My Sassy "Crown Princess"

Chapter 97 it's important to believe what you say

From time to time, there are participants in the finals in the transmission array of the college.

Next to the transmission array, circle after circle of students watching, the transmission array is lit up again.

"Some come out, and others come out." Some students gloat.

"Who will be the ninth to be eliminated! Come out now, it should be a good luck to enter the final three star division

Wu Shangyong's face was slightly warm when he heard the voice of the students.

"Wu is out! &Wu Shangyong stood on the transmission array awkwardly. The game was transmitted the next day. It was really humiliating. He knew that he should turn around and leave after taking Zheng's identity card.

"It's Wu! I didn't expect you came out so early. "The female tutor in charge of the competition came over and looked at Wu Shangyong in surprise and began to count Wu Shangyong's spoils.

"Eh, Zheng's identity card? You beat Zheng? " The female tutor suddenly stopped to count the spoils, and looked at Wu Shangyong with a surprised face.

Wu Shangyong's face was so hot that he said with embarrassment, "no, in fact, I was forced out by Zheng GEI."

"Well, you were forced out by Zheng. How did you get his identity card?" The female teacher looked at Wu Shangyong strangely, and the students around him were also curious.

Wu Shangyong said awkwardly, "when I met him on the road, he asked me to make way. I said, give me the identity card and I will make way. Then, he gave me the identity card."

Everyone:... "

The female teacher looked at Wu Shangyong and said, "since that's the case, how can you call Zheng? &Wu Shangyong's face is red, his neck is red, his head is lowered and his face is full of shame.

"You didn't make way, so someone called you." The female teacher guessed.

Wu Shangyong bowed his head and wished to dig a hole, so he buried himself.

Looking at Wu Shangyong's face, the female teacher shakes her head helplessly and says: "martial classmate! We should be trustworthy. "

Wu Shangyong smiled awkwardly and said, "the teacher is right."

Zheng is a little grumpy walking in the jungle. The clue has long been broken. He doesn't know how to continue to find people.

Suddenly, Zheng saw a man, the position of the left shoulder of the man's clothes, there was a pool of blood, Zheng immediately ecstatic, hurried to the past.

"Little seven." Zheng gave a cry of excitement.

When I got close to Zheng, I found that the height and body shape of the man were not right at all, and the level was not enough. The strength of Xiaoqi was at level 4, and the current level was at most level 3.

"Young master Zheng." Lin Xu calls respectfully.

"Where did you come from?" Zheng asked in disgust.

"I was knocked out just now. When I woke up, my clothes were changed." Lin Xu dare not lie, frankly.

Zheng's forehead is blue and sinewy. Thinking that Xiaoqi is wearing other people's clothes now, and that this person is wearing clothes that originally belonged to Xiaoqi, Zheng wants to kill people.

Seeing the murderous spirit in Zheng's eyes, Lin Xu was timid.

"Are you a man? You can't even protect a dress." Zheng gnaws his teeth and cuts his teeth. Lin Xu stood stiffly, looking at Zheng's ugly face, and didn't know what to say.

Zheng thought for a moment and said, "take off your clothes and I'll change with you."

Lin Xu looks at Zheng strangely. Zheng also finds that his demands are too much, but he doesn't change his mind.

Although Lin Xu's heart was full of speechless words, he did not resist Zheng and exchanged coats with him.

Don't sit by the lake and bake some fish absently. The fire is burning. Don't help being upset.

"Mo Yi, you are here!" Nangong thousand snow saw Mo Yi, a burst of joy.

Mo Yi picked up his eyebrow and looked at Nangong Qianxue and said with a smile, "Nangong Xuejie, it's you! &Nangong Qianxue walked towards Mo Yi and looked at Mo Yi pleasantly: "one, can you give me a fish to eat? I'm starving. I've baked some fish before. I'm going to vomit! &Amp; quot; don't nod, smile and answer: "dare not obey."

"I just met Zheng." Nangong thousands of snow eat grilled fish way.

Mo Yi's eyes turned for a moment and said calmly, "is that right? &"That guy is so strange. When I catch him, I ask if he has seen a face with a grimace on his left shoulder. I say he didn't see it. He even puts his face on me. That guy is getting more and more strange." Nangong thousand snow some negative gas tunnel.

Mo Yi smiled and said, "he is strange. What should I do for him? &I don't want to talk to him! But that guy is so rude that he doesn't understand any pity. " Nangong thousand snow is full of disrespectful tunnel.

Mo Yijiao showed a little ironic smile, "except for Xu Zihan, he does this to everyone."

"That guy seems to be looking for something. He's in a hurry. By the way, I met Lin Xu just now. Listen to him, Zheng forced him to change clothes with him. Ah, it's abnormal." Nangong Qian Xue shakes her head and says nothing.

