Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 22: hotel encounter

Chapter 22 Hotel Encounter

   Having a good class reunion, but inexplicably encountering this troublesome thing, Fade Chen also put out his mind to stay, and it was dark, so he asked Slip to drive him home.

And when Slicker drove to the urban village where Chen Fei lived, he frowned and looked at the bad environment around him, and couldn\'t help but said to Chen Fei who was sitting in the co-pilot: "I said Da Fei, you can be considered a good one now. You\'ve made a comeback and become a deputy director-level doctor of a tertiary-level hospital, so don\'t continue living in this broken place, it\'s too messy."

"It\'s easy for you to say it. I\'ve paid half a year\'s rent here, and it\'s only been a few months. However, I do have the idea of ​​moving. It\'s too inconvenient to go to the central hospital from here. The bus is definitely late." Chen Fei gave him a white look and said after thinking.

   "You still want to squeeze the bus? Buy a car." Slicker said with a bit of hatred. These days, crowding the bus is a lot of money.

   "No money!" This time Fade Chen was even more direct, he really had no money.

Although he has the top VIP card of the Canghai Group given to him by Gao Zhinan, he can withdraw 30 million yuan at any time, but if he thinks about it casually, that kind of money is definitely not so easy to get, and he is not really lacking now. , why sell yourself?

   "Hey, forget it, I\'m too lazy to care about you, get out of the car as soon as you get to the place, brother has to rush to Hipi at night." Slick didn\'t bother to say, and shouted to Fade Chen to get out of the car quickly.

   Anyway, his brother is really in the early stage now. Any house or car is a small matter, so he doesn\'t need to worry about it.

   "Bye, be careful not to get sick, hahaha!" Fade Chen jumped out of the car with a smile.

   "Fuck you uncle!" Slick couldn\'t help but yelled, and drove away depressedly.


   Walking on the muddy and uneven road in the urban village, Chen Fei looked at the surrounding environment, and it was indeed a little messy, which made him not want to continue living here.

   After all, there is a saying that once a person gets better, his vision and requirements will double immediately.

   You must know that he has now entered the central hospital to work, with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan, not to mention living in those rich villas, but at least some ordinary boutique communities are not at all stressed. Thinking about it, Fade Chen made up his mind to move.

   Although he hasn\'t received his first salary from the Central Hospital, he still has a five-figure windfall on his hands, which he didn\'t use when he bought clothes before, but now it can come in handy.

   "Xiao Fei, is that you?" At this moment, an elder sister\'s voice came from behind him. Fade Chen immediately turned his head to look, that person was actually his landlord, Sister Lin.

   Sister Lin is a native born and raised in her early forties.

   "Hello, Miss Lin."

Fade Chen was about to say hello to her, but was interrupted eagerly by the latter, and he said apologetically: "Xiao Fei, I\'m so sorry, there\'s something wrong with your sister Lin, and I need money urgently, so you live here. The house I owned has been sold by me today, and I have talked to them about the other tenants, they all moved out in the afternoon, and you are the only one left."

After talking, Sister Lin took out a thick stack of money from her bag, more than a thousand to say the least, and handed it to Chen Fei, apologizing: "Xiao Fei, I\'m so sorry, I\'ll forget about you. The previous rent has more than two months to expire, and it will be refunded to you now. Anything else is more compensation from Miss Lin. Don’t think it’s too small.”

Hearing what Sister Lin said, Chen Fei naturally couldn\'t say anything else. After all, his two-month rent was estimated to be only five or six hundred, but the other party gave him more than one thousand, even if it was refunded. The deposit, which is also very sincere.

"It\'s okay, Miss Lin, if that\'s the case, I\'ll go back to the rental house to pack my luggage and try to leave before nine o\'clock." Fade Chen said with a smile, but he was thinking that he might have to find a hotel to stay in tonight. Living.

   As for why it\'s a hotel, not a hotel, it\'s still the same sentence, now he is really not bad for that little money.

   Seeing that Chen Fei was so reasonable and easy to talk, Big Sister Lin seemed even more embarrassed, and forcibly gave Chen Fei 200 yuan so that he could have money to live in a hotel tonight.

After all, in the eyes of Sister Lin, most of the people who can rent a house in this urban village may have some difficult economic conditions. People who move out in the middle of the night must be staying in hotels. There\'s no need to be stingy with this money, it\'s a good idea to give more.

