Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 20: Central Battlefield and Departure

The elder sister of the spider family, she stood in front of Zhou Fangwu and Butterfly Shinobi, trying to prevent them from moving forward.

I admire her courage and dare to stand in front of Zhu.

Then she died.

Played by Butterfly Ninja, he injected wisteria flower poison into Sister Spider\'s body with a super-fast stab, poisoning her to death.

The death is crisp and neat.

Zhou Fangwu clapped his hands and said, "Awesome, this strength is amazing."

"Anyway, he is also the pillar of the Ghost Killing Team, and he is quite powerful." Die Die accepted Zhou Fangwu\'s praise with a smile.

Butterfly Ninja didn\'t use breathing techniques, but used his own agility and speed of attack to forcefully crush the evil spirit.

Butterfly Ninja was guarding against Zhou Fangwu.

Although she didn\'t believe what Zhou Fangwu said, it didn\'t stop her from being on guard against Zhou Fangwu.

Butterfly forbearance broke the cocoon on the side, and a naked man emerged from it.

——The luckiest player in "Demon Slayer: Blade", Murata.

This guy\'s luck value is definitely full. He was born at the same time as Tomioka Yoshiyuki, and he was able to survive several times of group destruction, and he was still alive and well.

It is even nicknamed by the majority of comic fans: Lu Zhu!

"Moshi Moxi, are you okay, are you okay?" Butterfly Ninja let him out and checked his body at the same time.

Murata rubbed his head, "No, it\'s okay, I\'m fine."

Then he found himself naked: "Wow, why am I naked..."

After speaking, he covered his body and fled shyly.

Zhou Fangwu didn\'t speak at the side, and was not born until Murata disappeared: "Let\'s move on."

He is a little anxious.

Being able to meet the characters in the original work earlier means that he can steal more sword skills!

So, he was in a hurry.

But Butterfly Shinobu looked at the sky instead, "Ah, is it Mr. Tomioka who solved the evil spirit this time?"

Through special means, she noticed that the evil ghost, one of the twelve ghost moons, had been killed by Tomioka.


Zhou Fangwu couldn\'t believe it, he was late?

Unbelieving, he continued to run into the mountains, and Butterfly Ninja followed closely behind.

Not long after, the two came to the central battlefield.

There is a mess here, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

The surrounding woods were also destroyed in sevens and eighties, and there were still cutting marks of silk threads on the trunks.

Many people are covered in colorful clothes.

Zhou Fangwu glanced roughly, there was Tanjiro Kamado in green plaid clothes with scars on his head, Nezuko Kamado with red eyes and black hair biting a bamboo tube in his mouth, and Yoshiyuki Tomioka with dead fish eyes and a dull expressionless face.

The ghost didn\'t see it, maybe its neck was chopped off, and then it turned into ashes and dissipated.

Zhou Fangwu looked at the endgame with a lack of interest.

Of course he was not happy that he didn\'t learn the sword skills secretly.

But Die Ninja became interested: "Hey, is that girl a ghost...?"

The sharp-eyed butterfly couldn\'t bear to see Nezuko Zaomen who had become an evil spirit. She smiled and rushed forward, drew her knife and slashed without mercy.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Zaomen Nezuko quickly ran back to the box and hid.

"Wait! She\'s my sister!" Kamado Tanjiro hugged the box tightly, not letting Butterfly bear to chop it down.

Butterfly Shinobu would not harm humans, she withdrew her knife in time and did not hurt Kamado Tanjiro.

She persuaded gently: "Is she your sister? It\'s so pitiful. She has become a ghost. Let me relieve her. "

Without any sympathy at all, Butterfly Ninja is determined to kill Zaomen Nezuko.

Kamado Tanjiro is not an idiot either, he knows that he must take his sister away, otherwise his sister will definitely be killed!

Suddenly, Kamado Tanjirou\'s already exhausted body exploded with astonishing strength, and he jumped out in an instant, distanced himself from the crowd.

"I won\'t let you hurt my sister!"

Butterfly couldn\'t bear the sudden escape of Kamado Tanjiro, and she decided to take Kamado Tanjiro with her.

"Wait." Zhou Fangwu grabbed her who was about to take off.