Mo Yi lowers his head and looks complicated.

"One by one, your fish is burnt." Nangong snow road.

Don't look at the fish in the fire, eyes suddenly shrink up, "paste it up."

"The third prince is more and more powerful. Yesterday, I met a five level star beast. I almost had to start the transmission talisman. Fortunately, the third prince passed by and killed the star beast in one move." Nangong is full of snow and praises the tunnel.

Mo nodded and said, "the third prince is very powerful."

There are two huge carcasses in a huge nest.

The building covered the deep bone wound on the arm, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of the mouth.

After getting the image of clover from Murphy, the building was surprised to find that clover is very common, which makes the building unbelievable. That's what Murphy called clover.

Nine Leaves patchwork is usually grown in the nest of the star beast Bilin. It's exciting to learn that there happened to be a Bilin in this competition.

When the building went to the lair of Bilin beast, he finally found out that the resources provided by the school were just cheating people. According to the data, there was only one six pole Bilin beast in the lair, and there were two at all.

Under the siege of two Bilin beasts, the building almost capsized in the gutter. Fortunately, there was no danger.

With a strong momentum of fearless death, two Bilin beasts died, but he survived.

The building sits in its lair, working its star power and recovering its wounds.

With the recovery of star power, buildings can't wait to try what they say.

The building frowned as it watched the Nine Leaves patching the sky grass.

Generally, the more advanced the star grass, the more intense the source force. However, the current nine leaf clover, whose source force fluctuates weakly, can't even compete with the first-class star grass.

Building nine leaves sky grass pulled out, according to Mo Fei said, quenched out liquid medicine.

Some buildings are surprised to find that the star power of the nine leaf clover is very weak, but the refined liquid medicine has a strong star power. Buildings have never heard of any kind of star grass with such characteristics.

The building spreads the liquid medicine all over the body, and then runs the star power to absorb the liquid medicine. The building is surprised to find that the dark wound that bothers him is healing rapidly.

When the buildings are happy, they feel more and more unfathomable.

With the healing of dark wounds, the star power of buildings is also rising rapidly.

In the blue sky, there are purple stars.

Nangong Qianxue looked up at the stars in the sky and exclaimed, "the stars appear in the daytime."

Mo Yi's eyes narrowed slowly. The day star is a kind of vision that appears in the promotion. Not all people will have this vision in the promotion. The people who have this vision are all geniuses.

Nangong Qianxue frowned and muttered in shock: "someone has been promoted to level six Star Division."

There is a very small chance that the day star will appear. It will never happen if the star division below level 5 is promoted.

"I don't know who it is either?" Don't be lazy.

Nangong Qianxue sighed, "this man has outstanding talent and has been promoted to level 6. He should be able to sweep all the people in the jungle."

Mo Yi shrugs, "it's OK, but it's OK to play, just hide. Such a person may not be interested in my identity card."

Nangong Qianxue nodded and said, "yes, I think this man may be the third prince."

Mo nodded and said, "maybe."

Nangong Qianxue left after eating the grilled fish. Everyone in the secret place is fighting every second.

Like Mo Yi, there are less people with leisure and leisure, and like Zheng, there are fewer people with all their minds on finding people.

Lou Feng looks at the vision in the sky, biting his lips to death, and there is a strong jealousy in his heart.

"Someone has been promoted to level six." The wind is gnashing its teeth.

"Don't worry, eldest prince. You are at the top of the fifth level now. I think you can make it soon." Lou Feng's hand said.

Loufeng can't be ignored. He knows that he didn't advance to level 5 for a long time. Even if he reached the level 5 summit, there is still a barrier between level 5 and level 6, which is not so easy to cross.

In the nest of the star beast, the buildings moved a little. In the past five levels, although the old generation of experts thought he was talented, they only thought he had potential, but now it's different. He's promoted to level six, not only has potential, but also has strength.

The building rushed to the top of the mountain excitedly, as if to let out all the depression in the heart. It made a deafening roar, which spread further and further with the wind.

The building took a hard breath and roared again and again. It seemed that the grievances that had been held in the heart for a long time had disappeared with the howling.

The long howling sound of Zhongqi resounds through the mountains and forests. All the people in the forest heard the loud howling sound.

The frown that the building wind originally is wrinkling almost tightens together, "it's a building, the person who is promoted is a building."

Feeling the low air pressure around the building, the students who follow the building dare not say anything.

Loufeng clenched his fist severely. How could it be? The building's qualification is good. But because of the dark injury of the sneak attack, the cultivation speed has been slow down for a long time. How could he have been promoted to level 6 so fast.

The building wind frowned, and the memories of the past rushed to my heart. When I was a child, although I was loved by my father and his mother, I could not compare with the building in cultivation. When he was in the second level, the building was already in the third level,