Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 28: Baguazhang and Xingyiquan

Chapter 28 Bagua Palm and Xingyiquan

   "I said buddy, is your switchblade a toy? Why does it bend when you touch it?"

At this moment, Fade Chen, who was standing in the crowd, suddenly took a step up, turned his right hand into his palm, held the switchblade and turned it gently, which immediately stunned the wretched pock-faced man, his face full of shock, and his eyes were full of shock. There was an uncontrollable look of fear inside.

   This is what he took out, of course he knew it was true or false. After all, this switchblade is also made of metal, right? It was bent when it was pulled. How strong is this?

   That wretched man with a pockmarked face only felt that there was a chill behind him, and he didn\'t dare to think about it at all.

   "This guy..."

   At the same time, a silver-haired old man sitting in the back half of the bus seat, saw the scene of Chen Fei\'s shot, and his turbid eyes immediately showed a bright light.

"It turned out to be a toy. How dare you scare us and seek death! Come on, let\'s hold it down and send it to the police station." Those frightened people rushed up immediately and pressed the wretched, pockmarked man to the ground, shouted with a grand look. They didn\'t think much of it, thinking that the switchblade was really a toy.

   Seeing this scene, Fade Chen shook his head and smiled, and simply got out of the car. Anyway, it\'s already in the city, and there are many taxis, so let\'s just take a taxi.

   After seeing Chen Fei getting off the bus, the turbid eyes of the silver-haired old man flashed, and he actually got up and followed Chen Fei off the bus.

  Although he noticed the actions of the silver-haired old man, Fade Chen didn\'t take it to heart, he just stood on the side of the road, preparing to take a taxi to the commercial street.

   "Young man, you are also a trainer." Suddenly, the silver-wired old man stepped forward and said with a smile.

   "Who are you?" Fade Chen was of course a little surprised, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Let\'s not talk about this, let\'s walk with both hands and see the trick!" But the silver-wired old man actually made his move directly, grasping the fist in his hand, and the whole person actually gave people the momentum of a fierce tiger punching. Attacked at Chen Fei.

   "Bagua Palm?"

   Chen Fei narrowed his eyes. He didn\'t expect that this old man was actually a descendant of Baguazhang, and his attainments were not trivial, with a combination of hardness and softness, at least reaching the peak of second-rate masters.

   However, he also observed that the other party had spare strength and did not make a deadly move. He was able to hold back that fierce energy at any time, and it was obvious that there was no malicious intent. Most of the time, I saw him make a move in the car before, and I was itchy for a while, and I couldn\'t help but want to make a move.

   Thinking of this, Chen Fei\'s mind came to the information that his master told him in the past about the lineage of Bagua.

It is said that there are two sources of rumors about Baguazhang. One is that it was passed down during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, there were Meng Er and his nephew Zhang Bailu from Shouzhang, Shandong, Zhang Guangxue from Shenxian, Hebei, Liu Yu from Raoyang, Guo Luoyun and Xu Baozhan from Guanxian. And so on, they are all practicing Baguazhang. There are twenty-four main routines, which are divided into upper, middle and lower levels.

  As for another way of saying that, Bagua Zhang was created by the great master Dong Haichuan! From Baiwu Shaolin.

"That\'s right, the young man has good eyesight. This old man\'s method is exactly Baguazhang. Don\'t worry, this old man is just a little itchy for a while. If you can\'t keep it, I will stop it immediately and never hurt you." The old man was obviously worried about himself He is very confident in his boxing skills, and smiled like an elder.

   "Old man, don\'t think that you have a chance to win." Seeing this, Chen Fei\'s mouth curved into a smile, and suddenly he shot, his fist was weak, and he went straight, and he also hit when he walked, and he also walked when he hit. Like the burst of the Yellow River, the whole person instantly became imposing and mighty, like a liger.


   The fists of the two collided, and in an instant, a dull blast of air was heard, and the silver-wired old man\'s face changed suddenly. He didn\'t expect Fade Chen\'s strength to be so terrifying, and his body flew out instantly, and stopped after a few consecutive kicks.

"This is Xingyiquan, and it has bright energy. I didn\'t expect you to step into this realm at such a young age?" After standing firm, the silver-silk old man looked at Fade Chen in shock. He didn\'t expect such a young man to be so young. , actually able to cultivate bright energy.

   In today\'s martial arts, the strength of the masters from weak to strong are: not in the stream, third-rate masters, second-rate masters, first-class masters, and innate.

Although the classification of grades is like this, in fact, in the entire domestic martial arts, except for those ancient martial arts families with unimaginable heritage, which have been inherited for hundreds of years, let alone innate, even first-class masters can’t be found in a province. How much to come out is really difficult.

   Even himself, he practiced martial arts at the age of eight, and became a master teacher at the age of twelve. Now he has been in a hurry, and he is only the peak of a second-rate master. It has been almost twenty years since he stopped here.

   But now, a young man in his twenties has reached the same height as his old guy, the peak of a second-rate master, how can this not shock him?

Whether    has bright energy is a sign used to measure second-class masters; whether it has dark energy is used to measure the performance of first-class masters.

