Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 22: Sword Skills

It was still the prairie outside Novice Village.

Still the same giant toad that frightens, scares, excites (?).

There are 5 in total.

"5, just right."

The crusade mission Zhou Fangwu accepted also required the crusade against 5 giant toads.

"Then, Sato-kun, watch it!"

Zhou Fangwu said to Sato Kazuma: "This is the sword skill I learned secretly!"


Sato Kazuma swallowed and waited.

"Thunder\'s breath·One type·Thunderbolt flash·Five consecutive!"

Zhou Fangwu breathed heavily with his chest pumping rapidly, and dazzling lightning flashed from his whole body. His posture full of lightning made people daunted.

Regardless of the power of the skills, this appearance is the top.

In the next second, he disappeared in front of everyone like a bolt of lightning!

Just one blink, just one breath!

In just a moment, Zhou Fangwu showed his figure again.

bass! bass! bass! bass! bass!

5 consecutive light rings regardless of front and back!


Five giant toads had their necks cut off almost at the same time, and they were lying on the grassland with their heads in different places!

The huge body fell to the ground, shaking up a lot of smoke.

"Good! Strong! Ah!!"

Sato Kazuma was shocked, "This is too strong! It\'s okay to fight the devil now!"

"Although the good-for-nothing Kazuma often opposes me, but this time he agrees with me!" Akua also ran over cheerfully, jumping up and down with Zhou Fangwu in her arms, laughing and throwing herself up and down with joy.

She has already imagined that she has defeated the devil and returned to the heaven smoothly.

To be honest, Zhou Fangwu\'s performance was too amazing.

So much so that Sato Kazuma had the illusion that they could easily defeat the Demon King now.

"Indeed... so strong." Darkness held her long sword, and her chest ached unbearably when she thought that she was a crusader, and her skill hit rate was zero.

"I\'m so envious! I want it too!" She made a dissatisfied voice.

On the other hand, Hui Hui\'s lack of interest.

She is a great magister who decides the outcome with magic. Moreover, she is only loyal to explosion magic, and she doesn\'t recognize other fancy skills.

So Zhou Fangwu\'s performance did not arouse her interest at all.

"How about it, Sato-kun. This sword skill is not bad, can it still catch your eyes?"

Zhou Fangwu put away his knife and walked up to Sato Kazuma to tease him.

Sato Kazuma shouted excitedly, "It\'s not just good, it\'s simply too strong!"

After finishing speaking, he took out his adventurer card and prepared to learn the sword skills that Zhou Fangwu showed him.

However, the cold skill points displayed on the adventurer\'s card quenched his fiery heart.

10 O\'Clock.

To learn [Thunder\'s Breath·One Shape·Thunderbolt Flash] skills, you need 10 points!

And not just this skill.

There is also the pre-skill [Thunder\'s Breathing Method] which requires 25 points!

Adding these two skills together requires 35 skill points...? !

"35 o\'clock..."

Sato Kazuma said in a low voice: "It\'s going to be 35 points...?!!"

"What 35 points?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Isn\'t he very happy to be able to learn such a powerful skill right away? Why did his face change instantly?

"Learning the skills of Senior Zhou Fang requires 35 points..."

With a sad face, Sato Kazuma turned the adventurer card over to let them see clearly.

"...35 o\'clock?!"

Hui Hui exclaimed, "My Explosion Magic is the most powerful magic, and the required skill points are only 35 points. This seemingly ordinary sword skill actually requires 35 skill points?! "

"It\'s too exaggerated..."


It was only then that everyone realized how perverted Zhou Fangwu\'s [Analysis and Imitation] skills were.

It is not surprising that Zhou Fangwu needs a lot of skill points for sword skills.

The breathing method in "Demon Slayer: Blade" is very strong, and the upper limit is extremely high, not to mention the powerful thunder breathing method in the breathing method.

It deserves the high cost.

Not touting, it\'s a fact.

If you force the numerical comparison, if the limit of the breath of the sun is to cut 1500 knives in an instant, then the limit of the breath of thunder is to cut 500 knives in an instant, isn\'t it too much?

You may think that \'the strongest is Ji Guoyuan Yi who uses the breath of the sun. With the blessing of the natural transparent world, he can cut 1500 knives in an instant. The others are rubbish, it is impossible to do it! \'

Admit it makes sense.

In terms of taking a million steps back, even with the blessing of [Thunder Breathing Method], it can only cut 10 knives in an instant, it is also worthy of the cost of this skill point!

"Ahhh, why can\'t I learn such a powerful skill!!"

Sato Kazuma cried, full of disbelief.

It\'s hard for him.

As the lowest level adventurer, although he can learn the skills of any profession, he only has 1 skill point for every level up!

Therefore, if you want to learn [Thunder\'s Breath·One Shape·Thunderbolt Flash] completely, you need him to reach level 35!

Oh no, it\'s level 40!

His skill points before level 5 have been used up.


Zhou Fangwu really wanted to tell him that there are at least 6 follow-up sword types for Breath of Thunder.

I also want to tell him that there is not only the breathing method of thunder, but also the five basic breathing methods of fire, water, wind and rock.

But he still didn\'t say it out, for fear of hitting Sato Kazuma.

Think about it, the breath of thunder needs 35 skill points, so other breathing methods will not be so cheap.

"Oh...it\'s a pity."

It\'s a pity that Zhou Fangwu also replaced Sato and Kazuya. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Huge treasures are right in front of you but you can\'t use them. Anyone who puts them will feel heartbroken.

For adventurers like Sato Kazuma, this breathing method is like a tasteless existence.

Tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard.

Learning requires paying a huge price, but not learning but reluctant.

But Sato Kazuma proved one thing for Zhou Fangwu.

—That is【The skills of the different world can indeed be learned by people in the Suqing world! 】

"Don\'t be sad, Sato-kun."

Zhou Fangwu patted him on the shoulder, winked at him, and said meaningfully: "In the future, there will be other skills that suit you."

Only then did Sato Kazuma realize that Zhou Fangwu could travel to different worlds and secretly learn skills from other worlds.

If it doesn\'t work this time, then next time, there will always be a skill that suits him!

"Oh! Then I\'ll leave it to you, Zhou Fang-senpai!" Sato Kazuma felt that Zhou Fangwu was reliable again!

"Hahaha, please look forward to it!"

Zhou Fangwu laughed, agreeing to him.

Then everyone returned to the union to collect the bounty for hunting the giant toad.

Although Huihui and Darkness refused to accept it, Zhou Fangwu still divided the five people equally, saying: "I can\'t let you go for nothing, just take it, it\'s not too much."

The two women accepted it gratefully.

Huihui was already too poor to afford food, and this money was a lifeline; although Darkness was rich, she lived in a hotel, and the cost was not low.

Zhou Fangwu pinched his chin.

\'It seems that the matter of the house has to be advanced. \'

Then he said: "Let\'s disband first, and we will gather again tomorrow morning."

"Oh!" X4

PS: Happy Chinese New Year!