Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 189 - What Happened To Her Babies?

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"I couldn\'t go and see them, Not without you." Damien whispered as he stroked her head gently.

He wished that the time pass faster and this weak end quickly, When it\'s related to her, He is bad at waiting, He didn\'t know how he will manage to wait for seven days to hear her voice again, But he will wait, He will, For her, Because he promised to do anything for her even if it hurt him.

Damien reached for her hand and held it, bringing it close to his lips, Pressing his lips on her knuckles, kissing it gently before he turned her hand and kissed her palm. He closed his eyes, taking in her natural scent and it calmed him a little.

The room was quiet, Only the beeping sound of the medical machine that filled the room. It was another proof that she was still alive along with her light breathing and her chest that rose and fell slowly, All these things made him assured that his angel is still alive and well continue to stay with him.

"I love you, Do not ever forget that." Damien whispered as he traced the bruise on her cheek.

It must have been caused by that man, Thinking about this made his blood boil, He couldn\'t stop thinking about what he had done to her to find her in that state, terrified and scared, But now his threat no longer exists, He had got rid of him once and for all, Now Ina can live her life freely without a fear.

He remembered the words that she had said to him when he found her and she wondered what she meant, But he didn\'t care. He would wait for her to tell him. Right now what is important is for her to recover.

Damien spent some time in the ICU before he stepped out to give her parents the chance to see her, Once her parents entered, He took a seat in the hallway, Right now he felt much better after seeing her.

"Just another six days." Damien whispered to himself.

He suddenly received a notification on his phone and he opened it to check it. It was a picture of his babies sent from Nora.

Damien found himself unwillingly smiling as he looked at these little cute ones. An overwhelming feeling of love and happiness took over him, They were his and Ina babies, He couldn\'t wait to see her holding them in her arms.

He zoomed the photo to get a closer look at each one of them, He frowned when he noticed that none of them resembles Ina and it made him smile, even more, He remember once that she told him she wants the there of them to be a spitting image of him and her wish had come true.

Damien locked his phone and turned to look at his side to see Michael coming towards him.

"How is she?" Michael asked as he took a seat next to him.

"Better, The doctor\'s had put her into a medical coma, They will wake her up after a week." Damien replied.

"That\'s good to hear." Michael said as he took out a flash drive from his pocket.

"I found this in the cottage, I didn\'t take a look at it, I figured that it must be something private." Michael said as he handed Damien the flash drive.

Damien stared at it for a while before he nodded his head and put it inside his pocket.

"Thank you, Michael, Without you, We wouldn\'t be able to save Ina." Damien said as he looked at him.

Michael chuckled and nodded his head.

"You are very lucky, Damien, She is a good person, You should treasure her." Michael said, feeling a little jealous of Damien.

He remembered when he saw Ina with Damien for the first time, The girl\'s bright smile stole his heart but she was already taken, He wouldn\'t lie and say that he doesn\'t like her but this a secret that he will keep to himself because she wasn\'t his to think about.


Four days later.

After Ina condition had stabilized, She was removed to a room, She was still in a medical coma but the doctor\'s side that they need to start to prepare her body when she wakes up.

Damien finished combing In hair and placed the brush on the table before he picked up the bottle of her favourite perfume and put some of it on her, He wanted to do everything that she likes to do for her.

"You look beautiful as always." Damien whispered as he looked at her.

Just then, The doctor entered the room with the nurse for the morning check-up and Damien stepped outside the room to receive a call from his mother.

"Damien, Did you see the news?" His mother asked.

"No, Why? What happened?" He asked as he looked at the nurses who were looking at him and whispering something.

Damien heard his mother sigh before she replied.

"I think you need to watch the news on your own." His mother said before she hung up the phone.

Damien glanced at the nurses before he went back to the room, Once the doctor left after the examination and assured him that she is doing better, He searched for the news and wasn\'t surprised to read what is written.

A big headline that says.

Damien Ray the heir of the Ray company welcomed three babies from an unannounced relationship!

The CEO of the Ray company welcomes triples from a hidden relationship!

Ina Filo, Is the name of the mother of Damien Ray triples!

Damien smiled as he looked and continued to read the news. He placed his phone on the table, not bothered at all with the news. He was rather happy that the world is now aware of the beautiful angel that owned his heart and gave him three beautiful babies.

"We should get married once you recover, I will make sure that everything is ready by the time you wake up." Damien whispered as he cupped her face and kissed her forehead.


The day that the doctors will end Ina Induced coma had finally arrived, After the examination and making sure that everything is alright, The doctor asked the family to wait.

"It might take hours or an entire day for her to wake up, You have to wait and be patient and be ready to support her, She will be confused when she wakes up." The doctor explained before he left.

Damien and Ina\'s parents sat there beside her bed waiting, Damien was relieved when they finally removed all these machines that were connected to her body and she was finally breathing on her own.

He held her hand tightly in his, letting her know that he was beside her and also hoping that feeling the presence of her parents and him will help her to walk up.

Hours passed and nothing happened, Everyone was trying to be patient but it was easier said than done, The doctor came by again and assured them that everything is normal and there is nothing to worry about.

And finally, after ten hours of waiting, Damien felt a light tug from her hand.

"Ina." He called but there was no response.

Ina who heard a faint voice struggled to open her eyes, Her lamps were heavy and there was a slight pain in her lower abdomen as if it was a wound, She tried to open her eyes but she couldn\'t.

The voices around her started to be more clear and she finally was able to open her eyes but her vision was too blurry to see clearly.

She recognised her mother\'s voice and she was crying, Ina wanted to say something but she felt too much confusion and she suddenly felt scared.

"Welcome back." She heard Damien\'s voice in her ear, His voice was soft and gentle and it made her gradually calm down.

Her vision now became more focused and clear, She saw Damien smile at her as pressed something above her head before he turned his attention to her.

"Thank god that you woke up." She heard her mother say.

She looked at her father and who had tears in his eyes as he looked at her, Ina turned to look at Damien and then she looked down at her belly that was smaller than the last time she remembered it.

What happened to her babies? She wondered as she looked at Damien.

As if he understood her Damien spoke assuring her.

"The babies are doing alright, You give birth to three healthy boys."


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