   "Small, what do you call your friends, they come from all sects?" The silver-wired old man held a heart of shock and awe, looked at Fade Chen with turbid eyes, and said cautiously.

   Up to now, of course, he did not dare to call Chen Fei a young man, but referred to him as his peers. After all, the strength of the other party was not weaker than him, and, at such a young age, he had great potential.

   "You\'re welcome, old man. My name is Fade Chen. As for where the teacher is, I won\'t reveal it. Please forgive me." Fade Chen said with a smile. He is telling the truth, although his master has become a congenital master now, and most of them are not small, but he is now in a state of seclusion, so it is naturally inconvenient to disclose.

   "It was Dong who took the liberty."

The silver-silk old man took a deep breath and looked at Fade Chen: "Fellow Daoist Chen, if you meet, you are destined, or you will come to sit with me at noon. It just so happens that some of my inferior juniors are there, I will take them Let me introduce you to me?"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes when he heard the words. The other party actually said such words when he knew his own strength. Obviously, the juniors who were \'incompetent\' in his mouth were not really incompetent, but were mostly mixed up. Yes, with great energy.

   However, he still shook his head and smiled at the other party: "Master Dong is polite, but I have something to do at noon today, next time."

   After finishing speaking, there happened to be a taxi parked on the road, Fade Chen waved at him, got in the car and left.

   "Since Daoyou Chen is inconvenient, it\'s a pity. Next time, Daoyou Chen will see you again." Since Chen Fei has said so, the silver-wired old man is naturally not good to say anything else, and said goodbye to Chen Fei with a pity.

   "It\'s broken, I forgot to leave his phone number." But at the next moment, the silver-haired old man suddenly shouted and became extremely depressed. It turned out that he forgot to leave Fade Chen\'s phone number just now.

  Although he already knew Chen Fei\'s name, but Beishan City is not big or small, how can he find it by just a name.

"Hey, I\'m really confused, and I can even forget about this kind of thing. It seems that I can only ask Wencheng to help me think of a way, but in Tongzhou, can I come here? Hey, no, if That fellow Daoist Chen doesn\'t like people messing around with petty tricks, and if he finds out, wouldn\'t it be more troublesome, hey, look at my brain, what should I do?" The silver-silk old man muttered with a gloomy face, and also hit Got a taxi and left.

   On the other side, Fade Chen took a taxi to the commercial street, and took out his mobile phone to call Murong Shan: "Hello, is it Murong Shan? It\'s me, Fade Chen, I\'ve already arrived."

   "Oh, have you already arrived? Then wait for me there for a while, and I\'ll come right over." There was a silver bell-like soft voice from the other side, and then Murong Shan hung up the phone.

  In this way, Chen Fei probably waited for about seven or eight minutes in the business world, and suddenly saw a middle-aged fat man with a big belly swaying through the market with a black-clothed beauty in his arms, with a proud look on his face, enjoying the envy of everyone.

  If nothing else, this should be another show where rich people bring little three, four, five or six... to go shopping.

   I have to say that although the woman\'s face is not long, her figure is indeed okay. Not only is she "expected", but she also has a proud face like a white swan. Only in front of the middle-aged fat man with a big belly can she show a look of flattery. Coquettish and coquettish in his ear.

   "Bah, what a good cabbage is being bullied by pigs again, it\'s a sin!" A student muttered in pain. Obviously, she was indignant at the fact that such a beautiful woman was taken care of by a middle-aged man with a pot belly. In fact, she couldn\'t eat grapes and said the grapes were sour.


"What are you two muttering over there? Don\'t think I didn\'t hear it. You\'re young, and your mouth is not strong. Where did you two go to school? Is it because the teacher didn\'t teach him well, and I need to teach him again. "

   But the pot-bellied middle-aged man actually heard it, and walked up with a rude face, and the one who covered his face was a scolding. Fade Chen naturally also had bad luck, and the classmate who was considered to be the talkative student also suffered.

   "Sorry, this has nothing to do with me, I don\'t know him." Seeing this scene, Fade Chen opened his mouth like this, wanting to tell the other party that it was about him.

"How do you talk, you will shirk your responsibilities at a young age. Do you know who is standing in front of you? He is Bureau Wang of the Minghui District Education Bureau. If you are so rude, believe it or not, Director Wang will tell you. The school will let you get out of school immediately! You can\'t even finish your graduation." The middle-aged man with a big belly didn\'t say a word, but the black-clothed beauty beside him scolded him, with an ugly face.

"This classmate, which school do you belong to? You learn to shirk your responsibilities at a young age, and do what you do. Don\'t be afraid to admit your mistakes. Look at how correct this classmate is. He knows how to deeply understand and examine his own mistakes. It\'s a great improvement. This is a good classmate." The middle-aged man with a big belly heard the praise of the female companion next to him and the admiration in those words.

   As for his good classmate, he was naturally the cheap guy before.

   When he heard that this potbellied middle-aged man was actually the director of the Minghui District Education Bureau, his legs went weak and he quickly apologized.

   There are three major districts in the center of Beishan City: Minghui District, Yintan District, and Jinliang District.

   And Minghui District is where he attended the university.

   (end of this chapter)