Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 187 - Her Salvation

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Back at the cottage.

Ina struggled to free herself, She tried and tried but nothing happened, The knot was tight and it would be impossible to unite it by herself.

She was worried that something might happen to the babies when he pulled her roughly towards the chair. She hadn\'t felt their movement since this morning and they usually start to become active during this time.

It\'s been two hours since he had tied her up and it\'s starting to become painfully uncomfortable. She tried to move a little to ease the pain that she was feeling in her back but it was useless.

She closed her eyes and tried to not think about the pain but it was easier said than done.


Michael looked around him not finding anything, He was surrounded by trees and fog, He ordered his man to search the area and then he walked in the opposite direction searching.

"He must be here somewhere." Michael thought to himself as he continued walking.


Inside the cottage.

Oliver opened the door and entered the room, He walked towards the table placing a laptop on it before he grabbed the chair and sat In front of her.

Ina didn\'t look at him but she could feel his eyes on her.

"It\'s been three hours, Do you think that you became less obedient? Or do you still need more time?" Oliver asked as he crossed his legs, Looking at her.

"Why are you doing this? Is how you treat someone you love?" Ina asked him back only to hear him chuckle.

Oliver stood up putting his hands in his pocket, Walking towards the window.

"You see my dear, they have many forms and by making you more obedient and less of a trouble marker is my form of love, I don\'t believe that women should have their own opinion." Oliver said as he walked back towards her, Standing in front of her.

"Women are filthy beings, Ina, And I don\'t want you to be one of them, In time you will understand that I\'m better than him." He added cupping the side of her face brushing her cheek gently unlike his words.

A tear slipped from Ina\'s eye as she stared at him, She was scared and hopeless against him.

"No matter what you do, My heart will never be yours." She said, Her voice coming out shakily.

Oliver laughed and grabbed her chin roughly between his fingers.

"I don\'t need your heart, My dear, I only need your body." He spoke as his hand went lower and lower to her collar bone.

Ina closed her eyes tightly feeling disgusted by his touch.

"I know that you don\'t remember everything that happened that day, That\'s why I brought something that will refresh your memory." Oliver said as he lowered himself kissing her cheek before he walked towards the table opening the laptop and turning it on.

Ina looked at him confused not understanding what he means

"This will help to remember." Oliver said as he moved away from the table letting her watch what was playing on the laptop screen.

Ina\'s eyes widened when she saw herself in the video, She was laying on a bed only her underwear muttered some words but she couldn\'t understand what she was saying, He had a video recording of that day, How more can this man be twisted?.

"Help me, I... I can\'t stand it." The girl in the video said as she moved uncomfortably.

"I was waiting for you to ask." She heard him say before he bent down capturing her lips.

Ina watched as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer, She had kissed him back.

She looked away from the screen, Feeling ashamed of herself, What has she done? How can I respond to a filthy man like him?.

"The video hasn\'t finished yet, You need to watch it, The fun part is yet to come." Oliver said standing behind her and forced her to watch it.

Tears rolled down from her eyes as she watched how his hand touched her baby and she shamelessly responded by making a shameless sound.

"Turn it off, Please." She begged him, closing her eyes, not wanting to watch this any longer.

"What? Do you feel ashamed? I told you that all women are filthy." Oliver said as patted her head.

"You forced me into this, I didn\'t do it with my well." Ina snapped, not able to hold back herself even when she knew that he could hurt her.

"I only give you an aphrodisiac, You did the rest." Oliver whispered in her ear making her shiver in disgust.

She wanted him to stop, She wanted all of this to stop but she has no poor way to stop it.

"Do you know that you orgasmed for the first time with these fingers? Look how you asked me to do you." Oliver said bringing his hand in front of her eyes

"Do you want me to repeat the video?" Oliver asked, running his fingers through her hair.

"Please, stop, I can\'t hear this, I\'m begging you." Ina bagged him sobbing loudly.

She can\'t handle more of this torture, Ina felt like she is going to lose her mind, She couldn\'t believe that she did these things.

Ina lost hope, No one will find her and she will be forced to live with this monster, She closed her eyes letting more tears slid down from her eyes.

Suddenly the unexpected happened, Oliver turned to look behind him when he heard the sound of a trigger being pulled.

"Step away from her." Damien spoke pointing the gun at him.

"Damien." Ina called him, Not believing that her salvation was here, She couldn\'t see his face but she was sure that it was him.

She suddenly started to feel pressure between her legs and pain in her chest and lower back but she tried to ignore it

"You came to save her, But it\'s too late." Oliver said as he took a step away from her.

Damien didn\'t have the time to deal with his crazy uncle, He pulled the trigger and shot him in the head silencing him for good.

Hearing the gunshot flinched and closed her eyes and heard a loud thud, It was Oliver\'s lifeless body that hit the ground.

She was scared to open her eyes but she suddenly felt a warm hand touching the side of her face.

"Ina, Open your eyes" She heard Damien\'s voice and couldn\'t believe that he was finally here.

She opened her eyes to look at him but she quickly lowered her eyes.

"Let me remove this." Damien said as he walked behind the chair to untie the robe.

"Are you alright? Did he do anything to you?" Damien asked as he removed the robe, throwing it to the side.

He cupped her face and kissed her forehead before he pulled her into his arms, He couldn\'t believe that he finally found her.

Damien noticed that she was quiet and her silence terrified him.

"Ina, Honey, Say something, Are you in pain?" He asked, cupping her face looking at it.

Ina subbed as she hid her face in his chest, She was feeling dirty and disgusted by herself.

"I\'m sorry, I ... It wasn\'t with my well, He.... he made me do it." Ina said between her sobs confusing Damien.

"Let\'s talk about this later, Right now, We need to go to the hospital." Damien said as he helped her to stand up but she couldn\'t.

Ina breathing started to get laboured as if she was struggling.

"I .... Can\'t.. bear..the." she barely managed to say.

Damien knew that something was wrong and he called the guards to help him carry her outside the cottage.

"Try to breathe, In and out, Don\'t think about anything, Everything will be alright." Damien tried to comfort her as they sat inside the car with Michael help but she wasn\'t responding and it worried him.

"Ina, Please, Say anything." Damien shocked her body but she wasn\'t responding.

Ina could barely keep her eyes open, She felt numbness in her left side and she wasn\'t able to speak.

"She is having a brain stroke." Michael said as he looked at Damien.

He was able to know it because he read her medical file.

"Drive faster." Michael told the driver.

"Lay her on her side with her head raised." Michael said as he picked up the blanket and covered her with it.

He hoped that they would reach the hospital before anything happened.



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