   Chen Fei originally wanted to refuse, but Sister Lin\'s attitude was very firm. After giving the money, she would turn around and leave first if she didn\'t give it to Chen Fei.

   This made Fade Chen helplessly shook his head and smiled, returned to the rental house, packed his luggage and left.

   When he left, he also noticed that the rooms in the other shared courtyards were all empty. It seemed that, as Sister Lin said, they all moved out in the afternoon.

"I don\'t know where Sister Yan will go. It\'s a pity that it\'s too rushed, and I didn\'t have a chance to leave her phone number." Fade Chen thought of Sister Yan who had been helping him before, and felt a little pity, because he might not be able to see her in the future. .

   But after following him, he put these thoughts behind him, and walked out of Shiren Village with not much luggage, which is considered to be out of his low period.

   "In the future, I probably won\'t come back again." Fade Chen looked back at Shiren Village behind him, shook his head, stopped a taxi and left.

   "Where are you going, boy?" The master asked enthusiastically as soon as he got in the car.

   "Where? Go to California Garden Hotel."

   Chen Fei thought for a while and broke out such a place name, because he remembered that it seemed to be an industry under the Canghai Group.

"California Garden Hotel? It\'s one of the few five-star hotels in the city. Are you going to open a room there, young man? I heard that the place is not cheap, it costs thousands." Fade Chen was going to go to that kind of high-end hotel, and was immediately surprised.

   With his vision, he naturally couldn\'t recognize that the clothes on Chen Fei\'s body were all foreign famous brands. They were carefully selected by the manager of Splendid Tiancheng, and any one of them cost at least tens of thousands.

However, he recognized the sneakers that Chen Fei was wearing on his feet. They were just the most common Hongxing Erke, and they looked very worn out. Naturally, he thought that Chen Fei could not be rich, but he Are you going to stay in a five-star hotel?

   "How expensive is that place, how could I live there. My friend is waiting for me there, isn\'t that place more eye-catching?" Fade Chen said so for fear of trouble.

   "Oh, that\'s how it is. Look at my curiosity, young man, sit down, I\'m driving." The driver suddenly realized that, and drove to the California Garden Hotel.

After a while, the California Garden Hotel arrived, just from the outside, it was extremely luxurious and magnificent, with a fountain statue of the Greek goddess Pisces in the eye, surrounded by lush and refreshing garden paths, small bridges and flowing water, and the scenery was fragrant. There are also many luxury cars and SUVs, such as BMW x6, Mercedes-Benz S series, Jaguar, Maserati, etc., which are full of luxury and elegant style.

   "This is the California Garden Hotel, it\'s really luxurious." Fade Chen got out of the taxi, looked at the luxurious buildings at the end of the garden path, and couldn\'t help sighing.

   It is worthy of being a five-star hotel. Compared with the small hotels he stayed in before, it was simply too high-end and super stylish.

   "Guest, do you need anything?" After a while, a waiter stepped forward to ask.

   "Do you know this card? I want to stay." Fade Chen took out the card Gao Zhinan left him.

"This is... Guest, please wait a moment. I will immediately ask our hotel manager to come over. Your card seems to be the top VIP card of our group." The waiter was surprised when he saw the VIP gold card in Chen Fei\'s hand. , hurried to look for the hotel manager.

   The big people who are qualified to hold their Canghai Group\'s top VIP card are not a mere waiter who can receive them! So you must hurry up and ask the manager to come.

   "Guest, hello, my surname is Lian, can you show me the card in your hand?" After a while, a handsome middle-aged man with a big face and a Chinese character came over.

   "Well, good." Of course Chen Fei couldn\'t refuse, and handed the card Gao Zhinan gave him.

   "Hi, it\'s true..."

There are many industries under Canghai Group, such as various star-rated hotel chains, supermarket chains, comprehensive commercial cities, etc. Among them, the most iconic buildings such as Splendid Sky City and California Garden Hotel are the most, so they can get managers. This kind of position, of course, is considered to be the middle level of the Canghai Group, and naturally knows that kind of top VIP card.

"Hello, dear guest, welcome to the California Garden Hotel. Lian only represents all the staff of the hotel and expresses his honor." So then the manager surnamed Lian said such a surprising thing while laughing with him. discourse.

