Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 21: experimental skills

Sato Kazuma is an ordinary otaku.

Although he is perverted, ghostly, and lustful, he does not deny that he is a good boy.

Today is their leader\'s first day away from the squad.

Sato Kazuma decided to take the lead of the team and make the team better than before, so that the team leader after returning would not be too disappointed with this group of waste materials.

Otherwise, they will lose their leader!

Facing the morning sun, Sato Kazuma stretched his stiff arms from a night\'s sleep.

This stable is rather cold, and the bedding is relatively damp.

This is quite unfriendly to young adventurers.

He decided to follow Senior Zhou Fang\'s request, first complete the task of [Expelling Ghosts from the Graveyard], and then find a task with a higher reward, so that he can move out of the stable.

For this reason, he decided to wake up the main force of this mission, the useless goddess Aqua.

Don\'t look at Akuya as a waste, but she is indeed a goddess.

— Aqua, the goddess of banquets.

Feel sorry.

Forgive him for not being able to admit that this useless goddess with full banquet skills is the goddess of water that the Axis Cult believes in.

"Hey, Akuya, get up quickly, we are going to complete the task, how long do you want to sleep..."

When he shifted his gaze to the pig-like goddess sleeping beside him, he found a person who should not have appeared in front of his eyes.

Their leader, Zhou Fangwu.

Hugging with Akua, Akua even huddled in Zhou Fangwu\'s arms to keep warm, and hugged Zhou Fangwu tightly, the two were very close.

"Huh? Senior Zhou Fang...?"

The big job was handed over to him last night, and it appeared in front of his eyes this morning. Sato Kazuma had to wonder if Zhou Fangwu was playing him.

until an hour later...

"Ahahaha! I\'m not worried about you, so I only stayed for one night, and then hurried back!" Zhou Fangwu scratched his cheek and laughed embarrassedly.

"Hey~~ Is that so? Senior Zhou Fang, are you lying to me?"

Sato Kazuma looked disbelieving, he suspected that Senior Zhou Fang and Aqua had conspired to trick him, and wanted to see his jokes.

Of course, all of this must be led by Akuya!

As long as he took it seriously, then Akuya would definitely laugh out loud, and then mock him for his naivety.

Akua this guy...

Sure enough, he is a small-bodied guy, not at all as magnanimous as a goddess, and looks exactly like a primary school student!

Just when he wanted to condemn Akuya for going too far, Zhou Fangwu said:

"It\'s really rude! I have learned the sword skills of another world, and I want to teach you, Sato-kun. Your words really make me sad."

"Really, Wu!"

Before Sato Kazuma got excited, Akua was overjoyed, "I learned the skills of another world in just one night, and I deserve to be a brave man I recognize! The title of [Skill Thief] is entrusted to you!"

"Is it really?"

It was okay for Akuya not to speak, but Sato Kazuma became even more disbelieving when she spoke.

Act, act hard!

I believe you, I\'m a big fool!

"It\'s true, I didn\'t lie to you!" Zhou Fangwu nodded, "I did learn the sword skill secretly in one night, and it\'s quite a powerful sword skill."

"Just one night?"

"Just one night."

Zhou Fangwu\'s confident appearance is extremely credible, and Sato Kazuma finally believed what he said.

Zhou Fangwu got up from the straw mat, and said to the two of them: "Then, without further ado, let\'s try the sword skills in another world!"

"Oh!" X2

Akua and Sato Kazuma cheered, and Sato Kazuma was the happiest among them, because he will soon be able to learn the sword skills he has been thinking about!

are you happy?


However, he was too happy...

After the three cleaned up in the stable, they came to the Adventurer\'s Guild and waited for Hui Hui and Darkness to arrive.

"Since it\'s a test of sword skills, of course you can\'t lack monsters as a partner. Take this opportunity to accept a crusade mission and try your skills."

Zhou Fangwu, Akuya and Sato Kazuma stood in front of the task bar to select tasks.

Kazuma Sato thought for a while, and asked, "Is it appropriate for Megumi and Darkness to be present when we test the sword skills? After all, this skill is not in the skill column of the sword master, and it may be exposed."

"Yes, it will be exposed easily." Akua also said worriedly.

"It\'s ok."

Zhou Fangwu accepted the task of hunting down the giant toad, and said to the two of them: "We are companions, and in the future we will be a special attack team to hunt down the devil. You can\'t hide, and sooner or later you will be exposed."

At the end, he said: "Also, just find an excuse to prevaricate. Do you think the two of them have the IQ to think deeply?"

"Well...that\'s right."

Kazuma Sato nodded, "With the brains of Megumin and Darkness, I guess they wouldn\'t even think about it."

At this moment, Megumin and Darkness appeared together in the Adventurer\'s Guild.

"What happened to us?"

"That\'s right, what\'s wrong with us?"

The two expressed dissatisfaction with Kazuma Sato.

But Sato Kazuma, who implements gender equality, is merciless at all, and unceremoniously complained and insulted the two, "A Crimson Demon girl with a problematic head, a crusader who is useless both internally and externally." , What do you think happened to you?

Useless waste materials, thanks to you, you are still a superior profession! "

"There\'s something wrong with my head..."

"Hmm...not useful...ah...ha~...ha~"

Megumi and Darkness were destroyed.

The performance of the two made Sato Kazuma even more disgusted, and he hid aside in disgust, staying away from the two of them.

"Okay, let\'s go." Zhou Fangwu clapped his hands to attract everyone\'s attention.

Huihui and Darkness had just arrived and didn\'t understand the situation, so they asked aloud, "Come on, where are you going?"

"To complete the crusade mission."

After handing over the subjugation order in their hands, the expressions of the two of them changed drastically.

Megumin was fearful, Darkness was excited.

Both of them thought of slime, but their faces were completely different.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s not your turn to play this time. It\'s me who wants to experiment with sword skills." Zhou Fangwu smiled, and patted Huihui\'s shoulder to soothe her wounded heart.

"Experimental sword skills?"

"Well, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not a skill of a master swordsman, but a skill learned secretly."

Zhou Fangwu is ready to reveal that he has the ability to imitate skills.

This ability had been exposed to Huihui long ago, because she secretly learned her explosion magic and used it in front of her.

Even Huihui\'s own chant was copied by Zhou Fangwu.

But Megumin abided by the rules of adventurers and didn\'t ask in detail.

But this time, it was Zhou Fangwu who took the initiative to reveal his secret.

"All in all, [Analysis and Imitation] can analyze all skills and imitate them. It is my biggest hole card, and it is also my confidence to defeat the devil."

Zhou Fangwu introduced the skills to the two in detail, but did not reveal that this ability was bestowed on him by Akuya.

"Don\'t expose yourself as a person from another world" has long been an unspoken rule of all people in another world. Of course, he will not take the initiative to mention breaking the agreement.

The main reason is that once Megumi and Darkness know that Zhou Fangwu is from another world, it will have a huge impact on them.

So, it\'s better not to tell them.

"So strong! What is this?"

"This ability is too exaggerated!"

Sure enough, Megumi and Darkness were both surprised and speechless when they found out.

"Right! Now, we are going to test the sword skills I secretly learned." Zhou Fangwu stretched out his hands, "How about it, do you want to go and see it together?"

Megumin and Darkness grabbed his hand and said in unison:



PS: Ladies and gentlemen, please give me more support for collecting and recommending tickets! ! !

I want more people to see this Suqing fan! ! !