Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 21: sorry sir chen

Chapter 21 Mr. Chen I\'m sorry

"You do not believe?"

   Actually, Fade Chen also felt that the other party should not believe in him, so he took the most practical action, that is, took out the classic Nokia mobile phone in his trouser pocket and made a call.

"Hmph, what are you pretending to be? I really thought that a phone call would convince me that Doctor Liu was on the other end of the phone? How could a hairy boy like you have an intersection with Doctor Liu, I\'m afraid that your brain is not smart and you have paranoia? "Although Dr. Liu was still saying that, his fat forehead was starting to sweat a little, and so were the palms of his hands.

  If the other party really knows the top boss of their department, and looks quite familiar, and offends him, wouldn\'t it be bad luck, it\'s impossible, it\'s absolutely impossible...

   Just when the dead fat pig was in a panic, Fade Chen had already answered the phone and said hello with a smile: "Dr. Liu? It\'s me, Fade Chen, I have something to tell you."

"I tell you, Fade Chen, don\'t be so pretentious here. What do you think you are? You\'re just a broken intern. If you anger my Uncle Wang, you will definitely not be able to eat and walk away!" That Wang Kai also A little flustered, he said sternly, trying to reach out and grab Fade Chen\'s phone.


   But his hand was directly knocked off by the slipper on the side, the latter sneered meaningfully: "Why, squad leader Wang, you know you\'re afraid? Why don\'t you let Da Fei finish the call?"

In an instant, the entire private room was quiet, whether it was Zhao Le, the helpless art committee member before, or those who wanted to curry favor with Dr. Liu, or the opportunity to hang up high that it had nothing to do with themselves. Out of shock.

   They looked at Fade Chen, who was talking and laughing, and was on the other end of the phone narrating what happened just now. They couldn\'t imagine the true identity of the person on the other end of the phone.

If that person is really Dr. Liu, wouldn\'t it be awesome to hold Chen Fei? He actually knows Dr. Liu Changshan, a famous cardiovascular expert in China, and he also jokes and laughs with him, not like Wang Kai\'s **** before. So flattering, **** it, this is not a dream! ? This, this, this... how is this possible! ?

"Doctor Liu, answer the phone. It seems that Dr. Liu has a call to tell you." At this moment, Fade Chen handed the Nokia mobile phone in his hand to the doctor Liu, whose forehead was already full of big men and his eyes were trembling. .

"Ah good…"

  Then Dr. Liu took the phone in a panic, and then with a fearful, trembling voice going to the execution ground, he said to the microphone: "Liu, Dr. Liu, is it really you?"

"Who am I? Liu Zhichuang, you are getting more and more powerful. You even dare to offend Dr. Chen. You don\'t know that Zheng Yi from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine was fired by the dean for offending him at noon. Do you think you are better than Zheng Yi? It\'s more powerful and has more background, or the dean has to beg you to stay, not afraid of anything!?" The other end of the phone immediately roared, and the words made Liu Zhichuang\'s thighs soften, and his face instantly became terrified.


   Dr. Zheng Yi from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, isn\'t that a doctor at the level of deputy director? He was dismissed by the dean because he offended him. This, this, this... this is a joke. Doctors at the deputy director level can\'t play him. He is the attending doctor, what a piece of shit!

"Liu, Dr. Liu, you have to save me, anyway, I\'ve been with you for so long, please help me!" Then Liu Zhichuang was already completely frightened, and his mind was a little out of control, and he didn\'t care. What is the surrounding area, he shouted for help towards the other end of the phone.


   "What\'s wrong with Dr. Liu? It\'s just a phone call. It\'s not that scary, right?"

   "This, this... Does Chen Fei really know Liu Changshan, Dr. Liu?"


   The students in the private room suddenly burst into an uproar.

You know, that is the attending doctor of the central hospital. In the eyes of their group, he is completely a super-high-level person, but now, just because he answered a phone call, he was so frightened that everyone present could endure it. He couldn\'t help but glance at Chen Fei secretly, a look of shock and awe flashed in his eyes. Damn, this is a real bullshit!

"Chen, Doctor Chen, I\'m sorry, it was me, Liu Zhichuang, who didn\'t know Taishan before and didn\'t know your identity. Please forgive me this time for the sake of us all being colleagues in the future. I\'m sorry, I apologize to you. Your classmate apologizes."

At this moment, Liu Zhichuang seemed to have been yelled at by Liu Changshan on the other end of the phone, stammering, apologizing to Chen Fei tremblingly, and even taking Zhao Leju, who was \'fancy\' by him before. With a bow, he gestured with obscure and anxious eyes, hoping that the other party could say good things to him.

   Just kidding, a guy who can\'t even be a deputy director-level doctor, the dean resigned him directly because of him, he Liu Zhichuang is a fart, of course he doesn\'t dare to continue courting death.

