Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 27: Murong Shan's phone number

Chapter 27 Murong Shan\'s Phone

   The next morning, when the sun was already hanging high in the sky and warming the earth, Chen Fei woke up lazily, washed and brushed his teeth from the bed with a confused look.

I have to say that his gesture for the Deputy Mayor Huang last night was really too embarrassing. He looked up to his own ability and underestimated the other party\'s condition. The sky hasn\'t recovered yet, otherwise, he wouldn\'t be able to get up from the bed so late.

   After all, he used to get up early every morning to practice and exercise.

   After washing up, Fade Chen carried his luggage, pushed open the door, and prepared to leave here to go out to eat something, and then find a house to rent.

   After all, he will go to the central hospital tomorrow for a consultation, so he won\'t have much time to deal with these matters.

   "Hello, guest, are you going to eat?" At this moment, a soft voice came from outside the door. I saw a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and a hot body, about 1.67 meters in height, wearing the uniform of a hotel manager, standing respectfully outside the door.

   "So beautiful." Fade Chen couldn\'t help but sniffled and sighed inwardly.

   "Who are you?" he asked again.

"Hello, guest, I\'m the manager of this hotel. You can call me Lili. It was Mr. Gao who ordered me last night to see if you need anything from the guest." The manager smiled beautifully and spoke to Fade Chen. .

   At the same time, she secretly looked at Fade Chen with her eyes, her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

Who is this person? Last night, he had the Canghai Group\'s general manager personally deliver it as a driver, and he emphasized that she must meet all the needs of the other party, no chaos, as long as it was their hotel or Canghai Group. get. Turns out she saw it last night.

   "Last night, didn\'t that mean you didn\'t sleep all night? Come on, leave me alone, I\'m about to leave." Fade Chen glanced at the other side unexpectedly, and immediately said with a smile.

"Don\'t, guest, it\'s like this. Mr. Gao had something to tell you last night. He said, if you don\'t mind the guest, just stay in our hotel. I believe this place should be better than the place you rent. Much better." After speaking, the manager who called himself Lili felt a little strange.

   A person who is qualified to live in the presidential suite of their hotel, and who is so respected by their boss, how could he still need to go out and rent a house? How strange.

   "Just live here?" Fade Chen was stunned when he heard the words, then fell silent and hesitated. Anyway, don\'t tell me, this is the presidential suite of the most high-end five-star hotel in Beishan City. No matter what you need, it is very convenient, and he was quite comfortable last night, and his previous kennel In comparison, it\'s just so much better.

   But if he wants to stay here and continue to sit down, the money and everything will be fine. The most important thing is that he seems to owe the other party a little favor, and he doesn\'t want this ending.

"Guest, Mr. Gao has another word for me to convey to you. It\'s just a presidential suite. It\'s really nothing. Please don\'t think about it, just stay." The manager spoke again, causing Chen Fei to hear Yan was stunned, and then made up his mind.

   "Well, please help me put these luggage back, I\'m going to find something to eat now." Fade Chen agreed, put down the salute in his hand, and walked towards the elevator with a smile.

"Guest, the restaurant is on the third floor. There are miserable meals available 24 hours a day. You can use the room card of the Presidential Suite to avoid eating." The manager shouted at the back of Chen Fei\'s departure, and then carefully Put Chen Fei\'s suitcase back in the room, for fear that the contents inside would be smashed by her.

  Obviously, he didn\'t know that the suitcase was just a bunch of cheap smelly clothes and stinky pants, all of which were not worth a lot of money.

   "Hello, how are you?"

   Half an hour later, Fade Chen was holding breakfast in the California Garden Hotel when suddenly his phone rang, and the caller ID was still a word he didn\'t recognize, which made him pick up the phone and ask in confusion.

"Hello, hello, is it Chen Fei? I\'m Murong Shan, the one you rescued outside the talent market two days ago." A pleasant voice came from the other side of the microphone, and the voice The content made Chen Fei stunned.

  Murong Shan, a few days ago, it wasn\'t... A beautiful figure appeared in his mind immediately.

   It is the one who was rescued by him outside the talent market a few days ago, a fashionable and beautiful beauty named Murong Shan, and she seems to be very rich, even the car is a Maserati!

   "Oh, it\'s me... I, I\'m Fade Chen, what are you doing to me?" Fade Chen suddenly blushed inexplicably, and asked with a stammer.

   "It\'s like this, I want to thank you for saving me that day, so I want to treat you to a meal. I don\'t know, do you have time today?" A silver bell-like soft sound came from the other side of the microphone.

   "Ah, you want to invite me to dinner?"

   "Why, Mr. Chen, don\'t you have time today?" The silver bell-like voice was a little low and disappointed.

   "Ah, ah...cough, have time, have time, Miss Murong, is it noon or evening today?" Fade Chen responded immediately, coughed several times in a row to hide his embarrassment, and hurriedly said.

   There are super beautiful girls for dinner, why don\'t you go? That\'s unreasonable!

"Mr. Chen, just call me by my name. You saved my life, so I don\'t have to be so involved. I may still have something to do tonight, so how about noon? I\'ll wait for you at the commercial street, you wait. Just give me a call when you come."

   "Okay, so be it." Fade Chen hung up the phone.

   "Looks like you\'re lucky today." Fade Chen thought proudly, then got up and left the table. Since it\'s lunch, it\'s almost time to rush there. After all, it\'s still a bit far from here to the commercial street in the city center. It\'s estimated that it will take half an hour to take the bus, and he doesn\'t have a car.

   "Why don\'t you buy a car to drive?

  Thinking like this, Chen Fei suddenly had the idea of ​​buying a car. After all, if he really lived in the California Garden Hotel for a long time in the future, it would be more convenient to buy a car.

Beishan City has five districts and six counties under its jurisdiction. California Garden Hotel is just located at the junction of Yintan District in the west of the city and Yunlong County outside the city, so there are few bus stops here, especially in the direction of entering the city, there are only four There are five lines, there are a lot of people, and the bus stops on each line are full. Naturally, there are opportunities for those with ulterior motives.

  In a bus that is very crowded in the city center.

   As soon as Chen Fei got in the car, he saw a guy with a thief face skillfully squeeze into the crowd.

   And the target of that thief-eyed guy was a dignified, but dazed young woman. He saw that he stretched out his hand to the small red satchel on the waist of the young woman, but he had just stretched out his hand halfway when other people on the side noticed it and shouted: "Be careful, there are thieves!"

   "Ah, how dare you steal from me?"

   The young woman looked sideways, and was instantly angry, like an angry lioness, she stretched out her slender nails and grabbed the spectacled man\'s face fiercely.

   And this sudden scene also shocked the driver, he quickly parked the car on the road and looked back.

   "You\'re so brave, you dare to steal from this car in broad daylight. Send him to the Public Security Bureau." When the others heard these two exclamations, they immediately knew what had happened. Immediately, several people with a strong sense of justice stood up and sent the wretched man to the police station of the Public Security Bureau.

   "I see which grandson dares to meddle in his own business!" However, the wretched pockmarked man suddenly took out a switchblade from his bag and said viciously, immediately stopping those righteous people.

   Obviously, although they all have a sense of justice in their hearts, they still have to build within their own capabilities in advance. In particular, this is an unnecessary rogue, a gangster, if they don\'t have a weapon in their hand, it would be fine, but if they have a weapon, it really makes them feel extremely guilty and frightened.

   (end of this chapter)