Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 20: I seem to know Liu Changshan too

Chapter 20 I seem to know Liu Changshan too

"Hey, it\'s Uncle Liu, hello, hello, are you here yet? Well, I\'ll go pick you up right away, you wait a moment." After Wang Kai answered the phone, his attitude changed immediately. The big change, from the previous high posture to the next low voice, makes people look at it for a while.

However, after hanging up the phone, he resumed his previous style in front of everyone, with a high attitude, and cautiously instructed everyone: "My classmates, don\'t say that I, Wang Kai, don\'t take care of you when I\'m rich, I\'ll wait. This is your chance. The person who called me was an uncle who introduced me to work in the Central Hospital. His surname is Liu. He is an attending doctor in the Cardiovascular Department of the Central Hospital. I specially invited him to come here today. ...you must pay attention later, and don\'t say anything wrong."

   After he finished speaking, he immediately went out to pick up someone.


   "The Cardiovascular Department of the Central Hospital is the ace department, and it is also an attending doctor. This kind of person actually wants to eat with us."

   "As expected of the class leader, he\'s really awesome!"

   "You must keep your mouth shut later, don\'t say the wrong thing, if you can leave a good impression on the other party, you might be able to do yourself a big favor in the future!"


   As soon as Wang Kai left, everyone in the private room immediately boiled and heatedly discussed.

   They are all graduates of the hospital department, so they naturally understand how high a doctor in charge of an ace department in a tertiary-level hospital is. It is completely what they need to look up to, as expected of their class leader, this is simply too awesome.

"The cardiovascular department of the Central Hospital, Da Fei is not..." Only the slicker looked at Fade Chen with a strange face when he heard the words. Of course, he still remembered that his brother told him that he seemed to be in the heart of the Central Hospital. Vascular department as deputy chief doctor.

   "Shh, be quiet." Fade Chen interrupted him immediately, of course he didn\'t want to be so high-profile.

   Besides, if you really think about it, he seems to have just joined the job today. It is estimated that the attending doctor does not know him. Since that is the case, he is too lazy to say anything else to save trouble.

"Oh, but Wang Kai really has the potential to be a dog. Zhao Le, you have to be careful. Judging from his appearance, it seems that he likes you, haha." Slicker immediately understood what his brother meant, staggered the topic, and joked. The art committee has gone.

   "Bah, ah, what nonsense are you talking about, I\'m not interested in people like him." Zhao Lejiao said, staring at Fade Chen strangely from the corner of his eyes.

  Because she actually had a feeling that between Chen Fei and Hua Zhinan, the former is the leader, but how is this possible? Isn\'t Hua Zhinan the owner of Jinnan Jewelry? That is the second generation of the tens of millions of rich!

At this moment, the door of the private room was opened again, and a bald middle-aged man with a big belly walked in arrogantly. As for Wang Kai, he was nodding and bowing behind him, looking like he was flattering. .

   "Uncle Liu, these are our classmates."

Wang Kai opened his mouth to the bald middle-aged man with big belly, winked at everyone present, and said loudly: "Everyone, let me introduce, this is my uncle, surnamed Liu, he is the cardiovascular department of the Central Hospital. Attending doctor, everyone is welcome."

   "Clap clap clap!"

   "Welcome to Dr. Liu, a warm welcome to Dr. Liu."


  Except for a few students who were a little displeased, everyone else immediately responded with warm applause and welcomed each other.

   This is the reality, especially since they are all college students who graduated from the medical department. In front of such high-level bigwigs in the industry, they are born with an inferiority complex. What\'s more, they want to curry favor, because many of them still rely on the path of medical care to eat.

After the introduction, it seemed that everyone should play, drink and watch, but many people\'s eyes fell on the arrogant Dr. Liu, especially Wang Kai and a few others who had ulterior motives. His classmates, all bowed and followed him at the moment, looking at him like that, he wanted to lie down and lick his heels.

   Chen Fei shook his head speechlessly, flattering, but these guys are too exaggerated.

   "Little Wang, who is this!?"

   At this moment, Dr. Liu with a big belly suddenly stared at Zhao Le, who was sitting beside Fade Chen and Slippery, and immediately came up with a glass of wine.

"Uncle Wang, this is the former literary committee member of our class. He is very talented. If you don\'t mind, can you help her find a good job?" Wang Kai knew as soon as he saw his lascivious Uncle Wang that he also liked it. Zhao Le, although helpless, just needs to cooperate immediately.

"Looking for a job is a trivial matter. This young lady is also a graduate of the hospital department. Are you interested in coming to our hospital to try it out? If you are interested, let\'s talk about it in two days." Looking at the fashionable and beautiful Zhao Le, the obsessed bald Doctor Liu was immediately moved, stretched out his fat pig hands, and laughed.

"Sorry Dr. Liu, I\'m quite satisfied with my current job, so I don\'t need to bother you to introduce me." Zhao Le was extremely disgusted with this fat pig, but she still couldn\'t do anything about it and didn\'t dare to expose it. Come out, you can only politely refuse.


Then Dr. Liu didn\'t expect that a medical student who graduated from a third-rate university would dare to reject him. He immediately became displeased and said, "Miss Zhao, right? I\'m the attending doctor of the cardiovascular department of the Central Hospital. Don’t say it, at least it’s not a problem for you to become a formal employee of our hospital, you can think clearly, do you really want to reject me?”

   As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed. First, they resented the directness of this **** fat pig, and second, the emotions in their hearts were a bit complicated.

  If, if you can really let them enter the central hospital and become regular employees, let alone a meal, even if they pay a huge price, it will be worth it.

   After all, it is the Central Hospital, the largest tertiary general hospital in Beishan City.