   "This guest, do you want to stay in our hotel? According to the previous orders of General Manager Gao, as long as any guest comes with this top-level VIP card, they can stay in our hotel\'s highest-grade presidential suite for free, you see."

   At this time, Manager Na Lian had led Chen Fei to the special car to the location of the real hotel, and introduced him respectfully.

In the entrance hall of the luxurious hotel, there are staffs in uniforms, or guests wearing fashionable and elegant clothes from time to time, but when they see the hotel manager being so respectful to a young man, they immediately understand that there is a big man coming. , and cast a respectful look at Chen Fei.

   "Presidential suite? Okay, then the presidential suite, it\'s only for one day anyway." Chen Fei was confused by the other party\'s battle, and said softly, looking a little frightened.

   "Guest, you can stay as long as you want."

   Even the manager was still approaching, and he ordered the employees passing by to help him with this matter immediately, and as soon as possible.

   After doing this, he couldn\'t help but ask: "Guest, are you here for the charity party tonight?"

"Charity Gala?"

   This time, it was Chen Fei who was stunned, because he didn\'t know any charity party. Seeing this scene, Manager Na Lian thought he had said something wrong, and quickly remedied: "That\'s it, there will be a very top-level charity party in our hotel tonight, and all the big people from our Beishan City will come to attend. , President Gao is also back, so I just thought..."

   "Doctor Chen, is that you?" At this moment, a surprised voice came from behind, interrupting it.

   "Gao, President Gao." Manager Na Lian looked back and found that the person who spoke was actually the highest boss of their hotel, Gao Zhinan, and immediately saluted respectfully.

   "What a coincidence, Mr. Gao, hello." When Chen Fei saw that the person was Gao Zhinan, he immediately greeted with a smile. Through the previous incident, although there were contradictions and misunderstandings between them, they were finally resolved, and he also admired the other party.

   After all, such a person in a high position can kneel down for a young man like him, which in itself is a very admirable thing.

However, he not only noticed Gao Zhinan, but he also noticed that there was a middle-aged man of more than 40 beside Gao Zhinan, with a medium build, a Chinese character face, a high nose bridge, and bright eyes. An impactful middle-aged man, next to him was a man in black, his eyes were very bright, and he felt very dangerous.

   "Mr. Gao, who is this?" I saw the smiley opening, and he was talking to Gao Zhinan quite casually and uninhibited.

   "You see how happy I am that I have forgotten you, forgive me, forgive me."

   Gao Zhinan patted his forehead and introduced it immediately. "Let me introduce, this is Dr. Chen from the Central Hospital. He is very skilled in medicine. He can be called Hua Tuo. Some time ago, the child had an accident and almost died. The dog was rescued, he is my benefactor of Gao Zhinan."

   When Gao Zhinan said this, he looked at Fade Chen again with a serious expression. "Doctor Chen, I don\'t think you are familiar with this one? Yes, it\'s the one in the city! Deputy Mayor Huang Tao and Huang! Just happened to meet him today, come over and say hello to Deputy Mayor Huang. "

   "Vice Mayor?" Fade Chen was taken aback. He really thought that the person in front of him was familiar, but he didn\'t expect that the background was so terrifying! This is the top four in the city!

   Moreover, he had just met the other party\'s son Huang Feng just now, but he didn\'t expect to follow the righteous master now, it\'s really God\'s will! It\'s quite a coincidence indeed.

"It turns out that this little brother is a doctor and has a good career. Since you and Mr. Gao also know each other, I will ask you to call you Xiaofei for a while, but don\'t mind." South face, even if Huang Tao\'s status is amazing, he is still very kind to Chen Fei. He is commensurate with Xiaofei, which is enough face.

   "Mayor Huang, what are you talking about? You are too polite. It is my blessing that you can call me that." Fade Chen laughed immediately.

   "Xiao Fei is really good at talking. It just so happens that there is a charity party here today. Mr. Gao and I are going to visit together. Xiao Fei, do you want to come with us?"

  Huang Tao smiled and issued an invitation.

  This is obviously good intentions. It can be said that he wants to help Gao Zhinan because of Gao Zhinan\'s face. After all, people who can walk with him and Gao Zhinan have extraordinary meaning in the eyes of others! As long as the brain is not stupid, it will give some face.

   And this is enough for Fade Chen, a young man.

   (end of this chapter)