Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 26: Reiki overdraft

Chapter 26 Reiki Overdraft

  Although Huang Tao is humble enough and grateful enough at this moment,

   But Chen Fei still didn\'t have the heart to pay attention to him, because he was overdrafted at the moment.

   Obviously, the method he treated Huang Tao just now was no longer a simple traditional Chinese medicine, but a mixture of Qimen and Xuanshu, which needed to use the spiritual energy of cultivation in his body. However, he overestimated his own strength and underestimated the opponent\'s illness.

   Anyway, just one sentence, Chen Fei is probably too tired to say a word now, and his body is boring.

   "Take a good rest, you can be discharged from the hospital in three days at most." After Chen Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for Huang Tao to stay, and walked out of the operating room.

   After seeing Chen Fei walk out of the operating room with a pale face, Gao Zhinan, Feng Juan and others were shocked, and the latter couldn\'t help but say, "Doctor Chen, what\'s the result?"

   "It\'s nothing serious, I can leave the hospital after a few days of rest."

   Chen Fei said weakly, looked at the other party and nodded: "Mr. Gao, Mrs. Huang, Shao Huang, I\'m a little tired, so I\'ll take a step first."

   "Dr. Chen, I\'ll take you off." When Huang Feng heard the words, he was shocked and said subconsciously.

   "Hehe, no need, Huang Shao, you should stay with your father." However, Fade Chen waved at him, obviously not wanting him to send him away.

   "Doctor Chen wait for me."

   Right here, Gao Zhinan has recovered and hurriedly followed, and said, "Doctor Chen, it\'s not appropriate for me to stay here, just let me take you back and drop by."

   "Well, okay..." Fade Chen was indeed exhausted at the moment, so he didn\'t bother to push back and agreed.

Just after Chen Fei and Gao Zhinan left, the hospital staff transferred Huang Tao from the operating room to the advanced ward. Feng Juan said to her husband with concern: "Old Huang, are you really okay? Then Dr. Chen said You\'ll be out of the hospital in a few days."

   "Yeah, it\'s alright, Dr. Chen is indeed a genius doctor." Huang Tao lay in his hospital bed, thinking about the things that happened that day that almost overturned his worldview, he couldn\'t help sighing.

   "That\'s great. If you just stay in the hospital for a few days, it shouldn\'t affect what you\'re running about during this time." Then Feng Juan said happily, the big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

"Dad, is Dr. Chen really that powerful? I heard from those doctors just now, Dad, your illness is very serious. Even if the operation is successful, I am afraid that you will need to be hospitalized for two or three months before you can fully recover." That Huang Feng suddenly interjected, with a complicated look on his face.

It seems that today\'s incident has also had a big impact on him. Whether it is his father\'s and Gao Zhinan\'s attitude towards Chen Fei, as well as the other party\'s unpredictable medical skills, he feels that he has lived in vain for more than 20 years. Well, after all, I really have to say that he and Chen Fei are about the same age.

   "Amazing? That Doctor Chen is no longer simple enough to be described as awesome." However, when Huang Tao heard the words, he suddenly spoke like this, with deep awe in his words.

"Old Huang, you..." Feng Juan has been with him for more than 20 years. Naturally, she knew her husband very well. Of course, she was surprised that her husband would use such a tone to describe a young man in his twenties. I feel a little weird.

   "Dad, is Dr. Chen really that powerful? Even you..." Huang Feng was also shocked and didn\'t believe it.

   "Hey, yes, I didn\'t have to suffer this crime today, but unfortunately I didn\'t listen to Dr. Chen\'s words too much, and it ended up like this." Huang Tao sighed.

   "Dad, what did you say? Why didn\'t I understand what you meant." That Huang Feng said suspiciously. His mother Feng Juan also looked inexplicable.

"I\'m afraid you won\'t believe it. Just tonight, when Lao Gao and I went to the California Garden Hotel to attend the charity party held by Mr. Chen in Linshi, we met Dr. Chen once, and he asked Lao Gao to remind him at that time. I, I said tonight that I\'d better stay at the hotel and sleep for one night, otherwise I\'m afraid there will be bloodshed, I don\'t believe it, I think it\'s a nonsense superstition, and that\'s what happened, I fell down inexplicably while walking on the road Hey!" Huang Tao said with a complicated expression.