   "You, I... Dr. Liu, please respect yourself, I really don\'t need you to introduce me to my job." Then Zhao Le heard the words and was silent for a long time, but finally spoke with difficulty, rejecting the other party\'s "kindness".

   Of course she knows what the other party wants, but if she wants to exchange a job at such a price, she really can\'t do it.

   "Humph! I don\'t know how to lift up!"

Then Dr. Liu snorted immediately, his face became gloomy, looking at Wang Kai who nodded and bowed at him and said unhappily: "I said Xiao Kai, you are really incompetent as a monitor. You Uncle Liu, I really want to do it for her. Introduce work, but she is so ignorant of praise, hey, forget it, don\'t talk about it."

Hearing the serious dissatisfaction in Uncle Liu\'s words, Wang Kai\'s face changed immediately, and regardless of other things, he immediately said to Zhao Le displeased: "I said Zhao Le, this is your fault, Uncle Liu kindly wants to do it for you. Looking for a job, how can you be so ignorant of his good intentions and refuse. This is a good thing that many people can\'t ask for, you have to think about it clearly."

"Yeah, the art committee, in my opinion, you should go have a meal with Dr. Liu. This is a good thing, and we are too late to envy it!" The classmates who went up to please Dr. Liu also spoke up, all kinds of runs against Zhao Le , yin and yang weirdness.

   was besieged by Wang Kai and even everyone. Zhao Le\'s expression suddenly became aggrieved. He didn\'t expect that they were all his friends, but everyone was like each other. They wanted to sell her to please the **** fat pig.

"Hey, I said that you have a lot of work to do. Committee member Zhao Wenyi doesn\'t want to eat with this dead fat pig. What are you doing? Are you idle and have nothing to do?" But at this moment, Chen Fei suddenly spoke, his tone seemed a little bit impatient.

   "What did you say!? Fade Chen, what do you mean, how dare Dr. Liu speak like that, and immediately apologize to me." Wang Kai immediately reprimanded, and others followed to besiege Fade Chen.

"Apologize, apologetic apology, I really thought it would be amazing to climb on the thigh of a dead fat pig! Not to mention you, even this fat pig, my brother really didn\'t take you seriously." Oblique, open.

   Just by virtue of his status as the owner of Jinnan Jewelry, he is really qualified to say these words.

   "You, Chen Fei, Hua Zhinan, what do you mean? You two dare to talk to Dr. Liu like that? It\'s really courting death!" That Wang Kai blushed and roared.

"Okay, okay, okay, I really didn\'t expect Liu Zhichuang to think that the graduates of two third-rate universities in the district are still so loud, and they are not afraid of flashing their tongues in the wind." Dr. Liu also stared at Chen with a gloomy expression on his face. The two of them sneered and said, "Come on, I would like to see, where are you two now? How much can you earn in a month?"

   "Better than this? Okay!"

Slick threw out the Mercedes-Benz car key from his trousers bag, stared at the other party and said with disdain: "No talent, there are only three or four jewelry stores under my command, and I have earned hundreds of thousands in the past two months, that is, I bought a grocery shopping cart. That\'s it."

   "What!?" Wang Kai and Dr. Liu\'s expressions changed at the same time. The former did not expect that his four-year classmate was actually a hidden rich second-generation. And that Dr. Liu obviously didn\'t expect Hua Zhinan to be so rich. In a few months, he earned more than he earned in a year or two years, which made him lose confidence immediately.

"It turned out to be a second-generation rich man, no wonder his tone was so aggressive. What about you, I don\'t know where you are, young man? You are also running a few stores, and you can earn hundreds of thousands in two months?" He was not reconciled, He sneered at Chen Fei again.

   "If you ask me, I\'m just a little doctor." Fade Chen sneered without caring. Indeed, he was just a \'little\' doctor.

"Oh, it turned out to be a little doctor. You have only graduated a few months ago. Are you an intern? You should have a thousand dollars a month, but I don\'t know if this amount is enough for a meal at this Red River Restaurant? "Then Dr. Liu sneered immediately. He knew that Wang Kai had only graduated a few months ago, so he took it for granted that since Chen Fei was just a voice, he probably should have been a little intern.


  Hua Zhinan\'s face was strange when he heard that, Chen Fei also raised his eyelids, looked at each other, and suddenly sneered: "Dr. Liu, right? Since you are in the cardiovascular department, you should know Liu Changshan, Dr. Liu."

   "Of course I know Dr. Liu! But what does that have to do with you?" Although the other party didn\'t know why Fade Chen asked, he still spoke immediately. As one of the three trump cards of the Central Hospital and the most authoritative expert in the cardiovascular department, Liu Changshan, of course he knows.

"That\'s right, I seem to know Liu Changshan as well. Otherwise, call him and say my name is Fade Chen, and he should tell you what to do next." With a sneer, he spoke like this, shocking everyone present.

   "Hey, did you hear that, Fade Chen said he knew Dr. Liu from the Central Hospital."

   "Is that the nationally famous cardiovascular specialist!?"

   "Will it be a bit too loud, that kind of person, but the top existence in the industry, Chen Fei can recognize!?"


The voices of everyone\'s discussion appeared in his ears, and Wang Kai stood up first, sneering and sneering: "Fade Chen, I think your brain is caught in the door, and you dare to say that you know Dr. Liu, do you think you are What is it, it\'s a dream."

   "Interesting, today\'s young people are really getting worse and worse, do they just brag?" Then Dr. Liu also sneered. Of course, he didn\'t believe that Fade Chen knew them as a leader.

  Because this is absolutely impossible, just rely on these **** graduates from third-rate universities? How is it possible, think too much!

   (end of this chapter)