"Ah, Mr. Zhou Fang, you are not a member of the Ghost Slayer Squad. If you interfere with the Ghost Slayer Squad, you will be chopped off." Butterfly said with a smile.

Wow, the harshest words in the softest tone.

It\'s scary...it\'s strange!

"But I\'m a civilian, aren\'t I? The first principle of the Ghost Killing Squad is to protect civilians." Zhou Fangwu didn\'t let go, but held her in his arms, making her unable to move.

"But that\'s as long as it doesn\'t hinder the Ghost Killing Squad\'s work."

Butterfly endured his veins, and the knife shot out from under his feet, unceremoniously heading straight for Zhou Fangwu\'s face.


Zhou Fangwu dodged dangerously, "Hey, it\'s too ruthless."

"If you know how powerful you are, then let me go. I\'m carrying out the mission of the Demon Slayer Squad. So, let me go."

"Don\'t let go."


"Don\'t let go."

"Zhou Fang-jun, please don\'t forget that I\'m not the only member of the Ghost Killing Squad here." Butterfly forbearance signaled Tomioka Yiyong to catch up and give the Zaomen brothers and sisters a good time.

But obviously, she miscalculated.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki was unmoved.

Obviously, Yoshiyuki Tomioka is not on her side, but on the Zaomen brothers and sisters!

Although Die Die Ren was angry, she still kept smiling and said, "It\'s okay, there are still people."

After speaking, a figure chased after him from the side.

It\'s Chestnut Blossoms!

She is the stepson of Butterfly Ninja, with outstanding talent and strength, she is not too shy compared to Zhu, and she is many times stronger than Kamado Tanjiro.


Before Zhou Fangwu instructed, Tomioka Giyuu had already chased after him, going to stop Lihua from falling to Kanaihu.

"It\'s a pity, Shinobu, your idea has come to nothing." Zhou Fangwu laughed.

Butterfly couldn\'t help but crooked her nose, "Ahaha~ what should I do."

My chest hurts badly.

What to do, this year\'s teammates are unreliable.

When the few people were in a stalemate, the summoning crow of the Demon Slayer Squad flew over from afar, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Catch Kamado Tanjiro, Kamado Nezuko! Capture Kamado Tanjiro, Kamado Nezuko! beans!"

Afterwards, the images of the Zaomen brothers and sisters were spread to ensure that all members of the Ghost Killing Squad knew what they looked like, so it was easier to catch them.

"I said, Mr. Zhou Fang, should you let me go?"

Butterfly huddled in Zhou Fangwu\'s arms, UU reading www.uukanshu. com The two seem to be close, but they have been fighting secretly. Die Die tried to break free but couldn\'t because of too little strength. Fortunately, the owner\'s message arrived.

"Even Mr. Tomioka must obey the order of the Patriarch. If you continue to hinder me, you will really have a bad relationship with the Demon Slayer Squad."

Zhou Fangwu patted her on the head, "You are right, let me let you go, but you can\'t shoot me, otherwise we will be rude to you."

After that, let her go.

Zhou Fangwu\'s purpose is to sell Zaomen Tanjiro a favor, so that it will be convenient for him to secretly learn how to breathe in the future.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to coerce Butterfly to endure.

Butterfly tidied up the messy clothes, although she was smiling but expressing her dissatisfaction, "I suspect Zhou Fang-jun is taking advantage of me, Zhou Fang-jun is a pervert~"

"Hey, this is a misunderstanding!"

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly defended, "Although Shinobu is my type, I\'m not the kind of hooligan who likes to use hands and feet!"

"Hehehe, is that so~" Butterfly smiled, "Since this is the case, let\'s follow up quickly and go see Mr. Tomioka and Kanao."

"Well, that\'s right." Zhou Fangwu nodded.

Butterfly turned around and chased after it, very fast.

Although she is not afraid that Tomioka Yoshiyuki will not listen to the Patriarch\'s words, but what if...

Kamado Tanjiro was injured, he didn\'t run very fast and didn\'t run very far, and he chased after him after a while.

But as soon as she stopped, she felt that no one was following her.

As expected, there was no Zhou Fangwu behind him.

"What a strange person..." Butterfly Ren whispered softly.

At this time, the sun rose, and the first ray of morning light shone on her face.

PS: Everyone, happy new year, eat more!