"Look at what you\'re saying, Dr. Chen, now, isn\'t there a bottle of wine on the table? Dr. Chen is a lot, and he\'s not stingy, so drink it all." I saw that there was a bottle of Erguotou on the table that Chen Fei pointed to, That wine is fine for ordinary people to drink slowly, but if you drink a bottle at once, you will definitely suffer.

   "Dr. Chen gives face, of course I, Liu Zhichuang, want to drink." However, Liu Zhichuang didn\'t have that much, so he took the Erguotou on the table and poured it into his stomach.

   He was really afraid that he would follow in the footsteps of Zheng Yi, the Chinese medicine department. For this trivial matter, it was really worthless, and he was reluctant to do such a good job as the attending doctor of the Central Hospital, so of course he could only bow his head.

"Okay, we will all be colleagues in the future. Don\'t force yourself if Dr. Liu can\'t drink it." Seeing that the other party was so refreshing, and he was about to vomit out after drinking, Chen Fei finally didn\'t look at it any longer and let the other party go, so opened his mouth.

   "Thank you Dr. Chen." Hearing Chen Fei\'s words, Liu Zhichuang put down the bottle in a daze, only to feel that his stomach was burning.

"Hey, art committee, classmates, I have something to do with Slippery, so I\'ll leave first, you can have fun, and meet again later when you have time." Seeing this scene, Fade Chen lost his mind to stay and pulled Swipe away.

   "Hey, wait, I\'ll send you off." Zhao Le, who was dressed in fashion, spoke immediately.

   Seeing this scene, all the guys who were thinking about the scene stopped eating and continued to sit in the private room with embarrassed expressions.

   "Xiao Kai, you gave me a good trick today!" Liu Zhichuang looked at Wang Kai coldly, and everyone could hear the chill in his tone.


"Wang, Uncle Wang, you heard the explanation, you really don\'t know that their identities are so unusual, they even know Dr. Liu. When they were in school before, they were really ordinary students. Uncle Wang, you have to believe it. I, even if I have the guts, I don\'t dare to trick you, you really have to believe me." Then Wang Kai\'s feet softened, and he knelt down, stammering and trembling.

   "You thought I would believe you!? Crack!" However, Liu Zhichuang was already angry and lost his mind, slapped Wang Kai in the face with a slap, and then walked away, leaving a mess all over the place.

Seeing this scene, everyone present, look at me, and I look at you, no need to think that a good alumni reunion would turn out like this, but it deserves it. Who told you to love face so much before, love Pretend, in order to please his thighs, even his classmates have to betray, deserve it.

"Well, I don\'t need a discount for this situation, right? You go over now and ask them to lose money and charge double the price for the meal." My chin, I decided to add more.

   "Yes, Boss, I\'ll do it right away." A manager-like person immediately ordered a trot to run over and started to do things.

   "What!? If you want to charge me twice the cost of the meal as compensation, you broke this thing, why?"

   "It\'s up to you to offend someone who shouldn\'t be offended! Hurry up, or you won\'t even want to walk out of the gate of our Red River Restaurant today!" Wang Kai cried and fainted again in the toilet.


Zhao Le followed Chen Fei and Hua Zhinan out of the Red River Hotel, put his hands on his chest, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Hey, I didn\'t expect a good classmate to be like this, if I had known, I wouldn\'t be here. "

   "It turns out that Commissioner Zhao Wenyi wanted to come out with us. Hey, I\'m so sad. I thought you were here to send us."

"Stop it."

Zhao Le rolled his eyes at him, then turned to Chen Fei\'s beautiful eyes and said: "Chen Fei, slick, you two are hiding deep enough! One is a rich second-generation, and the other actually knows the famous doctor Liu Changshan in China, and he will be able to graduate within a few months. Going to work in a tertiary hospital like the Central Hospital, I really envy me."

   seems to be complaining, but in fact, it represents her endless envy for Hua Zhinan and Chen Fei.

  Yes, whether it is Hua Zhinan, the rich second generation in the eyes of ordinary people, or Chen Fei, who looks like a super thigh today, they are all enviable, jealous and hateful.

However, Chen Fei is not a complacent person, and immediately said modestly: "You look at me highly, Slick is indeed a rich second-generation, and I just happened to meet Dr. Liu, so it\'s worth a little. Just a doctor."

   Slicked his head and didn\'t speak, just quietly watched Fade Chen pretend to be forceful.

  Damn, the deputy chief doctor of the tertiary hospital is only a \'little\' doctor, and it\'s a shame that this **** can say it.

Zhao Le also had an expression of distrust, and then saw her smile and said: "Two old classmates, I\'ll take a step first, I\'m quite tired today, and I want to go back and have a good rest. You two, remember later. keep in touch with me."

   "Of course, Zhao Wenyi Committee member bye, see you later." Slicker assured immediately, Fade Chen also nodded with a smile.

  You really don\'t say, originally, he didn\'t have a good relationship with each other when he was in school, but now, he has a bad feeling for each other in his heart, not the kind he likes, but admiration.

   After all, there are really not many good girls in this era who can resist temptation and keep themselves clean!

   (end of this chapter)