautiful face was extremely flustered. She was holding Chen Fei\'s arm nervously with the skirt of her evening dress, trying to make him stop, but she couldn\'t say what she said.

The big fat, small fat and Murong Shan classmates on the side were also moved and shocked. I didn\'t expect Chen Fei to be so bold and dare to treat Jemio, a \'dignified foreign guest\', the Italian Saint Laurent Group went to China to visit Jiangnan Province. Members, the nephew of the world\'s top designer Tucci, did it, which was so irrational that they were dumbfounded and speechless.

  You must know that if this kind of thing is not handled properly, it is very likely to become a diplomatic incident. At that time, who can afford this responsibility?

   (end of this chapter)