Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 188 - Not Without You

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He cupped her face and kissed her forehead before he pulled her into his arms, He couldn\'t believe that he finally found her.

Damien noticed that she was quiet and her silence terrified him.

"Ina, Honey, Say something, Are you in pain?" He asked, cupping her face looking at it.

Ina subbed as she hid her face in his chest, She was feeling dirty and disgusted by herself.

"I\'m sorry, I ... It wasn\'t with my well, He.... he made me do it." Ina said between her sobs confusing Damien.

"Let\'s talk about this later, Right now, We need to go to the hospital." Damien said as he helped her to stand up but she couldn\'t.

Ina breathing started to get laboured as if she was struggling.

"I .... Can\'t.. be..the." she barely managed to say.

Damien knew that something was wrong and he called the guards to help him carry her outside the cottage.

"Try to breathe, In and out, Don\'t think about anything, Everything will be alright." Damien tried to comfort her as they sat inside the car with Michael help but she wasn\'t responding and it worried him.

"Ina, Please, Say anything." Damien shocked her body but she wasn\'t responding.

Ina could barely keep her eyes open, She felt numbness in her left side and she wasn\'t able to speak.

"She is having a brain stroke." Michael said as he looked at Damien.

He was able to know it because he read her medical file.

"Drive faster." Michael told the driver.

"Lay her on her side with her head raised." Michael said as he picked up the blanket and covered her with it.

He hoped that they would reach the hospital before anything happened.


At the hospital.

Inside the hospital, Ina was taken to the emergency room but soon after that she was transferred to the surgeries room, The doctor informed them that her condition is critical, She had a brain stroke caused by the high blood pressure and they need to perform a caesarean birth immediately to save both the mother and the babies.

Damien stood Infront of the operating room, Waiting, He stood there watching, waiting to know if she is alright, The sight of her laying on the emergency bed motionless, He promised to protect her but he failed and now her life is hanging between life and death.

He didn\'t like thinking about what would happen if she died and left him and their children, But he couldn\'t stop himself from thinking about it. He can\'t do this, Not without her, He just can\'t.

Damien felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to look at it , only to find that it was Ina\'s mother.

She offered him a smile despite the tears in her eyes.

"I never saw so much happiness in my daughter\'s eyes until she met you, So whatever happiness, Don\'t blame yourself." Eleanor said as she patted his shoulder.

Her words were supposed to make him feel better but it only added to the weight and the pain he was feeling.

Damien hugged Eleanor, He knows how much Ina loves her mother and how the both of them are very close, So whatever is dear to her, Is dear to him too.

Eleanor couldn\'t hold herself, She sobbed in his arms, She couldn\'t believe what was happening, She did everything she had done to protect her daughter but she failed. The pain of knowing that you might lose your child is unbearable.

William and Damien\'s parents along with his friends and sister watched the scene unfold Infront of him. It was painful to watch.

After an hour of waiting, Two doctor\'s came out of the operation room.

"The patient will be transferred to the ICU, We had to butcher an induced coma for a week, To allow her body to recover, Her condition is still unstable and her body is weak." The neurology doctor explained.

"Will she be alright when she wakes up?" Damien asked, fearing the side effects of the stroke.

"She will be fine and completely functional. You brought her in at the right time. We managed to treat the stroke but as I mentioned, Her body is exhausted. That\'s why I put her into an induced coma. I will let doctor Jack continue informing you about her condition. I hope she recovers soon." The doctor offered his wishes before he left to go back inside the operation room.

"Let me first congregates you for becoming a father to three babies, They were born a little weak so they need to stay in the NICU for two weeks, But you can see them once they are transferred there, As for the mother, She is fine, The operation went well with no risks, Of course, she will need a longer time to recover." The doctor said offering Ina mother and Damien a warm smile.

Hearing this everyone sighed in relief.

"Can I see her?" Damien asked.

The sudden question took the doctor by surprise. Most fathers would ask to see the child first.

"You can, But not today, You will be allowed to see her tomorrow." The doctor repeated his congregants and left.

Everyone was happy with the news and excited to see the babies, But not Damien, He was still worried and wanted to see her and make sure himself that she was still breathing and alive, He was that the babies are fine and healthy but his happiness won\'t be complete until he sees Ina holding them not him, Somewhere in his heart, he couldn\'t find it in him to see him before her.

"Damien, Are you not going to see the babies?" It was his sister who asked them.

"No, I will wait for Ina, I can\'t see them before she does." Damien spoke his voice full of sadness which was the first time she heard it.

Nora understood what her brother was going through and she didn\'t pressure him and let him do what he wanted.


At the NICU.

Everyone gathered Infront of the huge glass window, Watching the three very small babies lying inside the NICU bed. They looked so small and adorable. The Nurse let Ina\'s mother be the first one to enter and see them.

"It\'s a miracle that they and the mother survived, I can only imagine the pain you want." The nurse said as she offered the mother a warm smile.

"Thank you." Eleanor said as she took a closer look at the babies and immediately her eyes watered as she smiled.

They are her grandchildren, She is a grandmother now, She didn\'t that it could bring her so much happiness and joy, The three babies were sleeping next to each other, The first thing Eleanor noticed that they resemble their father so much, It was Ina wish that they take after their father and god had fulfilled her wish.

Everyone got their chance to see the babies. They were happy and excited. When it was Nora\'s turn she made sure to take a picture of them to show it to Damien.

Night came and everyone left except for Damien and Ina parents.

When the next morning arrived, Damien and Ina were allowed to visit Ina in the ICU, But Ina\'s parents asked Damien to go in first. They wanted to give the both of them private time together after everything that happened.

"She may be able to hear what you are saying to her, Remember that she was put in a coma, Not in a coma." The doctor said before allowing him to enter.

Damien nodded his head and walked towards the closed doors that opened by itself and he stepped inside to find a nurse waiting for him that led him towards the bed that Ina was laying in.

Once his eyes fell on her, He felt a tug in his heart seeing her contact with all these machines, He walked towards the bed and bent down Kissing her forehead.

"Ina, Honey, I missed you." Damien said, trying to hold back his tears.

Damien started to stroke her head gently as he stared down at her, Her facial expressions were calm and her eyes were closed, He noticed that her bump hadn\'t fully disappeared and if she were awake, Should have told him that she became ugly, But to him, it doesn\'t matter, As long she was beside him.

"The babies are fun, They are waiting for you, Waiting to see their mother, I couldn\'t go and see them, Not without you." Damien whispered to her as he continued to stroke her head gently.


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