Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 23: Return to the Blade of Demon Slayer

After parting from Megumin and Darkness, the three returned to the stable to discuss.

"Senior Zhou Fang, I\'m curious about one thing."

"What\'s the matter, tell me."

"Senior Zhou Fang secretly learned such a powerful skill in just one night, why didn\'t he stay longer?"

Sato Kazuma was very puzzled, and didn\'t understand why Zhou Fangwu came back in one night.

This is also human nature.

Just imagine, if you can easily learn such a powerful sword skill in another world, how could you not stay longer to seek more and stronger sword skills?

"Actually, being able to steal such a powerful skill is purely a coincidence." Zhou Fangwu laughed, "I will come back so soon because I have something I care about."

"What do you care about?"

"Well, it\'s a matter of time flow."

Zhou Fangwu put away his smiling face and said seriously: "Time is terrible. The speed of time represents the speed of the world\'s flow! I am afraid that I will stay there for too long, so that I will finish fighting the devil here." !"

Zhou Fangwu didn\'t know whether the world and the world had the same flow rate, so to be on the safe side, he returned immediately after staying overnight.

But this time, Zhou Fangwu understood that the time flow rate of the two worlds is 1:1 the same.

"That\'s right. It is necessary to confirm the flow of time between worlds. However, Zhou Fang-senpai joked that we, a few problem children, will not be able to defeat the Demon King in 100 years."

Sato Kazuma understood what Zhou Fangwu meant, but also refuted what he said.

"Hahaha, Sato-kun, don\'t underestimate yourself!"

Pat Sato Kazuma on the shoulder, "Even without me, you can defeat the Demon King, I believe you can do it!"

"Senior Zhou Fang!!" Sato Kazuma was so moved that his tears flowed down.

However, at this touching moment, a voice of disdain came from the side.


The one who made the sound was Aqua, who was full of displeasure.

She never forgot who was the one who brought her to the lower realm and made her live this kind of life without enough food and clothing and hard work.

When she found out that Zhou Fangwu was optimistic about Sato Kazuma, she felt extremely upset, and her mood was not beautiful.

What\'s wrong with this ghost and the truth?

"Hey, you useless goddess, are you looking down on me?" Sato Kazuma looked at Aqua with an unkind expression.

At this time, he was full of machismo, and found that someone despised him, of course he was dissatisfied.

"It\'s just a mere Kazuma, he gets overjoyed after being praised for a few words." Akuya mocked in a low voice.

Sato Kazuma immediately counterattacked, "You are talking about yourself, if you are called \'Goddess-sama\' by Senior Zhou Fang, you will be so happy that you can\'t find Bei!"

"What are you talking about?! I was originally a goddess, okay?"

"I don\'t have any image of a goddess, how dare I call myself a goddess?"

"Who is to blame, it\'s all your fault!"

Sato Kazuma and Aqua started fighting again.


There was so much energy in them that the rest of the stable couldn\'t stop all day.

However, it is precisely because of the unpredictable chemical reaction between the two that the devil can be defeated by endless tricks.

"Stop, stop!"

Zhou Fangwu stepped forward like an old woman to try to persuade them to fight, and pulled the two apart.

"Akuya, although Sato-kun has flaws such as waste material, ghost animal, lust, shamelessness, and obscenity, he does have the qualifications to become a first-class adventurer. It must be only a matter of time before he defeats the devil."

What Zhou Fangwu said is correct, Sato Kazuma did defeat the Demon King in the end, and it was still a one-on-one situation!

—Although with the help of Aqua\'s weak magic.

But it is undeniable that defeating the strongest Demon King with the most **** [adventurer] profession is indeed very powerful.

When Sato Kazuma heard Zhou Fangwu\'s words, he didn\'t know whether to be happy or angry, "Senior Zhou Fang, the way you praise people is really special, hehehehe..."

For the time being, he took these words as a compliment and accepted them.

Akua snorted coldly, and turned her head away from Sato Kazuma.

Appears to be exasperated.

Zhou Fangwu said to the two of them again: "Back to the previous topic, I plan to go to another world again, and this time it will take a long time."

"Are you still going?" Akuya asked.

"Well, I\'m going." Zhou Fangwu nodded, "The sword skills in that world are very suitable for me, so I have to seize the opportunity!"

Sato Kazuma also cheered up, "Senior Zhou Fang, you must learn practical and cheap skills, come back and teach me!"

"no problem!"

Zhou Fangwu laughed and agreed to his request.

"Then, the team will continue with my previous arrangement and complete the task of [Purification of the Cemetery], and then you can accept the task at will."

"Okay, it\'s almost time, I\'m leaving!" Zhou Fangwu communicated with the anchor.

"Bon voyage!" X2

The three said goodbye to each other.

Zhou Fangwu closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the scenery in front of him had changed.

He came to the world of "Demon Slayer: Blade" again.

It is still Natian Spider Mountain, and it is still the central battlefield.

Zhou Fangwu stood in the shadow, watching the sunlight penetrate the variegated leaves and hit the ground directly.

"Well, the sun is so nice~"

It was noon at this time, and it took only half a day to return to the stable after the sword skill experiment, and it was still early.


A low, inaudible sound of drawing a knife came from behind, with a sharp breeze piercing Zhou Fangwu\'s neck, and the killing intent was fully revealed at this moment.

\'high speed. \'

Zhou Fangwu sighed again after sensing it, then rolled forward and dodged.

He knew who the sneak attack was, this was the second time.

"Sneak attack? Shinobu, you don\'t talk about martial arts!"

"Ah, Mr. Zhou Fang actually dodged it." Butterfly put away the knife in his hand when he saw that the knife was missed, and looked at him with a smile.

"Shin, I remember I\'ve said it many times: I\'m not a ghost!"

"I know. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Butterfly nodded and said meaningfully: "Yesterday, near dawn, Mr. Zhou Fang suddenly disappeared. I thought Mr. Zhou Fang had lied to me."

In her understanding, the evil spirits will disappear after seeing the sun without exception.

And Zhou Fangwu disappeared just before the sun was about to rise. In Die Die Ren\'s thinking, isn\'t this the evidence that he was afraid of being killed by the sun, so he ran away with a guilty conscience?

‘It’s confirmed, Zhou Fangwu is an evil spirit, and he even deceived me! ’ she thought in her heart.

But this conjecture dissipated a second ago.

Because Zhou Fangwu was standing under the sun after rolling to avoid the sneak attack, bathing in the warm sunshine.

"Now do you believe it?"

Zhou Fangwu stared at Shi Yuyan, he knew Die Die Ren still didn\'t believe him, so he tried to test it.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou Fang is not an evil spirit, I already know it."

Butterfly said with a smile.

"So, is Shinobu here to wait for me?" Zhou Fangwu didn\'t believe that she was passing by. It must be that Tianzhishan didn\'t leave after the World War I and was waiting for him.

Die Die reluctantly nodded, "Zhou Fang-kun, the head of the Demon Slayer Team, Mr. Ubuyashiki, please."

"Yuzai Maternity House?"

Zhou Fangwu touched his chin with interest, "Why don\'t you go?"

"Yes. But won\'t you go?"


"Then what else?"

Die Die endured her veins, and although she was smiling, she was very angry at this moment.

Zhou Fangwu overwhelmed her, and Die Die couldn\'t help but feel troubled.

‘You’re so angry, but keep smiling. \'

ps: Everyone, happy Chinese New Year and good luck in the Year of the Ox... Can you vote for us appropriately, thank you!