  Huang Feng heard that and Feng Juan looked at each other, their mouths widened in disbelief, their eyes were horrified, and there was an inexplicable feeling of cold air crawling up the back.


   Looking at the other side, Gao Zhinan also left the bodyguards and the driver in the hospital and asked them to take a taxi back by themselves, and then he respectfully acted as Chen Fei\'s driver, ready to send Chen Fei back to the hotel to rest.

   If this scene were seen by other people, I\'m afraid their jaws would be wide open, and they would not be able to close together.

   Who is Gao Zhinan? That is the boss of Canghai Group, one of the leading groups in Beishan City, but now he is actually a driver for a young man in his twenties. This kind of treatment, I am afraid that the bureau chiefs and ordinary deputy mayors in the city do not have this top-level treatment. .

   It can be seen that what happened today shocked Gao Zhinan\'s heart, not only Huang Tao and Huang Tao, but also Gao Zhinan\'s heart was filled with deep awe for Chen Fei at this moment.

  Human beings are always afraid of unknown and mysterious things!

   "Doctor Chen, I\'m really bothering you tonight. I\'m bothering you to come to see a doctor for Lao Huang so late." On the way, Gao Zhinan said cautiously.

   "It\'s important to save people. I\'m a doctor after all, and I still have some medical ethics." Fade Chen waved his hand and said weakly, but he looked much better than before, as if he had recovered.

   Followed, Fade Chen suddenly asked:

   "This Huang Tao is a good guy. If you follow him, there may be some gains in the near future!"

   Gao Zhinan was stunned for a moment, and immediately said with surprise on his face.

   "Really, really?!"

   "Thank you, Dr. Chen. Thank you for your blessing."

   Gao Zhinan immediately laughed.

   Chen Fei\'s words reminded him of Huang Tao\'s struggle for a change of office.

   also gave him a lot of peace and confidence in his heart.

After that, his eyes flashed, and he hesitated to ask: "Doctor Chen, I don\'t know where you live now, can you tell me easily." When he suddenly saw Chen Fei in the hotel lobby, the other party\'s hand was still in his hand. Holding some salutes, he couldn\'t help but ask, could it be that Dr. Chen doesn\'t have a place to live now?

   "The rent just expired today, so I came to your hotel to deal with it for one night. Why, Mr. Gao, you don\'t welcome me, right?" Chen Fei was startled when he heard this, and said jokingly.

   "Doctor Chen, where are you, let alone one night, even if you stay in the hotel every day, I, Gao Zhinan, are very welcome. This is my honor." Gao Zhinan immediately said nervously.

   "Hey, just kidding, kidding, Mr. Gao, don\'t be so serious."

   Chen Fei was a little dumbfounded when he saw this, so he could only find another topic and said, "Mr. Gao, your car is pretty good, how much did you pay for it?"

Gao Zhinan is in business, and his subordinate Canghai Group is a behemoth worth more than one billion yuan. Naturally, the car he drives is not cheap. Just like the current one, it is the Mulshang commercial vehicle owned by Bentley, a high-end brand in the automotive industry. , worth five or six million. This luxury car is certainly not bad, it is very comfortable to do.

"It\'s only a few million. If you like Dr. Chen, I\'ll send someone to the capital to order one for you. It should be there in ten days." Gao Zhinan immediately became excited when he heard this, and wanted to vote for it. it is good.

For a character of his level, a few million is really not much money, and if he can make good friends with Fade Chen, this is undoubtedly a pretty good deal for him. He is very willing to do.

   "No, this car is not suitable for me, I don\'t want to find another driver." Chen Fei immediately refused when he heard the words. Just kidding, although this car is good, it is really not suitable for him. It is normal to have a driver, otherwise he will be a driver in the eyes of others, it is really unnecessary.

   "Then..." Gao Zhinan wanted to say something when he heard the words, but was interrupted by Fade Chen.

"Okay, Mr. Gao, if I want to buy a car, I will go and see it myself, anyway, didn\'t you give me a card, can I withdraw 30 million from you at any time? Okay, I\'m a little tired, so don\'t say it These things are over." Fade Chen said.

   Gao Zhinan could only give up when he heard the words.

   Then they came to the California Garden Hotel. Fade Chen got out of the car and went straight upstairs to the presidential suite to sleep. He is really tired now.

   (end of this chapter)